Tag: cancer new moon
New Moon in Cancer- home, mother and soft power
Lets talk emotions, sensitivity and feelings.
The new moon in Cancer brings up and stirs the emotional depths inviting us to slow down and reconnect with what our Soul and emotions tell us.
The peak is happening on the 5th to the 6 th of July with influences days prior and after.
When you think Cancer you immediately go to sensitive, mother, past, roots, home.
Depending on each individual’s context any of these themes can now be activated and I would point to the “where do I feel at home”?
What is HOME to me?
How did I grow up- what environment – and how this became my normal, my idea and association of home- safety.
ANd if you grew up in a tensed, full of fights environment (for example) then this kind of energy will feel home/ normal for you and you will unconsciously search for it in your life.
Besides the outer home and environment- do you feel at home, safe INSIDE of yourself?
Is your inner space- be it body, soul, heart – your Home? Are you your first home?
Do you allow your emotions and sensitive side to be a part of your life and who you are? Or do you reject them, fear them, consider the “sensitive one” inside stupid, weak, to be burried away for noone to see?
I am here to tell you that your Emotions and your Sensitivity is STRENGTH and a gift, that this Part of you is eager to be seen, acknoledged and accepted.
But then we reach the MOTHER theme.
How is your Inner Mother? * hint- she is the internalised biological mother.
Do you criticise yourself all the time, do you abandon yourself, are harsh and demanding towards yourself?
Or are you good, gentle, present, caring, loving with yourself?
And when I say this I mean with all parts of yourself. Even the ones that are extra sensitive, maybe sad or still in victimhood mode, the ones that emotionally manipulate to get what they want etc.
See, no inner part is wrong.
They are YOU. And are there for a reason and with a gift.
The Mother Archetype is one of the most provocative to Activate in this sense of really becoming a good, warm, loving inner mother for your inner child and parts.
Saturn is also making an aspect to this new moon and it is also retrograde in Pisces for a few months bringing forth what is practical, what sticks for the long run from all the Spirituality and God talk, from all the dreaming and the wishing.
He is supporting us to build new structures based on and connected to our TRUE FAITH, connected to a Higher Vision and ideals.
There is a lot of emotion surfacing and also it is a time of Maturing, of reconnecting even deeper to our truest needs and Soul.
Neptune is also retrograde in Pisces making his time retrograding confusing and slowing us down on one hand and also working for us behind the scenes, in the energetic, subtle realm. Downloads and messages that come intuitively, dreams and insights, rememberance of a different world and a different future that comes from our Higher Selves – are all part of these months.
It is a time when we will discern, see the truth especially when it comes to the spiritual field but also when it comes to all that is our connection with the universe, with our Soul, with that which is beyond the mind a physical. Great art, music, films, inspiration is coming through in the world.
The false light is already being revealed and ‘Walk the talk” is the invitation we are receiving.
Another special event is Lilith moving into Libra after nine months in Virgo. She is travelling throgh the sign where the south node is also travelling to activate the truth, empower us when it comes to relationships.
Relationships are further tested and there are a lot of break ups possible as well as deep transformation when it comes to who you are in relation with the other. What are your boundaries, preferences, emotional needs, opinions and which are the relationships that are really there FOR you, nourishing you and which are the ones where you maintain from compromising yourself, fear of being alone, co dependency.
She is also testing taking ownership of our inner truth and what is right for each of us, standing up for our on truth and having our own backs instead of compromising, keeping the peace just out of avoidance and fear, dimming ourselves.
With Lilith here we have a chance to meet the “dark” part of us in relationships and also- see the truth of who we are (and others) dead in the face with nowwhere to run. This is just an opportunity to TRULY find out who we are and stop pretending, avoiding, living lies that we tell ourselves.
Venus in Cancer in a tensed aspect with Kiron in Aries continues to “push” us for more self love, more healing towards what we really want, like, more healing with the Feminine side of us and with women. Take leadesrship of your own life and Dare to allow, make peace with and integrate the SOFT feminine power.
New intentions regarding all these themes are supported now and new seeds of self love can be planted.
If you feel stuck and confused or are in a search of more clarity, guidance and answers I invite you to book an intuitive soulful astrology session. More than astrology- it is your story, deep truth being revealed, practical instruments offered and all applied to your life.
> scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro or send a message on my socials.