Tag: intuitive soulful astrology

New Moon in Gemini- how you speak

June 6th, the Sun and the Moon meet up in the energy of Gemini creating the New moon aspect.

This is when the moon is dark on the sky, a moment of introspection, new intentions and beginnings. 

This new moon is special as it makes a perfect conjunction with Venus and she is also finalising her cycle started in 2020.


What did you learn about yourself, relationships, money, what you like and desire during these 4 years?

What do you desire, find pleasure in and are you comfortable accepting that AND expressing that?

The Gemini energy is all about communication and self expression, information, connections and also , the early childhood years like kindergarden, neighbours, sibilings, aunts and uncles, papers and documents, daily trips and short distances.

The Gemini energy is flirty, quick, mental and often jumps from one thing to another, multitasks.


With so many planets in Gemini now  all these aspects and themes might surface, become themes of interest.


Observe how you speak, communicate. Is it aligned with your inner truth or is it out of fear, self-compromise, what others expect, not to disturb?

How much of yourself and your truth do you actually express out in your relationships, in the world? 

Do you say what you actually mean or are you living as a disempowered being holding your opinions, thoughts, swallowing your words, clenching your jaw and prefering to shut up ?


What contexts, situations in early childhood years, educational years are now surfacing in terms of speaking, expressing yourself? 

Have you been told to shut up, made to feel like your opinion is not important, ignored, mocked…? Were you encouraged to speak up, listened to, validate, supported? 



Pay attention to all the info coming in your field. Practice grounding and connecting with your body, soothe your nervous system as often as you can so that you can feel, discern what is true and what is lie, manipulation, fake news.


Also a good practice is to Observe what you tell yourself. How you speak about yourself, what you think often about yourself.



The square with Saturn and the PLuto- Jupiter trine are helpful as they cut off what is just fillers, what is not practical, truthful, important.

It might feel that there is a difficulty in speaking up exactly to show you where that difficulty comes from and to support you to set new intentions, make changes within so you clear your throat and fears and STAND up for yourself.


Truth that might be hard to hear, changes are all part of this energy. As rapid as the mind can be, the slowing down Saturn brings is precisely to make us pay attention to what we say, how, when, to whom. To help us be more connected to our throat, voice, truth and mind.


For some this is a time when they embrace their Full Voice and truly Communicate what they mean in a raw, unfiltered way. It can be a moment of empowerment when it comes to WHO you are and what you have to say.



One aspect I observe is the tone and the space you speak from. Just the other day I was working with a client and touching on this subject.

Observe how you speak when you breathe deeply into your stomach and you are present, centred in yourself.

Observe how you speak when you are in your head, agitated, out of alignement.


Most of us do not use our true voice as we are soooo taught to yell, raise the voice, be in the head all the time – disconnected from our bodies, from our centre.

Practice this and see how you feel and what changes.



In the light of all this energy you can extract intentions to put on paper and start watering with presence and love so you come more and more into yourself, activate the Leader within and stand up in your Authority and Power.


The north node invites us constantly to Empower ourselves and lead our lives from within, to know who we are and trust our inner guidance, intuition and stop giving our power away outwardly.


There s a big moment here that offers opportunities to step more into our true selves, true identity, power and voices….to dare more.



What is your intention for this new moon?





As always I am offering the Magical and Potent Intuitive Soulful Astrology sessions based on your birthchart that combines my therapeutical expertise, energy work and practical instruments and guidance. All about you and your life in a simple, clear way so you truly takeaway valuable insights, new perspectives, answers, modalities to implement information.

I am a message away: scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro

Full Moon in Scorpio- without descend there is no real Power

On April 24 th, just a few days from the big Jupiter-Uranus conjunction the Energy of the full Moon is at its peak.

It is happening in Scorpio with the opposition of the Sun in Taurus ( full moon is always Sun and Moon opposite).


What is Scorpio energy about?

Transformation, alchemy, truth, depth, death, taboo, power, esoteric and energetic Power. In clasic astrology it is about money, sexuality and what we share with the other (can be debt, creditors, inheritances etc).

The Scorpio Taurus axis involves our relationship with money, our sexuality, body , ability to transform and alchemise the fighting, suffering mode (scoprio) into ease, simplicity, self worth and self value.


Whats your relationship with sexuality, death and FEAR?

How do you use your Power- do you manipulate others to get what you want?

Do you live a life based on “it is hard, i need to fight and something bad always happens”? 


Are you ready to dive deeper?


With PLuto that makes a tensed aspect to the Sun and Moon there is more..TRUTH, raw and unwanted truth coming to surface. 
Those fears, shame, “i have ti fight and it is always drama” come to surface now.

What you kept putting under the rug comes up into your face to be seen. 


