Imagine this radiant, slow paced, powerful Lioness stepping forward. She carries herself like you never seen before. Self assured, grounded, oozing charisma, warmth, sensuality and Life. Sparkling fierce gaze. She knows who she is.
She DARES. She walks with her Heart open and there is something about her you cannot resist.
“How dare she? She is so arrogant and selfish! She is so superficial! She is too much!” some would say to themselves or whispering to their neighbour.
Others have their jaw dropped and are mesmerised.How can I be more like that?!
Where did my Spark go? My confidence, courage? Where is my inner Lioness?
On the 4th there is a magnetic and dynamic Leo New Moon at 12 degrees. With Venus at 29 degrees.
Also Pluto at 0 Aquarius going back into Capricorn in the fall and retrograde.
Neptune at 29 Pisces, retrograde.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces as well
Kiron retrograde in Aries
and Mercury stationing retrograde on same day as the new moon in Virgo.
Oh dear! The drama, the shifts, the turns, the inspiration, the revelations, the truth…the CHANGE!
Big endings with all those 29 degree planets. Clearings. Illusions cut through. Uncomfortable truth revealed. Yes, it continues. You haven’t seen anything yet.
All the going back to review our lives, our wounds, our souls, our beliefs, our everthing…with all the retrogrades. New solutions and answers, angles to old situations.
Also depth. New levels of depth that we access.
Going back to the Leo energy.
When expressed from the shadows– the wounding this can look like “pay attention to me, look at me, hey, I will do anything to turn your head, get your energy and validation” And often that means displaying and creating drama, victimhood or even tirany. The disconnected from their heart Lionesses can be the Tyrant mothers and partners, friends, the narcissistic ones, the manipulative and dominating ones.
They know it all. They take all the space, they give unsolicited advice and opinions and make it all about themselves. They overspend, they want the luxury and the comfort but do not think of the consequences or their partners for example.
They overturn the discussion, your sharing back to making it about them. Their story, their drama, their magnificence.
As they display so much (dark) charisma and draw you into the fascinated, hypnotised. You don’t know who you are anymore, you want to be more like them, you admire-envy them etc. The perfect wound to wound laching on relationship.
Remember the Lion from Oz? That had no courage? Underneath the tyrant mask, the charisma, the bigness of “look at me, I take all the space” there is desperation. unworthiness. fear. Scared little child that needs attention to survive.
You know I love the depth of it all and the shadow work. I can’t just write about how magical and shiny the lion is and call it a day 🙂
And yes…when you go deeper to work with those shadow aspects you start to activate and come into the Light aspect. THe Beauty of the Lioness.
She stands tall and emanates “i know who I am, don’t mess with me” in a way that is not a menace but just grounded embodied power and self trust.
She has the biggest heart and she is generous with her radiance making everyone around feel good. She tells stories that move your heart. She performs on stages and make you cry and feel hope. She stand up for herself and loves ones.
She doesn’t mind being the centerstage and not from a place of desperation and fear but Naturally.
When integrated, this energy doesn’t bother you, it inspires you. The creativity, the freedom , the pleasure , the joy, the courage to just express herself!
I didn’t meet too many embodied and integrated Lionesses.
Most women have her disowned somewhere in the corners of their being, in the shadows.
She either calls for attention out of “i need pple to see me as i feel so invisible” or she is just rigid, closed off, fearful and anxious, completely disconnected from her radiance.
THe Radiance comes from the Heart. When you start rooting yourself in the Heart and clear, disolve old walls and fears around it. When you allow yourself to embrace your vulnerable side and transform it into power and courage and it just shines trough. Because you do not want to overpower others, to kick others down and take all the spotlight but you naturally are. As you know yuou are enough.
I met a client once and I was fascinated by her. Apparently she was shy and self contained, not daring too much, did not trust or value herself. But when she entered the room there was something…that filled the room, made me turn my head. I saw her in a royal dark green velvet dress with a golden crown on her head even if she had no idea….and I once told her this.
She was a Lioness in disguise. And she needed support to match that wonderful energy that was there.
Another aspect is the childhood education and lineage imprints.
“behave, don’t speak to much, don’t be too lound, don’t dress like that, don’t draw attention to yourself too much, don’t embarrass me”
ANd your inner Lioness cub gets stifled. The vivacious, open hearted, joyful, charismatic, courageus, spontaneous child starts to fade.
Leo energy is inner child energy. All of the above. That;s where the confidence and big heart stems from, the playfulness and love for life.
When that inner child is “killed” in a traumatic environment you become this wounded adult, afraid not to be too much, not to bother, not to make a fool of yourself, not valuing yourself, not knowing how to play, relax and enjoy life anymore
Too many of us are AFRAID TO SHINE in their own LIGHT, POWER and receive the admiration, the claps, the success, the invitations with an open and hones heart.
We are not taught to shine like that.
So …the invitation is to start integrating the “too much” that is aligned with your heart and truth. Start wearing those colours, start singing out loud and even post a video of it, start Shining. Invite the inner Lioness out front and connect with her. Speak to her. Allow her space.
And also….connect with that inner child that dreams, hopes, has bigger than life aspirations and imagination.
Allow yourself to Dream big. Bigger than you think you can.
Write down the story of you and your life in a way that is Daring, Courageous and larger than life. Allow those dreams to surface and own them, create them. You deserve it!
Allow the inner child to play and to believe in miracles again. Let her express herself in the most authentic, sincere way. Wear a princess crown, sing with your remote control in your hands and put on a show, imagine a new world, a new life. Give LIFE to your HEART and Soul.
With Mars and Jupiter in Gemini making an aspect with this New Moon you might feel inspired, creative and also impulsive, frantic, overwhelmed. Breathe deeply. Ground yourself. Think before you speak.
I also noticed this energy of deeper healing between masculine and feminine. Going even more into the truth and allowing our hears to soften up more. Daring to see what we haven’t until now.
Lilith so close to the South node in Libra will bring to surface all kinds of past and lineage pains. Co-dependency, lack of boundaries, manipulation and giving your power away, too much of the good, peaceful girl.
Look at all this. Sit with it. Process it. Take your power away.
You deserve to be loved, seen, cherished, honoured, respected as a Queen. You need to embody that in the most authentic with yourself way in order to receive the man in your life that sees you and treats you like that.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo until the end of August can slow things down a bit and in the same time bring new solutions and answers. Practical ones. The HOWS, the plans, the actions for those BIG DREAMS, for that NEXT level you are stepping into.
Saturn in Pisces also invites us to see the practical, embodied, authentic Spirituality. To connect with God within us and take back our power from gurus, schools, methods and descend more into our Hears. Yes, again, the heart.
feeling it all. softening up. integrating knowledge and applying it on an emotional, actionable level.Bringing sacredness and spirituality into the day to day. Constantly and not speaking about it here and there or just remembering that when it gets rough.
How does internalised, embodied faith look like?
Not to say that from July 26th to August 8th we are going through the Lions Gate portal. 888 power portal. A cosmic alignment taking place each year that invites us to align within. With ourselves, our soul, our power. A power that stems from deep roots in the earth, deep connections with the heart, constant relationship with the Divine. Sovereignty.
For this I have created a meeting that I will host, online, on 8.8 at 8 pm *gmt+3. If you want to connect with your inner lioness and her big heart, receive and anchor the codes of this portal sign up here.
Intentions, new stories and new beginnings, daring more, dreaming boldly, setting yourself up for the life you truly desire!
Have a blessed New Moon time!
PS- the Intuitive transformative astrology session based on your natal chart session is available with a few spots in August. Send an email to scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro and claim it.