On the 12th of December the Moon and the Sun meet in the skyes and create the new moon aspect în the sign of Sagittarius.
This is also the opening door for a beautiful portal, until the Solstice, December 21st.
Sagittarius energy is one of the most expansive and joyous one in the zodiac. All about exploration and curiosity, connecting adn reveealing higher Universal truths and laws. The big optimist that likes a good time , travelling and connecting with different cultures, ideas, systems to experiement more and more, live life at the fullest.
It is also connected to religion and belief systems and in the shadow aspect it can be all about „I am right, I want to prove I am right” , rigid, dogmatic and know-it-all.
It does have a special kind of wisdom and can be a very good mentor, teacher connecting others to a bigger, higher vision.
We already know that the time of the new moon is one of new intentions and beginnings. It is also a time when we take a deep look inwards, at our life and decide what we want to connect with going forward, how we want to live, what needs to change, what we call in.
In this case, what are your HIGHER dreams?
Do you dare to expand and explore life beyond all you have been taught until know?
Do you want to start adding more FAITH and more Optimisim into your view about life and invite CURIOSITY in, instead of anxiousness and worry?
What do YOU believe in?
What are those truths that are no longer quite as nourishing, helpful as before?
One such truth might be „ life is hard and you have to reallt struggle and fight” This is a very common example of a strong belief that is NOT helping you at all.
It is something you have inherited, learnt from your parents, from society and that keeps you stuck in fighting mode, in negativity and hardship.
So this can be a good moment to take a look at such beliefs that keep you stuck, limited, in fear and survival. Look at where you got them from and thank them for serving you untul now and then release through intention, a ritual, any way you consider.
Invite new beliefs, new thoughts, new truths into your life. Such an example can be „ life is supporting me at every step. I am open to explore more and curious about who I can become”
Make your own statements that are supportive and spend a few minutes feeling them into your body. Close your eyes, say them and then let them sink in.
Notice what appears. What emotion, what thought, what objection from the old mind. Make this your little ritual so you can step into a different version of you. One that is more relaxed, trustful, at ease, open.
Mars is giving us some fuel and motivation to go forward, to begin new things, to restore our faith in ourselves, in our dreams and projects as it travels behind the sun for a bit. You might feel that all the ideas, inspiration come all at once now. IN the same time.
You might feel a surge of inspiration and maybe even wanting to look at, connect, explore a NEW IDEAL for your life. A new vision. A new way to be, live, create.
What is also beautiful in supportive is the connection to the North Node in Aries that says „now a window of opportunity to see in the future is open for you. What do you choose?” You get the idea if you read again what I have written so far.
Where do you go? Wha tis that DREAM that sparks you, that warms your heart? What ist hat something that you SOUL desires, wants, whisper to you and you kept denying it, rejecting it, passing by from fear and limitation?
To call in something new and to make space for that it is necessary to also let go, cleanse and clear stuff from your life. At a mental level, emotional, physical level.
Clear your mind of limiting beliefs, your life of relationships and contexts that drain your energy , clear your drawers of junk and process then let go of emotions that keep you stuck in the victimhood mentality.
Just saying „ i dream this, I envision this, I make this vision board” or reciting some inspirational sentences is not going to manifest the new into your life. You also need to do the nitty gritty work. Take responsability for all the actions and all the thoughts you entretain. Do the shadow work and release a lot of the past. And so on.
Neptune is also in aspect with this New Moon and infuses more FAITH, Ideals and softens our hearts activating even more compassion and desire to be together with others, to spend some beautiful nourishing time with people like us.
It also can take away illusions and false beliefs , dismantle some of the old ideals and what you thought you want. So that you get closer to your SOUL and listen to it.
So that you rethink and recalibrate your relationship with the DIVINE- a very important aspect here.
Pay attention to all that is an illusion. A lot of your thoughts and beliefs are illusion. Many of the ones you believe are soooo good and wise are a smokescreen. A lot of the rules, dogma, „reality” you lived in is illusion. See what illusions are now revelead and where you are caught in them.
If you only operate by yourself, on your own, thinking you can do it all you get burnt. You get sick, confused, you feel alone and overwhelmed, always in fear and controlling everything.
When you start inviting GOD/ the DIVINE into your life, work, thoughts, actions, day to day then it all becomes easier. You feel the support. You know you are not alone. You can let go and trust in those moments when it seems that nothing works.
Because it is not about you struggling and doing it all alone. But about co creating. And remembering that god is within, that you are also such a wise, magical being that surpasses all you have been told and believed until now.
How can YOU MAKE your LIFE easier?
What needs to go, change, shift, transform for that?
Who do you need to BECOME so that you live THAT DREAM?
We are going through transformational times that invite us to seee the truth, see the shadows and remember our LIGHT, our POWER as Divine Beings on earth, in the body.
Another important aspect is MERCURY going RETROGRADE – I hear the sighs and eyerolls – on 12.12 It is not tragic, not a drama, not anything bad 🙂 Mercury retrograde is here to support you reorganize, rethink, recalibrate, reprioritize, redo…rewrite, all re- things.
It slows you down a bit so you can actually take a beat and look at what things in your life need a RE- Assess.
It goes retrograde in Capricorn – earth sign and helps you rethink and recalibrate your goals for next year. It brings you back to your INNER AUTHORITY and to the PLAN you had and now you can change it, now you can revisit it. When it goes back into Sagittarius on Dec 22nd
you are invited to ask yourself : what do I really want? Am I doing this for others? Only for the pay? Because x, y…or am I doing this, planning this, wanting this because is connected to my PASSION?
How can I explore this more? In a different way? What are different posibilites here that feel easier, more in flow, more connected to my body and heart? That I choose not because I HAVE TO but because I want to and I really feel it?
We are healing as individuals and as huminaty from so much distortion, manipulation, fear based living. We are invited to reconnect to our own COURAGE, to our INNER AUTHORITY, TO OUR HEARTS and choose from the HEART space going forward. Together with the Divine. Each day. IN each choice or project or endeavour.
We are healing from years and centuries of „ you are not good enough, you need to shut up and listen, you need to keep quiet and be afraid, work your ass off for others, you need to listen and execute, you have no worth ...” and so on.
NOW is the TIME for EMPOWERED SOVEREIGN HUMANS. The ones that rememebr and reconnect to their Higher Selves and start living a LIFE IN TRUTH, FAITH, LOVE, CONNECTION.
Are you one of these people? Are you ready to step into a new reality and do the work to create it? Let go of the old and be reborn? Are you ready for your life to be easier, your heart softer, for feeling supported and connected?
It is up to you and you DO HAVE THE POWER to choose something new.
To support you I was given this beautiful mission: 10 days of online support, in a group setting. Anchor the Light Inside is a program that start on this NEW MOON, on the 12th and ends on the 21st.
It is both spiritual, meditation and recalibration, light codes and connecting to the higher selves, to the Heart Dreams and it is also practical offering you day to day practices to implement. So you can access your centre easier. Be more relaxed, connected with yourself in these times.
All can be done in your own pace!
It is calibrated to this portal and supports you to step into a different, new version of you.
(it will be held in romanian)
Lets create a beautiful supportive reality together! I guarantee it can be done!