You might experience anxiety and also situations that involve sexuality, old relationships, death, contol issues and also- an OVERALL DEEP TRANSFORMATION of your lifestyle.


Because we are not just talking full moon here, there s also Lilith involved AND the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus creating a SHAKE in your internal and external world.


What is the TRUTHFUL and authentic way to live? * by yourself of course

What are your haibts, routines and what s the relationship with your BODY- senses- health? 


How valuable and worthy do you feel?

What about money? Whts the relationship here? Do they come the hard way, is it a fearful relationship, do u still operate on lack mentality and believe money is about hard work and sacrifice? 


All of these are existential questions that have to do with how you want to live, what you want to keep choosing and whats ready to go.


Are you willing to go deeper and look into what is calling you now at the emotional level? Stop saying “I am good, all is good”, when it is not? 


Might be a messy moment here. Overwhelm and even shock, stuff not working, everything seems like it exploded in your face.

It is because you are called to deal with the deeper layers, to see the truth and own it.



So you can make the transition from hard, fight, fear, control, lack into ease, flow, prosperity, a life lived in health, wealth, based on healthy values and in your POWER.



Scorpio is asking you to change, let go, let die, transform and RISE. You cannot just say or wish things and believe it is done. Its deeper than that.


Aries with the north node here, Mercury, Venus invites you to find out who you really are, to empower yourself and stand tall in your life, courageously speaking up, setting boundaries and LEADING yourself in the direction you feel and know is good for you.


Taurus is inviting you to reconnect to your senses, body, to the earth, to reevaluate the relationship with nature, with your habits and also with money, self value, self worth.


IN order to step into all that empowered, free, healthy, wealthy and ease, to OWN that your are THE LEADER of your life and stop listenting to everyone else…your need to DESCEND INTO THE SCORPIOnic world. 


Into Hades. Like Inana did, like Jesus did, like all the of us need to do.

You get empowered and free when you stare the fear in the eye, when you walk through all the inner shadows, pain and grief. When you integrate that DEATH is part of life and of this process of evolution.

When you allow yourself to really STOP LYING to yourself and become truthful to the bone.


Without this part there is NO REAL healing, evolution, transformation.


Without this part it all remains a fairytail. Words we tell ourselves and stories we want to believe but our LIFE, real life, inner and outer remains the same.


I see many so called succesfull people, women in this field. Apparently they have it all. And their eyes and energy scream sadness, pain, fear. They dont even know that.


And as a WOMAN, the DESCEND is CRUCIAL. This is the path for true initiation into the LIGHT.

As long as you keep fearing to feel the fear, the anger, the sadness..and only put bandages and words on them you will keep repeating the same patterns and contexts to the point where you become ill or dramatic events happen.


Sudden and surprising is the word here as well with Uranus in the Mix.


Learning to be in discomfort and not runing from it is an art and something that helps sooo much. Learning to be flexible and to trust all that is …is a big key.


As long as you keep running away from what you feel, from burried emotions and trauma…THIS WILL APPEAR INTO THE COLLECTIVE! Through war, pain, grief, anger and so much more.


What are you ready to see now , what truth are you ready to acknowledge and deal with?

How honest are you with yourself?


Worldwide raw truth keeps being revealed. Shocking news appear and it looks like chaos and fear and destruction.

Pluto and scorpio and Uranus may destruct as Kali does with her chaos and power so that we build a NEW World and allow the old to die. 

You might get a FEELING of the future, glimpses and downloads from the depths of your Soul. Listen to them and have patience. Dive deep and OWN your inner demons. THey hold the Power you seek, Not the fake illusion power this world is based on…and now dismantling – but the true- HEART based power.


There is a POTENT moment here. Are you choosing to step into the next level or are you choosing the comfort zone?


Do you keep living at the surface level and run from what scares you, what you don;t understand, your triggers? 
Or are you ready to own all of that and have no fear hold the power over you?



Old wounds like the persecution wound is now brought to the surface for many.

The silence, the torture, the chasing and the pain…the hiding and all of the inquisition times are directly impacting you through visceral fear and anxiety, keeping silent, hiding yourself and your gifts..


It is a GREAT time to work with this wound and alchemise that into Freedom, Empowerment, CLAIM the gifts you have as a woman and RISE.


It is a great time for ceremony, ritual, clearing, cleansing work, energy work.

The PRIESTESS in you, the magician, the witch is Calling many to stop hiding and fearing…and to start owning their power.


Power is what many women are SCARED of. Their own deep , ancestral power and wisdom is so big and out of this world that it triggers fear. So

what we were told and learnt to do is go in the head space, make it all logic and scientific and keep the distance from all the deep mystery.


I am inviting you to take a step further and access the next level. Activate the magic in you, reclaim your wisdom and start owning that power that is not based on money, status, image, illusions.

But the power of knowing who you are, holding your own shadows and light in confidence, listening IN to your Intuition, daring to speak the truth.


WISE WOMEN and the TRUTH has been feared by those manipulating the reality.


I am here to open this doorway back to YOU and the Magic you Hold, to claim your TRUTH and stop playing it small, hiding yourself and shaming yourself.



On April 24th, Healing the Witch wound online workshop is aligned with this transformative moment.


We descend into our bodies, connect with the Magician within, alchemise that fear, clear the old contract keeping you small. We reclaim and activate. We step into your NEXT LEVEL.


This is where you find the details





New Moon in Aries- Power reset

Lets talk about Aries and all the transformation taking place now in this sign.

On April 8th the New moon and Solar Eclipse are at they’re peak. OF course, in Aries. And conjunct (perfect degree) with Kiron. And with the North Node here. There’s more : mercury is retrograde in Aries until April 25th.


Who is Aries? The energy of beginnings, courage, leadership. The beginning of Spring – power and zest of life, affirmation of Self. I AM. and that is enough.

Aries is also the child – in this case- the inner child, childhood. It s the ancestral, primal force of life.

Let’s do it! Jump the occasion, think after. 🙂


Who is Kiron?

The Wounded healer. Part human part animal he was injured and couldn;t heal himself so he dedicated his life t o heal others. Otherwise said- the WOUND IS the MEDICINE. Also represents alternatives ways of healing, karmic wounding, core wounds and fears and also the remedy itsself. Why? Because THRU the wound enters the light. It is not just a saying- it is real. Once you actually allow yourself to FEEL the fear, sandness, pain – you move it, you create space for it to flow and be alchemised, unstuck from your body.

When you put pills, affirmations, positive thinking, distractions on top- it just accumulates and gets nastier until it hits you in the face when you least expect it (For example- in a panic attack).


So what is this about?

New beginnings but not just like that! Wait, there s depth here.

We are going thru the Eclipse coridor- transformational, provocative, deep on a ancestral, core level on the relationship axis: relationship with self (Aries) and others ( Libra).


If I want to have great relationships, meaningful, lasting, honest, I have to create that relationship with myself and be able to hold that frequency of honesty, emotional maturity,self value, self trust, honesty with self.



With Kiron so activated now on the self side of the axis you are “pushed” to really look deep inside and process old wounds. Childhood wounds, ancestral wounds. Fear of not being enough, fear of being rejected, compromise, treason, not having boundaries, co dependency…not knowing who you are unless someone else validates you, tells you.

IDENTITY SHIFTS are in place. You cannot become the “better” you if you don’t first address what is limiting you. All the distorsion, shame, fear, anxiety, pain, all the programs keeping you small and feeling unimportant, not worthy, scared.


Inner CHILD is now big. (I have a short video about it in my free facebook group, Whole Woman).


During childhood you felt all those uncomfortable feelings that are incapsulated in you and now are popping up, bursting. Contexts, emotional out of the sudden, panick, anxiety, chaos….out of nowhere or just intensified.


Clean the house if you want to feel good in it.


The deeper layer is the POWERLESNESS cultivated since forever. The systems were created to disempower you, to disconnect you from who you are. They told you to not be soft, not to feel, not the be a nuisance, not to disturb others, not to talk too loud….to sit quietly, to listen to others opinions, to shut up….They told you the power is at the top…and you just need to get by and keep your head down

Not dare to speak up or to be different than others. Don;t bother, keep the peace, FIT IT, be nice.


The power went to the ones having the money and status and God is the allpowerful one, you being just a mere mortal, here to struggle and LISTEN to the ones in charge.

So you were taught that power is outside of you – your parents, bosses, government, presidents, god, the elder, the rich, money. So you can’t do much.


You were punished for being you. Disapproved. Yelled at, beaten, negated, laughed at.



So we now live in a society of disempowered children (emotionally we are children) , victims that wait for someone else to tell them what is real, true, what to do and how, and when. Wait for the rules to be made and blindly follow them. OUT OF FEAR. 



You are invited now to take your power back. To discover that it is INSIDE of you. To reclaim your Authority and Sovereignty. To take ownership of your life, decision and LEAD yourself, Create what you want together with GOD.


I know, it is hard to take ownership and reponsability when it is soooo easy to be comfortable on the couch, in your 9 to 5, being told and being delivered what you need to survive.


You don;t even dream anymore. Don’t know what Thriving means. Just drag your feet and hope for the economy to change,for the saviours to come, for the weather to be better, for LUCK. 


The other day a client told me ” I thought you would tell me exactly what I need to do”. I smiled and replied: that is your job as you have the POWER over your life and decisions. I know it is easier to not be in that discomfort to choose, take risks- but I am here to give you the Power back.”


