Tag: leo full moon
Full Moon in Leo – remember your Heart
Me, me , me – the Leo seems to say all the time. Look at me. I want all the admiration and attention!
But it is not just about you, look at all these people around you, look at Life and how we are all together in this. Look at US and how strong we become together the Aquarius seems to say.
This is part of the discussion with the Leo Full Moon happening on the 25th of January around 8 pm (RO).
The Moon in Leo is shining bright in opposition with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius. I feel a lot of HEART energy permeating from here. When Leo energy is embodied in a mature and harmonious way it is all about heart, creativity and play, shining through and enlighting people’s lives just like a child would do. This Pure Heart is also connected to the strong inner Center- self Empowerment- I know who I am, I am enough, I shine, that’s that!
Imagine the Lioness walking with her graciousness and fierce yet calm presence. She instills this respect, this reverence and boundries without doing anything. SHE IS that.
When the Leo energies are embodied and manifested from the Shadow self – wounding and emotional imaturity it screams ” me, me , me, look at me”. There’s a desperation to be in the center of everything, to be seen, to take the center stage. So from this inner space one might develop a Clown Like role – always joking, talking very loudly and stealing the conversation just to get the attention. One can sense that this is empty of any real substance as the wounded Inner Child permeates and the Egoig nature of Leo becomes arrogance, selfishness, almost like an empty shell shining so beautifully on the outside.
Pluto and the Sun in Aquarius unmask, reveal all that is to be seen inside of us that needs letting go , transformation, healing so that we can actually descend into our hearts and truly reconnect with our inner passion, creativity, the Divine Child that sparks us and the confident, creatrive, powerful Lioness that you do not mess around with.
What are those inner parts of you that scream : look at me, just me, don’t pay attention to others! What parts feel envious from this place of comparison, not enoughness and does everything in its power to be seen , to steal the stage, the conversation out of desperation and neediness? * (We all have an inner wounded child, let;s be very real).
Pluto will not let us operate further from a place of manipulation, empty shell doing anything for fame or attention. It will strip us bare of illusions of power and bring us back into our hearts, facing our own wounding, egoig actions.
Am I ready to actually see who I am?
Am I ready to let go of illusions of grandeur and allmightyness with no real foundation? Am I ready to recognize where I just operated from this wounded, scared inner girl/boy and start processing that?
Also an invitation to see the bigger picture is open now. An invitation to go beyond just “me” and see how we can actually CONTRIBUTE to LIFE , for the greater collective.
How my creations, my passions, my projects can add value to others and not make everything about me. (a tough one to go through).
Jupiter in aspect with the Sun and Moon magnifies this story and brings the attention to groundedness, practical resources, ways to manifest.
As Leo is a fire sign, a passionate sign and Aquarius is an air sign roaming through the infinite possibilities and ideas in the Univers, we need something to bring us back here on earth, in this life, today. That is what Taurus and Jupiter does.
How can actually put my talents and resources to work and create, step by step, believing in myself, in my self worth and value that something that is in my HEART, that higher Vision, that new and crazy idea I have, that passion of mine that I kept hidden or avoided?
There are many that dream and feel a lot, that are so creative and full of ideas and passion for something but they do not take the actual steps, the actual work to make that real and possible and sustainable so it supports them.
Kiron in aspect with Mars and Mercury in Capricorn is creating some tension, maybe anger surfacing, triggering and that is something that can be seen as helpful if we look at what triggered us, what is there actually , at the roots of it.
Kiron in Aries keeps this open door for us to heal the wouded child, to heal the fear of expressing who we are and invites us to take back our power. Now, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn might disagree and and want it all here and now done and well rounded and if possible, done for them by others.
But we already know it takes real inner work to build ourselves from inside out. It takes time and deep transformation so that we can create the life of our hearts here on Earth.
The other important thing happening is Uranus going DIRECT in Taurus righ during this Full Moon ( days before and after as it is a slow moving planet). The area (house) where you have Taurus is impacted by Uranus here that stirrs everything up. It destabilises your life , shocks you, surprises you so that it brings you closer to who you truly are, how you want to live, your values and self worth.
Am I here just for money, a house, social status and checking all the boxes ? What are my values actually? Am I living a life guided by those? Am I aware of talents, of the resources I have, of my INNATE SELF VALUE and self worth or do i associate it with money, with social status?
All that is happening with the planets is meant to shatter illusions in and out, bring us closer to our own inner truth, help us empower ourselves, activate our inner authority, courage, leadership, creativity and this way, contribute and anchor a NEW way of LIVING a new Earth.
We need to face ourselves in the most true and real manner and find the inner Lioness, the inner Queen and the Divine Child always connected to SOURCE and their Heart ( source through their heart). So that you can create from the depths of who you truly are , honouring that passion, those talents, that Unique expression of who you are. So that you remember you are a part of the whole and live in service and devotion , with strong boundaries, self awareness, deep roots as a Sovereign multi dimensional being.
For this to manifest and be a reality we need to face the wounds, the fears, the comfort zone, the addictions and attachments to victimhood and suffering, all we suppressed and denied and actually be capable of accepting the truth, dealing with it so we can be reborn and transformed. This is where living in alignment begins. This where we emotionally mature and take responsability of our lives, actions, choices and no longer let the wounds and shadows dictate.
- Practical Exercise: breathe deeply and close your eyes, go in your heart space and continue settling there till you feel calm. Bring your inner little child self in this space, in front of you. Notice. Feel. Be present.
Who is this child? What does she/he dream of? How do you feel her heart? When is this child most happy and free?
GIve her/him a hug. Listen to any messages then slowly come back and take notes. See what arises and then take one action towards what you discovered.
Learn to trust in your dreams, gifts and especially your Heart. Follow your deep passion and what makes you feel you, alive and joyful and ground that taking responsability of your Power to manifest, bring to life and Create what you want. Always together with Divinity, God, Source.
If you are ready to dive deeper and discover your True story, the Intuitive Soulful Astrology Session is what you need. email : scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro