Full Moon in Capricorn – ready to be the Authority in your life?

There s a powerful corridor opening up with the Full Moon in Capricorn as this is the first one happening on 21-22 of june at 1 degree of the zodiac sign.

At the end of July there will be a second Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees in the same sign.

This is like an emphasis on how important the Capricornian energies and themes are now for us to process and integrate.

In the middle of these two full moons we will have the Cancer New Moon and it feels like a deep journey of becoming leaders of our own lives and daring more but rooted in our hearts, with our sensitivity, vulnerability as Strengths.


and…the Summer Solstice exactly during the Full Moon! The Light, the Divine Codes of rebirth, the Potent Sun -masculine- energy are all infusing these days adding clarity, luminosity, downloads to the already potent full moon.


Each full moon is a moment of release, ending, clearing once it  illuminates different aspects we need and are prepared to see now.



Lets rewind a bit and see what the Capricorn is about: cardinal earth sign , powerful leader, the imprint of the CEO, the mountain goat with a fish tail. Very interesting that the fish tail show the emotional depth that the Capricorn has dipping its tail in this  beautiful way- into his opposite sign, the Cancer. 


He is known for not displaying emotion and being reclusive and silent, working a lot with the shadow of workaholism into burn out and sacrifice. The image he projects, what others think about him/her, the reputation and status are also important for him. He needs to be “important”, “someone” and knows to do that through hard work, loyalty, running structures, businesses, people.

He has a hard time being the Leader sometimes, the one on the top of the mountain overseeing and having it easy as he immerses himself into the details of doing wanting to solve everything, taking too much responsability and overburdening himself.


Inner Authority, responsability, leadership, being the best, being on top are the themes we are looking at. 


AND  the CHALLENGE here is…


once you live in a very conditioned society, being deeply programmed and wounded not only from your childhood but from ancient times, society, culture, religion, ancestry- you will function from these inner spaces as default.

That means you will feel the need to be the best, to be important, to have a good image, to make money, to run a business but NOT from the right inner space. You will chase to demonstrate your value, you will take more than you can chew to show how good you are, you will compromise and do things you are not necessary in alignment with just to have a clean image, to be seen as the good, responsabile one.


You will operate from this inner space of an immature leader whom I call “boss”, the boss.

You might think only about money and what you get out of something, be suspicious of everyone, remain silent and not sincerely connect with others, work your way to the top.


Often times work occupies the most of their time and energy and family, personal issues arise. THey sleep at the office,  always doing something, solving something and forgetting to enjoy life, relax, sip a cocktail, have a nice chat under the moonlight.

Also there s the issue of being very “military like“. Organising everyone, rigid, demanding, controlling, not able to let go and relax.


These are also due to past wounding and the shadow aspect of the sign.


Now lets talk about the Heart Centered Leader the capricorn can be. 

Lets talk inner authority and inner power. 

This full moon challenges each of us (especially the ones with sun, moon, ascendant, north/south nodes) in Capricorn to activate the Inner Leader that emanates authority, trust, safety because he/she knows who they are, have worked thru the shadows and integrated their value, emotional side and Matured.

We all have capricorn in a house somewhere in the chart so checking that will show you what themes are now activated. You can also just be observant of what shows up in your reality these days, this month.


What if …

you would Lead your life *and business, firm etc.* not from a space of needing to demonstrate, fear, lack, chasing to be valued and respected but from a space that feels peaceful, whole, steady, where there is self value, clarity, courage.

Where you stand on the top of the mountain overseeing all you have under you and make the plans, strategies, give directions and ‘rule’ from the Heart space? Have this HEART- MIND channel open and connected and instead of instability, fear, inner child wounds you operate INSPIRED by the Divine and your Soul and emotionally mature.

So people follow you, respect you, look up to you because they feel safe, seen, important, because you care and know how to empower them- through your own inner empowerment. 



Inner Authority is a concept we rarely think about, contemplate.

So I am inviting you to this:

where and who is the authority in your life?

how do you position yourself in this relationship with authority?

who is the inner Leader and do you Embody that? 



Are you following your own PATH and RULES  and creating the business, the systems, the life that you WANT and feel nourishes you or are you doing it all because you want to be seen,you are afraid of a “bad image, reputation”, conforming to the outer rules even when they drive you nuts?


How do you feel in your body? Rigid, stuck, disconnected, numb?
Do you feel your heart space or are u always in your head ruled by worry, past regrets, anxious future thoughts, controlling everything to the dot?


There is a descend into the heart witth the New Moon in Cancer coming up so you can renew the relationship with your inner GOOD, gentle, present MOTHER and soften more into your body and life.


Then the second full moon in Capricorn comes to ‘test’ and help you see the process of empowerment and maturing you went through this month.



The Strength and the good reputation, the power do not come from external actions driven by trauma, fears and lack. They come from a centred inner space in a natural way, oozing through the pores of the one that knows their value, their heart, their role/mission and embraces it.


Thers another theme to be mentioned – mission, vocation. What you do in life. What calls you.

And it ties up with the above.


Are you working hard, many hours, constantly because you thing life is hard, money don’t grow on trees, you have to pay the bills, to sacrifice a lot- as this seems normal to you? 

Or are you connected to your hears/ soul’s mission, desires like a red thread that pulls you higher and higher through actually descending more and more into yourself? Do you feel the PURPOSE? Do you enjoy your ‘career’? 

Are you the best at it because you are soooo passionate and loving it every day, calls you like a magnet or it all feels hard and heavy? 


Sure, there are missions within missions and small purposes and big ones too. There is though, a bigger dream in your heart. There is THAT way you want to live you life. 

And then there is the daily work and planning and actions to get there. Not only from the mental space but also from the HEART space, inspired and lead but the Divine within.


So … take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.


Note down what you are now ready to leave, close, let go off, alchemise and you can do a ritual in this regard using fire, water, intention, whatever feels good for you.


Are you taking ownership and responsability of your life and yourself and really dedicating yourself to that Future you want, really want and dream of that holds you, sparks the fire in your heart, makes you smile and feel easy?


When we are leading from a fearful, scattered plance or a very rigid, controlling one we loose sight of so much.

Building for the future, towards the bigger dreams, new ways of being, living, doing business is what the Capricorn does.


And with PLuto that was travelling through this sign for so many years the old is collapsing. The old ways, the patriarchal, cold, power hungry, fake images times are going down.

That is why we need true leaders. That build something new rooted in their heart and soul and always connected to the Divine hand in hand with God.


Maybe there s a lot of recalibrating to do inside…to activate the Inner Authority, the inner leader and the big dream.

And this requires looking into all those fears, patterns, inheritance, loyalties, being very honest with the self and doing the work of release, activation, alchemy.


Are you ready to take ownership of who you truly are? To become the Sovereign being you actually are and to forge your path and life from a place of trust, peace, faith, love, courage and wisdom?


Are you ready to take responsability and build a different way?

Are you ready unburden yourself from all that is NOT yours to carry or do? And follow Your Path for your own good no matter the external voices?




As always, I am here for support.

The Intuitive transformational Astrology session is available to rock your world and offer so much guidance, clarity, support and practical instruments going forward. Not a general reading but a tailored to your needs, life, energy  potent experience.

Just send a message or email at scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro to request one.

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