To be a leader in your life, to take ownership and grow up, to open your eyes to the TRUTH that has been hidden to you, to be open to discomfort and actually CHOOSE smething different takes COURAGE and that is why so few DARE to ‘wake up”, to do the work as to Empower , Lead themselves.


Mercury Retrograde does not give us a break as it stays here and goes back some degrees, in Aries, and supports the healing, the reevaluation, seeing what we missed, dealing with the fine print, slowing down and diving in.

And no- Mercury or the Eclipse or any planet is not to BLAME- this is how you give your Power away again! They just are. Energy just is. Asccension just happens. It is up to you if you want to take the opportunity and make something out of it or prefer waiting it out and remaining in the victim state. 

Whenever you think, say or act as if you can’t, something needs to happen, change from outside- you give your power away.


Even to god when you re like “ i wait for god to put everything in place, to bring me that job, to work FOR me” This is not how it works. GOD IS YOU- in you. He /She “sends” messages thru people, contexts, situations, triggers….


Where is your POWER?

Who leads your life?


Mars, the rules of Aris is in Pisces with Saturn making a conjunction as well. Patience. Slow down. Discern. What is REAL, what is illusion. What is the truth behind the smokescreen?

Surrender your little mind and will to Divinity- God and allow the dissolution of the old to take place.


Yes, sometimes ‘bad’ things happen so you pay attention and lean something. It is up to you if you choose to blame, get angry with everyone, wait it out…or you get involved, present, aware and dive into seeing what is your take from this.

It is always about you and for you.


Anther big conjunction is Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus on April 20th. THE Conjunction of the YEAR.


It is up to you what stories you feed. IF this is apocalyptic and you buy into the fear even more or if this is just what is….and you continue being present, discern, do your part, practice faith and remaining centered.


Yes, it is possible for the financial market to crash or to be in a crisis, it is possible that food chains are interrupted or earthquaqes happening. ALL is Possible at ANY time.


What it you choose to see all of this -even id it happens- as beneficial? As what is needed for the REBIRTH of this society? And trust God, the Higher Plan?

What if you start really becoming present and asking yourself what really matters, returning to simplicity and values, taking care of your energy and health, taking back your power from money, institutions, news, what others say….and start CREATING the LIFE you feel right for you?

What if this conjunction, moment in time is about healing, expansion, deeper exploration of possibilities, more abundance and well being, more ease and health from a Mature, Centred, Heart based space? 


FEAR is the agenda that keeps you subjugated and disempowered. What if you would stop and look FEAR in the eyes, come close to her and talk to her, feel her really, deeply, receive her message?


With 6 planets and points in ARIES – Leadership, Empowerement, Courage to be who you are is the theme. TOgether with rewriting the past, healing the wounds, alchemising the fear, opening the eyes to the REALITY and remembering WHO your REALLY ARE, why you are here.


And as soon as you accept the Journey and the CALL to take responsability….the less the resistance, the less the suffering.



TRUTH is and will be revealed. BIG TIME. And it is not easy to take it in – for the trained, tamed, controlled mind that lives in an artificial manipulated reality.

Many will prefer to hide their head in the sand, to remain in the comfort of “conspiracy”, “fake”, “this is crazy”….when the harsh reality is going to hit on a large scale. Only who doesn not want doesn’t see all the messages, the signs, the whisleblowers, the truth being exposed all the time.


This is not to scare anyone but to GET REAL and PRESENT. To recalibrate all you thought and start taking back your power and ACTIVATING it from INSIDE.



So what is your intention for this new moon ? 🙂





As always I am here leading you back towards your inner truth, power, sovereignty and freedom.

We can do this in multiple ways. Send a message and lets chat.


Oh- and part of this all transformation is, as I said, the ancestral wounds. The persecution and the fear instilled by the church, the inquisition that still lies inside of you as women (and men). 

So…on April 24th I am facillitating this amasing online workshop for the 3rd time: Healing the Witch Wound. Alchemise the fear, take back your power, activate those ancestral gifts. 





Full Moon in Libra -relationship reset

Eclipse season starts with the Full Moon in Libra on March 25th *gmt+2, with strong Aries and Pisces energies. Let’s dive a bit deeper.


The full moon is when Sun and Moon are opposite and it is a moment of possible tension, friction and truth being revealed, releases and endings.  March 25 th is the peak but when we speak about eclipses it is an energy and developments that take place for months

The strongest activation is between now and the next New Moon in Aries in April. FOr about 2 weeks relationships, empowerment, patience are being tested and worked on.


Moon is now in Libra together with the South Node and emanating this strong eclipse energy on the same axis – Libra- Aries ( where the Sun and North Node are).

