Tag: leo
New Moon in Leo- Dare to ROAR
How DARE you SHINE? How DARE you be so Confident? – this is the underlying message of our society. In other words : Stay small, keep quiet, don’t disturb others, blend in. Be a victim and shut up about it!
What is the LION saying? ” DARE to SHINE, ROAR, Use and show your passion, your big energy, Stand tall and trust who you are”
Imagine a lion/lioness roar, walk, be. What is that oozing out? Feel it.
This New Moon in Leo on August 16th is not just any new moon as it is tightly conjunct VENUS retrograde AND LILITH- the powerhouse Feminine Energy.
Both Feminine energies, Venus- the beauty, the pleasure, the sparkles, the Shine and lushfull, opulent part in us AND Lilith- the dark aspect, the Power, the Sexual energy and Sensuality with no SHAME, the Roaring, the TRUTH, the mystery and the Expression of the repressed- rebelled Feminine.
All attention is on the Leo energy now with the (almost) radical invitation to REBIRTHING yourself.
Who is the WOMAN in you? What is she really like? Beyond the opression, the shame, the guilt, the “fit in, play small” taught part? What would she actually SAY and how would she walk in the world if she would know and embody her worth, magic, power?
What is your relationship with the FEMININE LINEAGE? What have you taken on from your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and all female ancestors before you? What stories of staying small, limiting yourself, being the good girl, sacrificing yourself, crticizing yourself constantly, shaming yourself every day do you still live in and carry on?
If you would radically give yourself permission to BE what would you be like, do, choose, feel? What and how would you EXPRESS yourself in the WORLD? What would you CREATE?
Where is your creative energy buried? Your pleasure, your confidence in your beauty and voice?
Where is your inner POWER tied? And do you shame that part of you that is powerfull, angry, fierce, daring, bold?
Maybe it is time to know her. TO look at her and to untie yourself from the chains of past stories, patriarchal gaze, feminine transgenerational wounds.
OLD patterns, contexts and wounds are now to surface with females in your life; from mom to family, friends and ancestral, inner girl and childhood.
Because LEO is the HEART and POWER, the Creative, resourcefull, joyfull and playfull DIVINE inner child. SHe doesn’t give a shit on what other think, say or how she sould behave. She is connected with her Divine, creative, pure life energy (sexual energy). She shines just because. She plays just because it feels good. She creates just because that is the normal…
And with Uranus in Taurus adding surprises, shock, unexpected energy to this new moon all is a perfect chaos recipe for REBIRTHING, Change, Switching on the INNER rebel, the parts of you that were silenced and shamed.
Its almost like a vortex stirring up your inner most deeper parts that are sooo potent, beautiful and full of messages and healing for you to see and integrate so that you STEP INTO the next Chapter of who you really are and what you really want.
Venus invites you to really look into your heart and feel what you WANT, DESIRE, what makes you spark and work through all that supreses, shames, limits that. Free yourself. URanus helps big time with the freeing part and the pinch of salt to make it more interesting.
What you though should be YOU might now reveal it is not true to yourself. What you were taught and raised into might now be revealed to you as abusive, limiting and really diconnecting you from your POWER , wisdom truth.
We , as women, were taught to live small, stay small, crawl and fight for every inch of freedom and expression- and not in the feminine way! but in the masculine way, ripping away our feminine potency and medicine away!
We were shamed, guilted into thinking that our sexual expression is bad and vulgar, that our rage is bad and also, that our bodies are disgusting if they don’t fit in the male distorted patriarchal rules. We were taught that we do not diserve wealth and pleasure and have our voices heard, that we are crazy and emotional, and just a nuisance as long as we don’t conform.
This is a beautiful new moon, a beautiful and intense invitation to reclaim the LIONESS WITHIN, the Lilith Within, the Venus Within, the entirety of the WOMAN you are, become WHOLE.
In between the lines mars and mercury in Virgo want to give you a new plan, a new way and actionable steps to build your PATH according to what you now discover, embrace in yourself.
With just a couple of planets in water signs and none in air signs its like the FIRE within, the Passion within are still contained and finding their way out but in a structured, planned, beautiful and stable way (earth signs activation) and aligned with your INNER TRUTH and SOUL path (Pluto with the nodes),
There is a very interesting discussion between Pluto, Neptune and Uranus that will go on for some time now giving birth to the new era, to the new earth.
You are not here to struggle, fit in, play small, stay in your lane.
You are not here to live from the traumatised little girl fearfull of what others might do to her, thing of her, fearfull of punishment and abuse.
You ARE HERE to live your WHOLE beautiful SELF, dare, express yourself, play, access wealth, love, heaven on Earth, YOu are Allowed to be BIg and BOLD and to be heard. You have the birthright to be AWSOME and believe in yourself.
Look at all the messages that arise during these days, this month. Go deep inside and do the shadow work required (by Lilith) to take your power back.
Look at the future through the lens of “I trust myself, I believe in my magic, my voice, my truth, I am lead by my Hearts wisdom and supported by all Universe”. What is the future that arises?
For discovering more about Venus, Lilith, the Sun and Moon and who you really are we can do a SOUL Astrology session.
For more in depth work my 1;1 programs are open. Send a message.
Find on Social media as well.