Tag: breakthrough
New moon in Aquarius- free yourself
On February 10th around 1 am (GMT +2) the New Moon in Aquarius is at her peak inviting us to new intentions, beginnings, seeds to be planted.
It is a sign that represents community-networking, the rebel, originality and uniqueness. It is about destructuring the systems based on hierarchy and bringing back the power to the people, to all of us. This sign teaches us that we need to come together, put at work our own gifts in the most authentic way and create a different outcome, future.
I like to say :let your inner freak fly high when it comes to aquarius.
We all have this energy somewhere in the natal chart and I invite you to see in which house this energy is for you( you can find info about astrological houses on the internet and put your data in on astro. com for example).
What is your “weird” you like? Who are those You that you kept hidden as you wanted to fit in and be like everyone else?
See, even though aquarius is about equality it is also about being different, authentic, yourself. Some would say- be proud you are the black sheep. The ones with predominant aquarius in their chart might have felt as one their entire life.
Dare to be different.
What makes you, you?
How are you unique? I know it might take a while to find this out, to have an answer. It is worth reflecting on this and having the patience for it.
Somebody once told me that a good practice is to go ahead and be the weirdest, out there ME as I can possibly be (In public of course) and this way I will have nothing to be afraid of anymore, I will see exactly who really loves me, is drawn to me and I will be so much more in my Power.
As well as – those inner parts, those opinions, that quirkyness that are so YOU but you are afraid to show them – are exactly the ones that will make you feel at ease, will attract the people that really love you, appreciate you , will LIBERATE YOU.
FREEDOM is another word and frequency associated with aquarius.
And what we are living for centuries now…is exactly the opposite.
We were systematically trained- manipulated- educated ( call it how you want) to FIT IN, to be the same as all the other, to correspond and be appropriate. Remember school? Learning stuff by heart and writing things out of memory ? Not being allowed to have your own opinion?
All the FREE and UNIQUE spirit was crushed by a Society that CAGED us all.
So you became this person that some call a people pleaser that does everything to just be liked and fit in the norm- the group, society for fear of being rejected.
All that we see in the media, shows, movies, press – the way we HAVE to look, to eat, what we have to buy, what we have to believe – all standards and rules were made up as one big fat ILLUSION that IMPRISONS the SPIRIT, rewards conformity, the bend knee, the quiet one , the one that “doesn’t make problems” and punishes the ones that dare to not adhere to the norm, to have different opinions, to look diffferent, to choose different for their lives.
SO you judge and reject the ones that do not tick the boxes dictated by some men at some point and do not even realise how much you would want to be FREE, to DARE to be you, to live the life YOU WANT and dream, to speak what you think and to just create your own rules and reality.
This was the Journey of my life as a little confession. The black sheep, the rebel. The one that never conformed and always asked “WHY” – why does it have to be like this? Who said? I still do that.
I did try to fit in. I still have remains of that little girl that wants to please and demonstrate and be the same as the others so she gets validation, appreciation. AND I do my work to constantly embrace and OWN the inner rebel, the “what makes me me” no matter how judged I might be, mocked or rejected.
I am learning to allow more and more of me to be seen and expressed as I did understand that this will set me free AND bring forth exactly those people that were waiting for someone like me to DARE, to lead, to offer a permission slip through example.
This can be you.
I have worked with hundreds of women if not thousands already. I have seen the pain and the frustration, the anger, the illness, the constant fear and anxiety, the shame and guilt they live with and driven by…just because they cannot be themselves. They are simply so afraid to show up as themselves and dare.
It is easier to shut up, to sacrifice, compromise, to let it slip, to bend your head, to not be the trouble maker as in this way no eyes are on you. You do not draw attention and this is exactly what you ve been taught. Sit still, smile, play nice. It is what we have been doing for centuries. The rejection wound, the taming of our souls is to deep in our cells.
This new moon with Uranus in conjunction AWAKENS something new. The “why does it have to be like this? I am tired of just conforming. playing nice. I can’t shut up and pretend I am happy anymore. I want something new, I want to be able to BE ME.
You might feel your nervous system a bit overwhelmed and also have all kinds of physical symptoms like electricity surges, tingling, some issues with sleep, new and surprising downloads, messages and even contexts. A disruption of your reality.
Take care of your body and ground yourself. Breathe deeply. Often. Take walks in nature. Pay attention to your senses and to the messages around you and even thouse moments when you have a crazy idea, a A-ha moment. Put it on paper.
This is an invitation to DARE to be FREE. To dare to own who you truly are and express yourself. Not how you are expected to, not to be liked, not how you were taught.…but how it is natural to you. And yes, it is a journey of self discovery as for so much time you thought you are these roles, what they said you need to be…this person that just checks the boxes to do the correct thing and please all other.
You have the opportunity to actually see the TRUTH about who you really are and even start a inner revolution of Reclaiming your Unique Soul blueprint. No matter how different it might be or look for the world we live in.
I ll tell you this : the old world is crumbling. Different and authentic is needed and where we are headed. Breaking free of old patterns and stories you were made to believe true is what is happening.
Change something. Start something new, do something differently. Take a risk. Take the chances to just be yourself. Post that thing, say that truth, wear that thing, leave that place….follow your SOUL.
With kiron conjunct the north node in Aries the healing of your past wounds and fears continues. The reclaiming of the courage, leader inside of you, the zest of live and self trust are themes that we all are tested on.
You might feel a bit emotional and even old memories or wounds might appear. Take note. Dont avoid that. Go deeper. Process and let go, alchemise and step even more into your Power.
Deal with your fears. Go there instead of just ignoring or pretending they are not there.
Also the technology side of things has some surprises for us. Use the social media and the online space to create, to express yourself uniquely, to bring value and keep going in your own way. Find that specific way, rythm that is good good for you. No recipe applies.
It does take courage to be different. It does take courage to take a leap of faith. TO break patterns and just blow your life. I know that.
It is also the only way ahead. Either you take your power back, heal your old wounds, fears, patterns and awaken to the truth or it will just be harder and harder to live on this planet.
The manipulation, illusion, the tight rope, the rules, what is presented as truth is going to be so obvious and will imprison even further if you don;t know who you are and keep giving your power away living by rules made to break spirits.
It is a great time to sit with you and reflect on all of the above. Allow one powerful intention from your heart to come up and maybe light a candle for that or plant a seed, a plant in a symbolic act of rebirth.
What are you ready to OWN more from who you are?
What are you ready to “risk” to set yourself free?
Are you ready for the NEW? For something you never seen before? Its coming. And it is your choice to accept, embrace, ride this wave or stay stuck in the old.
As always, I am here to support you to see the REAL you, the TRUTH of who you are, to break patterns and alchemise heavy emotions and stories. To embrace the inner rebel, the witch, the wild one, your inner TRUTH and GUIDANCE.
If you are ready send a message on my socials or write to scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro. We can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session.
Ready to take that leap?