Libra energy is about RELATIONSHIPS, all 1-1 relationships. It brings the energy of peace, balance, justice as well as, in the shadow side-  fusion, lack of boundaries and personal power.


With the South node in Libra karmic energies, contracts, stories are being brought to surface to be processed, released, alchemised.


Where are you in your relationships? 
Where do you place yourself, whats the inner space you interact from? In your marriage, friendships, with your clients? 

Whats the relationship history? What wounds can you identify and work through so that you CHANGE the DYNAMIC and EMPOWER yourself (north node in Aries) ?


RELATIONSHIP dynamics is of the essence in this world.

We are taught and programmed to interact with another from a wound level. The inner child, the ancestral and transgenerational- all play a big role in the way we think, behave, position ourselves in relationships.

We are all hurt individuals that STAY in disfunctional relationships because we had NO EXAMPLE of harmonious, healthy ones. 


Look at your relationship with men, with girlfriends, with colleagues, with bosses, clients… what do you observe? 


Inside we think we are broken, no enough, small, not important. We are afraid of being rejected, criticised, mocked, abandoned…so …we develop mechanisms, roles and identities to SHOW something else, to appear as if we are confident and detached and powerful and independent. Its all a coverup for the little scared and desperate for love inner child.


You would do anything to keep that apparent safety in your relationship, to not be left alone, to not go through the pain of rejection again. You compromise, you shut up, you shut down..u take refuge in kids, work…you put on a smile, a face..make up..you tell a story – even to yourself – that you are GOOD. When in fact, you are sad, alone, disconnected, in pain, even angry, numb….you name it.


Historically marriage has been a contract. We have this disfunctionality in our cells. Women have been sold and given into contracts so many times we  now function based on this CONTRACTUAL SILENT agreement in our own relationships.

“He is not that bad. He says he loves me. He is a good guy, I should be happier…I do this, I give you this…”
“who will look at me now with kids and all? / we ve been together too long now/ all good men are taken so I maybe having too high standards”


Apply this to your friendships as well.


We have NO IDEA how to BE in a relationship in a very HONEST, PRESENT, HEART centred way. Because we are so wounded and just waking up to the importance of inner work, inner child, transgenerational, shadow work.


THIS IS WHAT IS NOW BEING RE-WRITEN through the NODES in Libra and Aries. A whole new paradigm, level, world is opening up for us so that we no longer ACCEPT to live in painful disconnection, self lying, inner pain, contractual relationships. 

As this is the foundation of all society.

All corruption, violence, manipulation, cheating, lying…is based in disconnection from our Hearts, from our inner Power from the friendship with ourselves. We cheat, lie, manipulate, fear, blame, hate ourselves first in so many subtle ways….and then the other sex – the eternal masculine and feminine war that starts to slowly come to an end.



With many planets in the Pisces energy/sign we are going through a HEART recoding, healing and purging. We are being invited to remember the SOUL, the truth of who we are, to reconnect to our HEARTS and to PURE love. Of course this is a process that means going through all that is NOT love, programs, fears, old stories…patterns so we release and be rebirthed.

Through this rebirthing we are actually anchoring a NEW way of living. We are birthing a new society based on the HEART, on integrity, on self empowered, aware individuals that are no longer operating from Fear and conditioning but CONNECTED to the HIGHER TRUTH, the Divine, the heart space.


The north node in Aries with the Sun there, Kiron and Mercury (which will retrograde in April in this sign) we are being worked on on a mental level , on an IDENTITY level so that we can discover who we really are. And with the planets in Pisces we are being worked – reframed on a Soul level, heart level.


Pluto in aspect with this Full Moon brings forth TRUTH, hard uncomfortable truth about who you are and been in your relationships.

Have you been faking it? Have you been accepting less? Have you been operating from fear ? 

All of this can now be seen, healed through.


Even if the mind might feel a bit restless with Mars, Venus in Pisces its mostly “sit tight” for a bit, FEEL into this, take some time to process on a bodily level, connect to your HEART and see whats the REAL TRUTH here.



What are those relationships you need to recalibrate now? 


Start with the one with yourself. Where did you give away your power? 

What is the little girl inside of you feeling, needing, saying? 

What was the relationship dynamic you inherited, you grew up with? 


Open yourself up to the truth and do the deep work, be honest and real with you. Notice what is going on on an emotional level- what is stirred up? Learn to process your emotions in presence with yourself as everything outside of you, all people in your life  are here to support you know yourself, heal yourself, take your power back, stand in your value and dare to LIVE your truth.


All SOCIETY and systems need to be Transformed.

This starts with you, me, each of us.


How hones are you able to be with yourself? This is an important question. 

How open to really sit with discomfort and uncover your true identity? 

