Full Moon in Capricorn (II)- you are the leader of tomorrow

Powerful chart and powerful MOMENT! The Second Full moon in Capricorn this month shines the maximum light on the 21st of July.

Not only this is the second full moon in Capricorn, it is at29 degrees ( the first was at 0 degrees) AND it is the degree that Pluto retrograde will visit again this fall.


There is a big moment of “hard” truth being surfaced and dismantling of OLD structures built on greed, power struggles, manipulation, death with NO regards and care for the good of all, the planet, the future.


In a personal way this goes back to a lot of letting go of control ( aspect with Neptune in Pisces at 29 too), ending a big cycle, learning to TRUST in a bigger PLAN, in a Bigger Vision and in GOD/ Goddess.

We cannot continue to develop and build corporations and businesses lead by the 1% and also lead by dark forces that manipulate everything. We cannot continue having only money and power obtained with all costs as the only “dream/ goal”.


There is a lot of revealing going on about the leaders of the world and the way it is run. About who is actually doing what and a lot of secrets about rulers and big companies surface more and more *pluto.


Taking ownership of your OWN life, accessing your INNER LEADER, authority and Sovereignty is a theme in the works now and for all of this year. 


As all of the above can stop and the world you want and dream of can be manifested ONLY by EACH of us taking charge. 
Healing the past old wounds that say ” I am small, I don;t matter, I believe the official version, I give my power and authority away to whoever has money and perceived success, I do NOT trust myself or God or a bigger plan” etc…


The leaders of tomorrow are YOU, ME, each of us that takes responsability, processes the inner victimhood state and mentality and RISES to CREATE their own better reality that is based on truth, cooperation, heart lead decisions, divinity integrated in the day to day.



We can Feel a cycle closing or like something ending even if we don’t know what it is. Situations that come forth to serve you lessons like self empowerment, self trust, letting go of control, seeing the bigger picture, LEADING YOURSELF COURAGEOUSLY! 


We have been disconnected from our hearts, inner power, divinity, sense of purpose, sovereignty. 

AND NOW is TIME to REMEMBER all of that. 




What are you willing to let go of now?

What are you noticing is not working anymore the old way and needs closure, letting go?


We can see that the OLD ways are starting to not work anymore. A lot of us feel the calling for something different.

This can be different marketing, different ideas to implement, different business, leadership, different ways to collaborate, different values that we truly need to remember.


It takes courage and a lot of inner work to empower yourself and RISE, stop believing, listening to, adoring and valuing NON values, illusory fame and power. 


It takes courage to say things differently and to do everything differently when the old is still present and has a deep grip on you and your mental.



Surprise keeps being something we get used to already (Uranus in Taurus). News that are surprising, situations that are shocking or sudden and moreover _ revealing truth that is surprising AND PEOPLE starting to have a VOICE again, to not stand with the imposed models anymore. The imposed and manipulated reality anymore. 



Even though we might experience a few days, even weeks with hightened irritation, rushing into things and judgement *mars in gemini* , not focusing, heart, passion and DARING COMMUNICATION that MOVES is also a facet of it ( Mercury in Leo).


Speak up.
SPeak your truth.

Don’t put up with the Pretending and the Fakeness. Call people out if needed and of use.

Return into the soft, gentle, loving Cancer heart and the generous, creative, powerful Leo Heart.


When you truly descend into your heart and learn to sit still more, listen in more there is a new REALITY unveiling for you. 
When you “SEE” with the heart, you start seeing the truth and nothing can trick you anymore. 



When you remember and reconnect to the Higher Mind and Higher Love ( Neptune, Uranus), to the Wisdom of your SOUL – you will see the through all the bullshit that is pushed before your eyes, through your OWN bullshit and illusions too. 


YES, it is not easy or pleasant.

The taking ownership, the leading yourself, the Truth, the integrity, the Devotion path is not an easy one. When everywhere distortion is what is sold as real and true. 

AND So- only having the courage to SEE your OWN bullshit– old stories, limitation, control, rigidness, need for attention, need for “being important”, powerlessness, selling your energy and time to perceived authority, lack of self trust, of Bigger Vision for yourself, lack mentality you keep living in, desperation and even apathy…avoidance, blaming, waiting for others to save you…- then you are REALLY on the path of EMPOWERMENT and truly able to EMBODY THE inner DEVOTIONAL, heart based, MATURE LEADER. 



I don’t say all of this to shame you or to make you feel bad. I say this as it is reality. And not many are willing to FACE REALITY. Especially the inner one, the personal one. As the collective one will be revealed as a consequence.


We are all “pushed” or served opportunities to grow. From within. As leaders and Multi dimensional, Sacred and Powerful beings that come together to manifest a new world, a new way.


This is inevitable. It takes patience, time, acceptance, letting go, trusting, trusting, trusting….and continuing to Descend into YOU , continuing to OWN, EMBODY your truth, your Soul, your real frequency, your gifts, your Divinity.

The time of Gurus, Empty words and promisses, illusory enlightenment is over.


The ones that descend into their heart and find god within will be able to SEE through everything and choose wisely.


It is all about Embodiment now. YOU BEING the FREQUENCY and not jus talking about it. 

IT is time for COURAGEOUS LEADERS that OWN up who they are even if there is still fear in the background and unsolved wounds. Even if half of the world don’t get them.


When you learn to Lead with GOD, from your Hear, to live a sacred, present, devotional Life, in truth and impecability – integrity – you CHANGE the Frequency of the ENTIRE EARTH and HUMANITY. YOU CREATE transformation. You give permission. You are a real MODEL for the young. 


You become- remembering- who you were created to be lifetimes ago.



It is a powerful full moon, year, times.

And no, it is not ending. It has just begun.

Learn to lean in and trust the journey, trust your Soul and the bigger plan, CUltivate FAITH, embodied, true faith. Take action, courageous action and BE 100 % you, not what others want, expect, tell you to be.

Continue doing the work, staying on this path.

Do not SELL your Soul, you Energy.


Be very honest with yourself and act with integrity.


How you LEAD yourself when it is chaos, when nothing works as you want IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.



of course, if you feel there is a ritual, a ceremony for you to do to let go, close off things, chapters and make bold new decisions- listen to your inner calling and guidance!



In Truth, heart, devotion,

Anca Lavinia and the Divine




PS : I have a great invitation for you- speaking about empowerment and leadership: the MAgdalene Rising SUMMIT taking place on 22-24 th of July, online!

I will be one of the guest speakers and I can’t wait for three days of celebration truth revealed and seeds planted!

JOIN  for free HERE




PPS: I have a couple of spots open for the Intuitive Transformational Astrology Session. More than astrology, more than just talk. All tailored and connected to your energy, story and life. Send an email to book: scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro



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