June 6th, the Sun and the Moon meet up in the energy of Gemini creating the New moon aspect.

This is when the moon is dark on the sky, a moment of introspection, new intentions and beginnings. 

This new moon is special as it makes a perfect conjunction with Venus and she is also finalising her cycle started in 2020.


What did you learn about yourself, relationships, money, what you like and desire during these 4 years?

What do you desire, find pleasure in and are you comfortable accepting that AND expressing that?

The Gemini energy is all about communication and self expression, information, connections and also , the early childhood years like kindergarden, neighbours, sibilings, aunts and uncles, papers and documents, daily trips and short distances.

The Gemini energy is flirty, quick, mental and often jumps from one thing to another, multitasks.


With so many planets in Gemini now  all these aspects and themes might surface, become themes of interest.


Observe how you speak, communicate. Is it aligned with your inner truth or is it out of fear, self-compromise, what others expect, not to disturb?

How much of yourself and your truth do you actually express out in your relationships, in the world? 

Do you say what you actually mean or are you living as a disempowered being holding your opinions, thoughts, swallowing your words, clenching your jaw and prefering to shut up ?


What contexts, situations in early childhood years, educational years are now surfacing in terms of speaking, expressing yourself? 

Have you been told to shut up, made to feel like your opinion is not important, ignored, mocked…? Were you encouraged to speak up, listened to, validate, supported? 



Pay attention to all the info coming in your field. Practice grounding and connecting with your body, soothe your nervous system as often as you can so that you can feel, discern what is true and what is lie, manipulation, fake news.


Also a good practice is to Observe what you tell yourself. How you speak about yourself, what you think often about yourself.



The square with Saturn and the PLuto- Jupiter trine are helpful as they cut off what is just fillers, what is not practical, truthful, important.

It might feel that there is a difficulty in speaking up exactly to show you where that difficulty comes from and to support you to set new intentions, make changes within so you clear your throat and fears and STAND up for yourself.


Truth that might be hard to hear, changes are all part of this energy. As rapid as the mind can be, the slowing down Saturn brings is precisely to make us pay attention to what we say, how, when, to whom. To help us be more connected to our throat, voice, truth and mind.


For some this is a time when they embrace their Full Voice and truly Communicate what they mean in a raw, unfiltered way. It can be a moment of empowerment when it comes to WHO you are and what you have to say.



One aspect I observe is the tone and the space you speak from. Just the other day I was working with a client and touching on this subject.

Observe how you speak when you breathe deeply into your stomach and you are present, centred in yourself.

Observe how you speak when you are in your head, agitated, out of alignement.


Most of us do not use our true voice as we are soooo taught to yell, raise the voice, be in the head all the time – disconnected from our bodies, from our centre.

Practice this and see how you feel and what changes.



In the light of all this energy you can extract intentions to put on paper and start watering with presence and love so you come more and more into yourself, activate the Leader within and stand up in your Authority and Power.


The north node invites us constantly to Empower ourselves and lead our lives from within, to know who we are and trust our inner guidance, intuition and stop giving our power away outwardly.


There s a big moment here that offers opportunities to step more into our true selves, true identity, power and voices….to dare more.



What is your intention for this new moon?





As always I am offering the Magical and Potent Intuitive Soulful Astrology sessions based on your birthchart that combines my therapeutical expertise, energy work and practical instruments and guidance. All about you and your life in a simple, clear way so you truly takeaway valuable insights, new perspectives, answers, modalities to implement information.

I am a message away: scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro

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