How dedicated to yourself, to your evolution u are, no matter the “risks”? 


Are u willing to go through change and build a relationship with yourself based on integrity, honesty, values, self value, gentleness, appreciation, presence? 


Who do you choose to be going forward? What are you ready to see and release now? 


Even though we have a libra- aries strong energy, the Piscean energy is the underlying tone, the silent director that has this wonderful role of reconnecting us with the Higher Self, love, truth, the Divine…


You may take some moments to set this intention ( or similar).


I am opening myself up to the Hight Frequencies of Love and Truth and I allow them to wash through me all the old wounds, limitations, fears, stories and recalibrate my cells, my DNA in Alignment with my Inner Divine Plan.

Feel what is going on within. Pay attention to the dreams and to all that surfaces around you, in you. Ground in nature.



The Universe is always expanding and moving….the invitation is open for you to recalibrate, transform, move, get to the next level in your life and put in the work, the presence, the commitment to yourself in a grounded, practical manner, with patience and resilience.




I am here for this Journey of self awareness, presence, identity discovery, power claiming, illusion dissolving, Heart Centering.

If you are ready lets ride this wave together.


Full Moon in Virgo -Practical God

I was contemplating the signs and it popped up for me that the axis Pisces- Virgo and Scorpio- Taurus seem the most challenging or interesting ones.

As we have the Full Moon in Virgo happening on the 24th of February ( maximum around 2 pm gmt+2) I will give you more details about the Virgo- Pisces axis.
At the full moon Sun is in Pisces and Moon in Virgo.



One is total dissolution, energy, the entire universe, the subconscious and even representative for God, Faith, ancestrality ( Pisces) and the other one is so here and now, earthy, grounded, practical and useful, all about details, solving, daily life. One of the most “concrete- solid” there is.

One is about mental, psychologycal and invisible health ( besides mental, viruses, bacteria for example) – Pisces- and the other is bout bodily health like your habits, day to day routine, wellness- Virgo.


The thing they have in common is HEALING one is the divine – energy healer and the other is the body- wellness- ayurvedic (example) healer. The Divine -energy- frequencies come through your body- hands, voice- into the practicality of healing. ( plants, massage, words, sound etc).


The connection to the Pisces energy where the Sun is illuminates FAITH and our relationship with the Source, Divinity, Spirituality and that deep sense of “I am more than my body”. With Saturn conjunct the Sun and the Moon in Virgo this Faith- Spiritualty, spiritual practices are tested – invited to come here and now- grounded, in the present, in the body, in the daily life, in a practical and useful manner.


We talk a lot about faith and god. People often confuse religion with faith. A lot say ” I have faith, I believe in God”.

When it comes to practical, day to day contexts, issues, situations – this faith evaporates into the thin air most often than not.


Whenever you see that you have no money and risk not paying rent for example, or when you or someone else dear gets sick, has an accident ….or when nothing goes according to (your) plan- how do you react?

Do you go into anxiety, fear, blaming, anger, even more control, even more pushing, doing, desperation?

….or do you trust that all that is happening is FOR you even though you do not know the reason now?

…do you still keep the inner peace and relaxation knowing and feeling that God is always taking care of you, that you are protected and supported no matter what?

…do you accept with ease what is going on and take it as a lesson, as something that is part of life and move through it with grace and faith?


These are examples of moments in life where FAITH is tested and most ….realise they do not actually have it integrated, it is not a part of their being, of their day to day.



Even when you are the most spiritual person, you do mantras, yoga, you write and share quotes, you believe in the ONEness (pisces as well), you have all kinds of spiritual experiences ( For example retreats, plant medicine etc) – when LIFE happens- what do you do?

Is your faith strong? Are you still relaxed, at peace, centered and talking to the divine in an organic way?


DO you do all these things because they are a trend, because someone said so, because you want to put up a front and be the same as others…? And when the class, retreat, prayer, mantra ends you come back to your “normal” life?


How do YOU LIVE GOD? How do you infuse Sacredness into all you are and do, all the time…not just in a spiritual workshop or not just superficially reciting, doing things? 


How do you wake up every day? What is your routine that includes god– your heart- connection? How do you eat ? How do you talk to people? How do you work? How do you step into a room or a forest or anywhere? WHERE IS GOD- SOURCE – and how are all the spiritual concepts applied as something organic?



You are invited to reflect on how everything spiritual is actually useful, practical and grounded.


There are so many that just “levitate” and know everything, they seem to be illuminated and sooo spiritual…,(what does that actually mean?) and when LIFE happens, here, now, on earth, in the body – the contrast between who they seemed to be and who they really are, how they really live- is shocking! ( first hand experience here).

I was also one of the “Levitating- know it all- teach everybody about spirituality” and my actual life was going sideways. I was disembodied, running from my own emotions and fears, always anxious and so on….


