Oh GOSH! This is a Powerful Moment in time that is at its peak on the 5 th, around 8.30 pm RO time.
One of my favourite energies is the Scorpio one! I might be biased with my Sun and Venus in the 8th house ( the Scorpio house) but still! I love its depth and rawness, the sharp intuition, the truth no matter what, the magic, the alchemy, the POWER of transformation on an emotional and energetic level, the special relationship with death and all things hidden from the eye.
Of course there is a lot to deal with as Scorpio is an intense energy, piercing through your Soul even if you don’t want to. It can go full Manipulative in ways you do not see or expect, it has a preference for drama and attachments to suffering hard to let go of.
But when you get conscious about the dark side and you choose to embrace it, see it, alchemise it, deal with it THEN you touch on the FULL POWER of Scorpionic energy. You unlock the Priestess/Priest inside of you, the Magic, the Mystery, the Connection with the TRUTH that you sense miles away. You can easily deal with trauma and the most feared corners of ones psyche once you integrate your shadows. You can be the most wonderful Healer friends with all that other run away from.
THIS FULL MOON AND ECLIPSE with the South node activated is telling us : see and go through your most feared emotions and trauma and then let go. Stand in front of your deepest Shadows and Truth and then release, alchemise and empower yourself.
Feel the feelings and allow the emotions to be even if they are sadness, anger, fear. They come to surface just to be seen and released, just to help you make space for the North node, for your Destiny.
What am I FEARING the most?
For what is now time to be seen and dealt with? What TRUTH lies beneath the surface that I have denied, avoided, feared?
IT can be about ancient truths and emotions, your lineages and karmic contexts, stories, traumas now ready to be seen and processed.
With the Sun and Uranus opposite the moon we can get lots of Surprises! Also Mercury retrograde in Taurus brings a slow down of the mind and creates the opportunity to receive new understanding, messages, downloads from the HIGHER MIND (uranus) in a way that might feel like a lightning through your body.
Prepare or already notice the way your body feels, the flashes, the dreams, the intuition spiking up, the emotions becoming more intense, the stories that are wanting to come out of the closet.
Finances, sex, death, magic are all subject to this beautiful astral moment. We can get lots of clarity and healing on a deep, karmic, ancestral level on these subjects.
I , myself started unloading, processing a lot of feminine-masculine, sexual wounds that I inherited from my lineage, transgenerational.(south node). And it all came as a Flash and then bodily sensations, deep sandness and grieving, clear feelings of ” this is not mine, I honour it, I see it and now it is time to close these karmic loops and end these wars, pain, anger between men and women”.
Its like we are in a PAUSE moment where the PAST, the ancient pain, suffering, limiting stories, distorted truths are UNLOADED in front of us while Mercury retrograde, uranus, and North Node keep the DOOR OPEN for the FUTURE to be envisioned and created differently.
With PLUTO in Aquarius recently retrograde is all about FREEDOM, UNIQUENESS and shattering old systems based on hierarchy, oppresion, manipulation, fear, power struggles and CAGING the individual.
The Square Lilith makes to the Sun and Moon can be perceived as an ANCIENT HOWL and CALLING of the FEMININE, the PRIESTESS that wants to be liberated, heard and finally ACCEPTED. THe healing on the Sexual level, on the UNSEEN MAGIC that each woman is, the ancient gifts carved in our DNA – all a reality ready to surprise you, call you in the most deep way possible.
Make some space and quiet to hear that.
All EMOTIONS that come now to surface and ALL parts of us, all shadows, all the villains, the black magic priestesses we once were, the inquisitors we once were…are to be accepted, received back home, made peace with so we can become WHOLE and actually access our POWER, the power that rises and it is integrated THROUGH DESCENDING in the SHADOWS, in the basement of our being.
THere is no true LIGHT and LOVE without alchemising the demons, the pain, the darkness and walking in the valleys of DEATH, inner death so that you can be REBIRTHED. And a WOMAN is the one that naturally goes through death an rebirth, that sheds her old skins and becomes more and more HERSELF unafraid to be different, to speak her truth, to do her magic in the world, to LIVE following her Heart and Womb.
We have suffered enough. We have been limited and manipulated enough. We have been killing each other for just being …enough! We have inhereted and LIVED without even knowing it – all past stories, all past drama, burried secrets, curses of our LINEAGES way way back….Even Adam and Eve- the split between FEMININE and MASCULINE started this long long period of time where men and women have been at war.
The inquisition is another story that needs to be looked at, processed, dealt with and alchemised so we ca no longer HIDE and FEAR who we are.
The fear of DEATH is another painful subject to be seen, to be alchemised, healed so we can embrace it..embrace the passing we all go through with ease and trust.
The Sexual wounds…the manipulation, the shame, the abuse, the abortions, the hate, the paralising fear and closed off wombs needs LIGHT, compassion, time and space to be processed and healed. Maybe one of the most important subjects and energies AND the most hidden, villainised, shamed, supressed…a huge bleeding wound!
….and this one connected to the money wound- witch is a power. value wound with deep roots to be explored and healed as well.
Karmic LOOPS are now ready to be ended and the NEW created. No more killing, no more fear, no more pointless manipulation and repression of truth..all out in the LIGHT of our HEARTS, of our Consciousness!
Are you ready to stand in front of your truths? To feel the feelings? To walk in the shadows and to Cleanse, purge, release and be REBORN?
Are you ready to let go of the addiction to Suffering of the WOMEN in your lineage, of the shame, anger, guilt and allow yourself to actually embrace all of you, rise, shine, Create a NEW way?
Stop the war with yourself! and the war in the world will stop!
Stop blaming yourself, fearing parts of yourself, batteling yourself, supressing yourself and slowly drying up, dying inside.
RECLAIM your actual power by descending into your heart, body, womb and TRUTH and create FREEDOM for yourself with compassion, with true FAITH and SURRENDER to Life. You are a magnificent being!
At each full moon rituals of release and clearing are welcomed. Choose your own way, listen to your intuiton and have that little time to write down, light a candle and do your own releasing and healing.
Have a blessed, truthfull Eclipse and Portal!
I also have the INVITATION for you to heal past ancient fears and activate your gifts (Click): Healing the Witch WOUND alchemical workshop is happening on exactly May 5th at 7.30 pm RO, online and you are CALLED to empower yourself as a WOMAN, a PRIESTESS, a Creatrix, a HEALER! There is no better energy to support this!