Tag: capricorn new moon

New Moon in Capricorn – stepping into Maturity

At this beautiful synchronic date, 11.1 the New moon in Capricorn is forming in the sky. This means Sun and Moon coming together and an opportunity to take a look inside and decide what you want to do, implement, take care of  for the next months.


Capricorn is the sign of responsability, steady work to go to the top, long term achievements, big structures and systems, inner authority.

It is the mountain goat, half under water and half climbing the mountain. It keeps the emotional world for himself/herself and puts a lot of energy into work, into making it in a very resilient, step by step way. 

It can go deep and isolate himself, only talk and express the essentials but having a complex inner world.

This energy is the CEO, the one that manages teams and creates structures but with long term planning. Not in a haste, not on a whim, not without planning ahead and then working their ass off. Sometimes so much that workaholism is their best friend.


IT has amazing organisational and leadership skills and for them it is important to be respected, to work within the rules, to respect the structures. Sometimes they can live a very simple, minimalist life, not needing to many objects or clothes but investing in quality.


This New MOON in aspect with Mars, the Luna Nodes and Uranus, together with other aspects between Mars and Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) ,Jupiter is about TAKING responsability for your long term vision – business, mission, work, plans.


Are you ready to actually commit to what you want? 

Are you ready to actually look at the bigger plan, where this leads you and draw (some) steps?

Are you ready to stop playing and step into maturity about your own life and work, mission ?


It is time to reevaluate what you really want and take into consideration a way of doing it all having FAITH, Connection with DIVINITY, your hear’s true desires in the middle of it.

The era of doing things, becoming someone, having a business just to look good, to get fame and attention, out of greed or fear is ending.


You are invited to see the illusions you kept yourself in (Saturn in pisces), take your power back and find out who you really are and want to be and activate your Inner Authority, your Inner ADULT, creating your Life in a different manner than until now.


Capricorn is also old structures and systems in place, it also about power in this top down – boss- employee way and stiffness- wanting to keep it this way, these rules.


So what structures and systems are you ready to seed and create for the future in a Consciouss, aware, heart and soul aligned way? In a way that is Centred and Emotionally mature, Inspired by the Divine and rooted deep in the Earth? 

In a way where you are in integrity and alignment with yourself, respecting yourself and deciding not from fear or lack but from Faith, Trust, Inner Power, from a Sovereign inner place.

Are you ready to build and access wealth and comfort, health and give birth to bussineses that are congruent with all of the above ?

Are you ready to also involve Sacredness, God, spiritual practices in your work, mission, business and operate from a NEW level of consciousness?



These are all questions to reflect on, to take pen and paper and give yourself the answers, allow your new intentions to come up and new decisions to come from this empowered inner place.



We were trained to do almost everything for recognition, for approval, to fit in, to demonstrate how good, perfect, smart etc we are. All from a place of constantly giving away our power to money, to roles and images, to systems , to the exterior. All from an energy of lack, fear and just chasing illusions that we think will make us happy.



It is the beginning of a new way. New way of doing business, making money, creating structures. A new way to live, choose, act, collaborate and grow.
This time- in alignment with the Divine and Universal laws, from within, from a space of peace, compassion, abundance, worth, self value, inner power.

We are creating this new paradigm and new world. You, me, all of us – and we can choose to do it consciously and to really take ownership of our life.


We have an important moment ahead besides this New Moon which is the beginning of the astrological year.

On 20-21st of January : Pluto will be conjunct the SUN at 29 degrees CApricorn and then both enter Aquarius in this conjunction (hand in hand).  It is a big turn of energy. A moment of revelations and light illuminating the darkness. Some things you didn’t see until now that were lurking in the shadows might become very visible and trigger you.

We are ending this cycle of Pluto in Capricorn that started the dissolution of the old world, old rules, old structures. It has started the revealing of what was hidden, all manipulation, lies, power struggles, all that was kept secret for years and years.


What- in your inner world- you kept secret from yourself? What shadows and fears did you allow to rule your world, to take charge? Where did you give your power away?


This is the time for empowerment. As until now we as humanity and individuals lived from a completely disempowered space, completely manipulated, controlled and with the illusion of power (fake power through having some money, some titles, some fame, some nice things).


True power is activated when you have a strong center to return to, an Open Heart that is your Anchor and your guide, strong unwavering faith in the Divinity in you and in YOURself, your decisions, your truth, your needs, your body, your intuition, your emotions. When you stop putting yourself last, doubting your every thought, sensation, emotion and start accepting all your inner parts, step into feeling whole, enough, worthy, valuable and not needing to demonstrate anything.

True power is activated when you discern for yourself and follow your inner guidance and stop believing everything the exterior sells and shows you. When you stop living as a REACTION to the external and start CHOOSING and leading from the INTERNAL space.



You get to this place by looking inside into your shadows first, into your limitations and fears, into your hidden aspects and into all those spaces that you rejected, shamed, avoided, ran from. This is the path towards a MATURE, AWARE, Self LEAD ADULT. 


Who is this person you want to become- activate from within- that leads such a life?

What steps do you need to choose and take for that?




As always, I am here to support this journey.

I am here to  guide you to that empowered inner place and alchemise the fears into trust and faith so that you lead yourself feeling worthy, enough, valuable and connected to your Feminine blueprint, your body and intuition, your inner divinity.

Dare to commit to YOURSELF.