How is all that you know – all the knowledge, quotes, concepts, ideas – useful to you in your day to day? How is it all changing you from within? 



In all of us there is a HEALER. We are all vessels of the DIvine and part of the Divine. The way back into remembering that is through the HEART- through your HUMANITY.

Simple daily things are what will bring you closer to god, to your heart, to feeling that which you search everywhere around.


Invitation is to connect with the earth and your body. Truly. With presence,in silence.

To  get friends with your body and check your routine, your daily habits and see what you can change to nourish you.


and….to awaken the INNER HEALER and the INNER DIVINITY.


God flows through your hands when you cook, touch someone, give a massage, create a painting or plant a flower. 

Mother flows through you when you speak, humm, sing, chant, when you move your body, your hips, when you walk and do any daily chore.

Mother/Father flows through you always when you make love, when you laugh and contemplate soemthing beautiful, when you rock your kids or play….

Every breath is the breath of life….


Disconnection from your body- your senses- mother Gaia – from your soul and  disconnection from Divinity through invented systems brought here and now – alone, fearful, anxious, ill, tensed, sad, angry, irritated, frustrated all the time…. 



ALL that is happening now for Humanity , for all of us, the ascension, the evolution – is pointing back to your humanity- to the practical and useful, to your HEART and presence within. TO taking your power back from middle men and building a strong, full of love, support, nourishment relationship with the DIVINE – who is in YOU as well.

We are invited to REMEMBER that we are divinity in human form. Not just mere mortals crawling in a life of lack, struggle and fear.





Venus and Mars together in Aquarius are redefining the inner relationship between feminine and masculine. and this redefines the outer relationship with the feminine and masculine at a collective and personal level.

Freeing yourself from old stories and boxes..allowing yourself to be uniquely you, redefining who you are and connecting with your BIGGER Goals, dreams, VISION is part of the energetics now.

The war between feminine and masculine comes to an end with every person that heals their own inner wounds and war between the two.


Kiron and North Node conjunct in Aries works at the core of who you are. YOUR IDENTITY is shifting into more authenticity, more honesty, more truth of who you really are.

Not who you think you should be or have been manipulated and programmed into believing you are.

Who am I really? What is the actual DREAM and my path? Where am I going towards and HOW?


Who am I allowing myself to become- uncover, remember and how do I redefine my life, my job, my habits, my work, my everything….briging in DIVINITY, faith, anchoring myself deeep in my heart, growing deep roots in the Earth and making my life a DEVOTIONAL ceremony? In the littlest of things



Bless your food.

Thank the groud that offers it to you

Thank the earth that gives you air. Love the earth.

Bless the conmort, the water, the heat, the home, the people in your life.

Thank and trust your body.

Drink your water honouring and thanking it.

Receive the wind on your skin with gratitude and presence.

Step into Nature with reverence. Treat yourself with gentleness and honorring all of you- God lives in there!



Now is a good time to release all that is distorsion, a lie, manipulation ( you do that with you as well), all that is limiting you, beliefs, habits..health habits included.




And as always I am here to go deeper with you whenever you are ready.

My Intuitive Soulful astrology session, my Clarity and Direction Session, my mentorship, my online courses are all meant to EMPOWER you, help you REMEMBER who you are, RISE from your own limitation, lack, fear, ancestral programming and SHINE your Ancestral Wisdom, truth, feel FREE and ROOTED in yourself ! 

Full Moon in Leo – remember your Heart


Me, me , me – the Leo seems to say all the time. Look at me. I want all the admiration and attention!

But it is not just about you, look at all these people around you, look at Life and how we are all together in this. Look at US and how strong we become together the Aquarius seems to say.

This is part of the discussion with the Leo Full Moon happening on the 25th of January around 8 pm (RO).


The Moon in Leo is shining bright in opposition with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. I feel a lot of HEART energy permeating from here. When Leo energy is embodied in a mature and harmonious way it is all about heart, creativity and play, shining through and enlighting people’s lives just like a child would do. This Pure Heart is also connected to the strong inner Center- self Empowerment- I know who I am, I am enough, I shine, that’s that!

Imagine the Lioness walking with her graciousness and fierce yet calm presence. She instills this respect, this reverence and boundries without doing anything. SHE IS that.


When the Leo energies are embodied and manifested from the Shadow self – wounding and emotional imaturity it screams ” me, me , me, look at me”. There’s a desperation to be in the center of everything, to be seen, to take the center stage. So from this inner space one might develop a Clown Like role – always joking, talking very loudly and stealing the conversation just to get the attention. One can sense that this is empty of any real substance as the wounded Inner Child permeates and the Egoig nature of Leo becomes arrogance, selfishness, almost like an empty shell shining so beautifully on the outside.


