Full Moon in Gemini- is it all about knowing?

November 27th- the Moon shines bright in the sign of Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius and forming the Full Moon aspect. 


Every full moon is a time of release and clearings. The moon also illuminates things, thoughts, patterns we haven’t seen before and we can choose what to let go of, what no longer nourishes and serves us.

What is now coming to fruition- to completion from the New Moon in Gemini – June 2023? What were the intentions then? And how have you grown, what changed between that new moon and this full moon?


With this very intense and accelerated year you may notice that you are a different person than you were 6 months ago or you might notice how many contexts, relationships, situations have changed, transformed.


When we say Gemini we say COMMUNICATION, expression, connexion, knowledge, information. We also corelate this energy with the childhood, siblings, uncles and aunts, neighbours.

What did you learn in you youngest years about who you are? About life? 

What memories and contexts shaped you back then? 

How are you influenced now by all that?


What kind of beliefs are you ready to let go of -that served you until now but no longer propels you forward? 


Is there a lot of ” I KNOW” all of this and so little implementation, integration in your life?

Are you always in your head reading more, wanting to know more, accumulating more?

Which of all this can be of actual use? What of all you know is time to put in practice? To implement and integrate?


Too much information can bring you to a very confusing place, a lot of “I understand, I know, I see” and that is a problem when it is not translated into your Body, your day to day practices to create that change, that “better” that you want.


It can be a need of searching the next thing to learn, meeting new people, making new friends, connections, a need to take it easier and to make thing simpler now. Listen in and follow the guidance.


With the Sun close to Mars in Sagittarius your energy levels might finally go up and you might feel a new flush of adrenaline, hope, inspiration and wanting to do, to explore something else, to travel even.

The heavy and sluggish energy of Scorpio is dissipating and a new passion, a new drive and clarification might now present themselves to you. You can now see some truth you haven’t seen before. You might now get what you have been experiencing in the Scorpio season.

Having a bit more hope, trust and want to go forward and create something  for an ideal, for a higher cause is a spark that can be lit in many people now.


Contribution, connection with others, meeting with others, getting out more, collaborating more, exchange of information, common passions in the name a better life, a higher truth – are themes that appear in many of our lives.


With Saturn in Pisces making a tensed aspect with the Sun and Moon we are invited to look at what we are taking responsability for further. What are we building for the future from a mature, responsable and grounded manner.

It is great to dream and be passionate, to know and to learn a lot and it is great to have hope and be positive. In the same time without putting things into practice, looking at how they contribute to our lives, without taking responsability  and integrating we remain at the mind- dream – knowledge level.


You can be a great prophet or a wonderful gifted channel, tarot reader, energy worker  AND if you do not take responsability for your Human self, shadow self, your inner child work, your emotions that need attentions, trauma that is swept under the rug- its all distorted, ungrounded, unstable and helps noone.

Coming into here and now, into the body, dealing with your human self is necessary. AS well as creating a personal relationship with Divinity, one that is felt through your entire being and it is grounded in your heart, body, day to day practices.


What is too much, illusory, fake, not true is being exposed, taken away. Faith is tested. Integrity is tested. A healthy moral compass is tested.


Are you who you say you are or are just projecting an image? Are you creating an illusory self through your communication, through the titles and diplomas you have, through how you look and sit and pose? 
Are you truly Aligned with your Soul, Heart, Higher Self and God or are you serving other purposes just for your own benefit? 

Its where Saturn and Lilith in Virgo is almost slapping a lot of people with hard truths and crumbling of facades, illusory images and pedestals.

DO you LIVE what you say, talk about, teach others or are you just pretending through a role of   know it all and when you open the back door into your life you only see illness, loneliness, darkness, repression, fear, anxiety, anger, lack of faith, of self trust and self value etc?

Even though it seems like its all joy, party, gratitude, laughs and drinks – and this is also real and needed and part of life (important it is genuine) – there is also a lot of PRETENDING, hiding, lying. A lot of disconnection and loneliness. And it will get tighter and tighter until you stop and look under the rug.


Most people are not actually happy at all. They just pretend to be. They lie to themselves, to their family, to the world. They struggle and die inside and in the same time they post cute pics and magical vacations, zen quotes and spiritual retreats they go to.  Check inside if you are one.


You cannot LIE to your SOUL, to your BODY, to GOD/ the Source/ Universe. You are just making it very hard for yourself. And this is where it is time to stop- take a hard look in and take responsability of your own truth, reality and choices. This is where it is time to tell yourself the trut because if you don’t- an accident, an illness, a divorce, a separation, someone dying, money loss, job loss, constant anxiousness, panic attacks, insomnia, infertility, toxic relationships and contexts – will tell it for YOU. 


Venus is hand in hand with the South node which is more releasing, more closure, karmic closures, karmic cycles coming to an end. RELATIONSHIPS recalibrated, ending, transforming.

Your relationship with who you are as a woman- transformed, recalibrated. And here – transgenerational patterns might reveal themselves, lots of co dependency, toxic fusion, lack of boundries and self trust can be seen, processed, alchemised. 

More PEACE activated within once we deal with all the shadows and internal war. More soothing beauty to surface once we accept and deal with the inner ugly we kept rejecting.


I am a SAG rising, all faith, trust, bubbles, idealistic and expansion, curious like noone else, extremely positive. And also extremely REAL. Thats why my clients love me :))

I have deep faith in HUMANKIND, in the Wisdom awakening in your Soul right now, in the Divine plan for each of us. I KNOW all is going on exaclty how it is supposed to FOR us. And this is not pretty at all for the moment. As we need to actually get real and honest. It is all magical and wonderful when you live a life of genuine gratitude, faith, joy, contribution, truth , integrity.

Until that there is so much wound and shadow to be acknowledged, processed, alchemised and soooo much REBIRTH and REcalibration to be accessed, accepted, lived.


In the spirit of Practical change, integration, recalibration and a new beginning I am inviting you to a 10 day group Journey right for the NEW MOON in SAG_ to SOLSTICE PORTAL.  Details : https://ancalavinia.ro/en/courses/


Until then, stay present, breathe deeply, release and let go old limitations, patterns and attachments, come into your body and let the Full Moon infuse you with her codes, magic, messages!



and if you want to explore more of your story exactly how it was “given” at birth book a Soulful Intuitive Astrology session. It is not just an astrology session but a transformational deep experience on all levels. 

See more about it here.



Always here. Always a truthteller, a sacred disruptor, a Wise Woman.

Anca Lavinia


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