Tag: intuitve astrology

New moon in Pisces- what about your Soul?

March 10 th is when the Sun meets the Moon in the sign of Pisces and form the New Moon aspect. This is the dark moon, the time when we are invited to turn into the inner fertile soil and plant new seeds to blossom.


It is not only the Sun and Moon in Pisces at this time but also Saturn and Neptune making this a stellium- a very strongly piscean energy activated.


So, what is the Pisces energy about?

First thing that comes to mind is Spirituality and God, the Divine, the Universe. The dissolution of the ego, of control, of the mind and the realm of energy, sensing and feeling, the HIGHER Cosmic Field of ONE, unification.

It can also be about illusion, confusion, mental illness, sacrifice, escapism and avoidance, closures and big karmic endings, addictions and disconnection from reality.


With such a strong activation in this sector we are invited

  1. to close, end old karmic cycles of suffering, sacrifice, martyrdom. These are usually inherited patterns and stories and involve transgenerational family secrets as well.

Where did you sacrifice your well being, your freedom, your health? Where in your life to you still live in the Victimhood mode feeling powerless, at the mercy of everything. 
Where do you want to SAVE everybody even if they do not ask you to?

What is ready to be alchemised, let go of, ended at this time? 


2. to redefine our relationship with spirituality, god, our SOUL.

We have been living a life where MIND was and still is considered the ruler, the one that gives you the sense of reality, direction, choice…

What about your Soul? What about those deep longings and dreams that you have forsaken, abandoned and with them, abandoned yourself so that you could live the conform life, the logical life, what was expected of you? 

What about God? And your relationship with the Higher Self, the Creator, Source? What is your definition of that? What is your relationship with that?


And because we have SATURN here it is time to incorporate all spiritual things into day to day life for a long term vision. 


What are the practical steps, choices, instruments that you know you need to integrate more into your life so that “god, soul, divinity” is not just words and concepts? 


You are reminded of a higher reality, an ampler one. You are invited to remember that you are not just flesh and mind, not just material. You are a SPIRITUAL- ENERGETIC- SOUL – being that descended in a Human Body to have this human experience. 

Yes, you have been disconnected from this TRUTH along the centuries and especially while rational, scientific, logic mind took control over spirit and the unseen world.



See, that is why you feel mostly alone, disconnected and lost. Like no one is there for you, like you have to struggle all alone in this world. The disconnection from Spirit and from that part of you that is not flesh or even seen, is what made you so Separate and so afraid and lost.

Religion is another important factor that separated you from WHO YOU REALLY ARE. 


With the middlemen, the fear, the sin, the punishment, the image of an angry god sitting on a throne watching your every move, the image of you as a mere mortal, unworthy to be forgiven or even HAPPY- cut you off from YOUR ESSENCE.


Meditate a bit on this. Reflect. See how it makes you feel, what is stirred up inside of you. And go to the bottom of it.


You are allowed to feel angry with god. To feel like you want to shout and yell at him. Let that be the beginning of your new relationship with the DIVINE.


ONce you are disconnected from Source you are actually feeling disconnected from your SOUL, your Inner Divinity. It is so hard to believe that you are a multi dimensional, free, powerful and sacred being that it is ridiculed and rejected instantly by the programmed mind….you have been so well “educated” to believe this story of who you are that the TRUTH seems an aberration or something only crazy people think …or just something so far away from your reality.


See, this is the illusion. That you are only material, flesh, mind, that you are mortal and so sinful and unworthy as truth. Instead of who you really are- as truth that is hidden away from you – to disempower you.



Imagine how would you feel, walk, live, be as a human if you would be aware that you are this Greatness, Sacred Being, always connected and part of Source, walking on this Earth in a suit having an experience, immortal and free. Imagine. And let that sink in.

What is stirred up inside of you? 


We are continuosly invited BACK IN. The entire universe is supporting us to remember who we are, to recreate the Sacred connection with ourselves, our hearts, souls and through that, with the Divine Mother we all come from. TO empower ourselves and Free ourselves from ILLUSION and Manipulation


We are so attached to suffering, unworthiness, hardship, fighting mode, fear….that we think this is how we are supposed to live. That happiness, ease, joy is something out there for some people but not for me.

You keep telling yourself this story as this is the only reality you were taught and programmed into. And sacrifice, hustle, hardships, victimhood, unworthiness is how you think you need to be to be loved, seen, valued, accepted….Stop and reflect on this for a moment as it is BIG.


What if Source, God is in you and with you at every step? in all you are and do? what if your NATURE is Health, Joy, Ease, Pleasure, wealth? What if this is not something to gain or demonstrate anything for but just who you are?



What if?

Can. you allow this possibility into your world? And do all that inner work to process, alchemise, let go of the programming, the manipulations, the wounds, the hurt, the struggle? 


As you are here to REMEMBER and CLAIM your true nature. 
And no, this is not just a beautiful story for some people…or far there somewhere. It is my inner reality, my firm belief AND the DIVINE TRUH beyond all filters , attachements, fear and separation.


Lilith in opposition with this New moon, Sun and Moon, in Virgo, is showing us where we need to empower ourselves, where we need to rerewrite the ancestral story of worth and being loved only if you do, demonstrate, sacrifice. It brings us here and now into our body and together with Saturn invites us to WALK with the human flesh and human experience aware of our Powerful essence, always connected to our Soul and Grounded.

You are a healer and you are gifted. You are here to bring God on earth, To bring true FAITH and nourishing habits, practices here, now, taking care of your body, health and needs.


You are allowed to dream and to believe that all is so much more…that you are so much more



Uranus and Mars are still in conversation and can feel a bit explosive, airy or even, here and there, shocking. New ways of doing things, new ideas and new revelations for the FUTURE can disrupt your inner world.


You might also feel a bit more tired or the need to rest, a bit airy or confused, a bit more emotional than usual. Take it as it is. Receive, accept, feel it all .


Start living from INSIDE out- start going deeper and rediscovering yourself.


What are you ready to close? What are you ready to start from this new, deeper, connected inner space?




As always I am here to support you on this journey of remembering who you really are, empowering yourself and living connected to your Soul, truth, inside out. 

If you are ready for a different, in depth, spiritual and also practical astrology session, I have the intuitive soulful Astrology session for you. Contact me at scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro

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