Pluto and the Sun in Aquarius unmask, reveal all that is to be seen inside of us that needs letting go , transformation, healing so that we can actually descend into our hearts and truly reconnect with our inner passion, creativity, the Divine Child that sparks us and the confident, creatrive, powerful Lioness that you do not mess around with.


What are those inner parts of you that scream : look at me, just me, don’t pay attention to others! What parts feel envious from this place of  comparison, not enoughness and does everything in its power to be seen , to steal the stage, the conversation out of desperation and neediness? * (We all have an inner wounded child, let;s be very real). 


Pluto will not let us operate further from a place of manipulation, empty shell doing anything for fame or attention. It will strip us bare of illusions of power and bring us back into our hearts, facing our own wounding, egoig actions.



Am I ready to actually see who I am?

Am I ready to let go of illusions of grandeur and allmightyness with no real foundation? Am I ready to recognize where I just operated from this wounded, scared inner girl/boy and start processing that?


Also an invitation to see the bigger picture is open now. An invitation to go beyond just “me” and see how we can actually CONTRIBUTE to  LIFE , for the greater collective.

How my creations, my passions, my projects can add value to others and not make everything about me. (a tough one to go through).


Jupiter in aspect with the Sun and Moon magnifies this story and brings the attention to groundedness, practical resources, ways to manifest.

As Leo is a fire sign, a passionate sign and Aquarius is an air sign roaming through the infinite possibilities and ideas in the Univers, we need something to bring us back here on earth, in this life, today. That is what Taurus and Jupiter does. 

How can actually put my talents and resources to work and create, step by step, believing in myself, in my self worth and value that something that is in my HEART, that higher Vision, that new and crazy idea I have, that passion of mine that I kept hidden or avoided?


There are many that dream and feel a lot, that are so creative and full of ideas and passion for something but they do not take the actual steps, the actual work to make that real and possible and sustainable so it supports them.


Kiron in aspect with Mars and Mercury in Capricorn is creating some tension, maybe anger surfacing, triggering and that is something that can be seen as helpful if we look at what triggered us, what is there actually , at the roots of it.

Kiron in Aries keeps this open door for us to heal the wouded child, to heal the fear of expressing who we are and invites us to take back our power. Now, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn might disagree and and want it all here and now done and well rounded and if possible, done for them by others.

But we already know it takes real inner work to build ourselves from inside out. It takes time and deep transformation so that we can create the life of our hearts here on Earth.


The other important thing happening is Uranus going DIRECT in Taurus righ during this Full Moon ( days before and after as it is a slow moving planet). The area (house) where you have Taurus is impacted by Uranus here that stirrs everything up. It destabilises your life , shocks you, surprises you so that it brings you closer to who you truly are, how you want to live, your values and self worth.


Am I here just for money, a house, social status and checking all the boxes ? What are my values actually? Am I living a life guided by those? Am I aware of talents, of the resources I have, of my INNATE SELF VALUE and self worth or do i associate it with money, with social status? 



All that is happening with the planets is meant to shatter illusions in and out, bring us closer to our own inner truth, help us empower ourselves, activate our inner authority, courage, leadership, creativity and this way, contribute and anchor a NEW way of LIVING a new Earth.


We need to face ourselves in the most true and real manner and find the inner Lioness, the inner Queen and the Divine Child always connected to SOURCE and their Heart ( source through their heart). So that you can create from the depths of who you truly are , honouring that passion, those talents, that Unique expression of who you are. So that you remember you are a part of the whole and live in service and devotion , with strong boundaries, self awareness, deep roots as a Sovereign multi dimensional being.


For this to manifest and be a reality we need to face the wounds, the fears, the comfort zone, the addictions and attachments to victimhood and suffering, all we suppressed and denied and actually be capable of accepting the truth, dealing with it so we can be reborn and transformed. This is where living in alignment begins. This where we emotionally mature and take responsability of our lives, actions, choices and no longer let the wounds and shadows dictate.



  • Practical Exercise: breathe deeply and close your eyes, go in your heart space and continue settling there till you feel calm. Bring your inner little child self in this space, in front of you. Notice. Feel. Be present.

Who is this child? What does she/he dream of? How do you feel her heart? When is this child most happy and free?

GIve her/him a hug. Listen to any messages then slowly come back and take notes. See what arises and then take one action towards what you discovered.


Learn to trust in your dreams, gifts and especially your Heart. Follow your deep passion and what makes you feel you, alive and joyful and ground that taking responsability of your Power to manifest, bring to life and Create what you want. Always together with Divinity, God, Source.



If you are ready to dive deeper and discover your True story, the Intuitive Soulful Astrology Session is what you need. email : scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro