Tag: libra full moon
Full Moon in Libra -relationship reset
Eclipse season starts with the Full Moon in Libra on March 25th *gmt+2, with strong Aries and Pisces energies. Let’s dive a bit deeper.
The full moon is when Sun and Moon are opposite and it is a moment of possible tension, friction and truth being revealed, releases and endings. March 25 th is the peak but when we speak about eclipses it is an energy and developments that take place for months.
The strongest activation is between now and the next New Moon in Aries in April. FOr about 2 weeks relationships, empowerment, patience are being tested and worked on.
Moon is now in Libra together with the South Node and emanating this strong eclipse energy on the same axis – Libra- Aries ( where the Sun and North Node are).
Libra energy is about RELATIONSHIPS, all 1-1 relationships. It brings the energy of peace, balance, justice as well as, in the shadow side- fusion, lack of boundaries and personal power.
With the South node in Libra karmic energies, contracts, stories are being brought to surface to be processed, released, alchemised.
Where are you in your relationships?
Where do you place yourself, whats the inner space you interact from? In your marriage, friendships, with your clients?
Whats the relationship history? What wounds can you identify and work through so that you CHANGE the DYNAMIC and EMPOWER yourself (north node in Aries) ?
RELATIONSHIP dynamics is of the essence in this world.
We are taught and programmed to interact with another from a wound level. The inner child, the ancestral and transgenerational- all play a big role in the way we think, behave, position ourselves in relationships.
We are all hurt individuals that STAY in disfunctional relationships because we had NO EXAMPLE of harmonious, healthy ones.
Look at your relationship with men, with girlfriends, with colleagues, with bosses, clients… what do you observe?
Inside we think we are broken, no enough, small, not important. We are afraid of being rejected, criticised, mocked, abandoned…so …we develop mechanisms, roles and identities to SHOW something else, to appear as if we are confident and detached and powerful and independent. Its all a coverup for the little scared and desperate for love inner child.
You would do anything to keep that apparent safety in your relationship, to not be left alone, to not go through the pain of rejection again. You compromise, you shut up, you shut down..u take refuge in kids, work…you put on a smile, a face..make up..you tell a story – even to yourself – that you are GOOD. When in fact, you are sad, alone, disconnected, in pain, even angry, numb….you name it.
Historically marriage has been a contract. We have this disfunctionality in our cells. Women have been sold and given into contracts so many times we now function based on this CONTRACTUAL SILENT agreement in our own relationships.
“He is not that bad. He says he loves me. He is a good guy, I should be happier…I do this, I give you this…”
“who will look at me now with kids and all? / we ve been together too long now/ all good men are taken so I maybe having too high standards”
Apply this to your friendships as well.
We have NO IDEA how to BE in a relationship in a very HONEST, PRESENT, HEART centred way. Because we are so wounded and just waking up to the importance of inner work, inner child, transgenerational, shadow work.
THIS IS WHAT IS NOW BEING RE-WRITEN through the NODES in Libra and Aries. A whole new paradigm, level, world is opening up for us so that we no longer ACCEPT to live in painful disconnection, self lying, inner pain, contractual relationships.
As this is the foundation of all society.
All corruption, violence, manipulation, cheating, lying…is based in disconnection from our Hearts, from our inner Power from the friendship with ourselves. We cheat, lie, manipulate, fear, blame, hate ourselves first in so many subtle ways….and then the other sex – the eternal masculine and feminine war that starts to slowly come to an end.
With many planets in the Pisces energy/sign we are going through a HEART recoding, healing and purging. We are being invited to remember the SOUL, the truth of who we are, to reconnect to our HEARTS and to PURE love. Of course this is a process that means going through all that is NOT love, programs, fears, old stories…patterns so we release and be rebirthed.
Through this rebirthing we are actually anchoring a NEW way of living. We are birthing a new society based on the HEART, on integrity, on self empowered, aware individuals that are no longer operating from Fear and conditioning but CONNECTED to the HIGHER TRUTH, the Divine, the heart space.
The north node in Aries with the Sun there, Kiron and Mercury (which will retrograde in April in this sign) we are being worked on on a mental level , on an IDENTITY level so that we can discover who we really are. And with the planets in Pisces we are being worked – reframed on a Soul level, heart level.
Pluto in aspect with this Full Moon brings forth TRUTH, hard uncomfortable truth about who you are and been in your relationships.
Have you been faking it? Have you been accepting less? Have you been operating from fear ?
All of this can now be seen, healed through.
Even if the mind might feel a bit restless with Mars, Venus in Pisces its mostly “sit tight” for a bit, FEEL into this, take some time to process on a bodily level, connect to your HEART and see whats the REAL TRUTH here.
What are those relationships you need to recalibrate now?
Start with the one with yourself. Where did you give away your power?
What is the little girl inside of you feeling, needing, saying?
What was the relationship dynamic you inherited, you grew up with?
Open yourself up to the truth and do the deep work, be honest and real with you. Notice what is going on on an emotional level- what is stirred up? Learn to process your emotions in presence with yourself as everything outside of you, all people in your life are here to support you know yourself, heal yourself, take your power back, stand in your value and dare to LIVE your truth.
All SOCIETY and systems need to be Transformed.
This starts with you, me, each of us.
How hones are you able to be with yourself? This is an important question.
How open to really sit with discomfort and uncover your true identity?
How dedicated to yourself, to your evolution u are, no matter the “risks”?
Are u willing to go through change and build a relationship with yourself based on integrity, honesty, values, self value, gentleness, appreciation, presence?
Who do you choose to be going forward? What are you ready to see and release now?
Even though we have a libra- aries strong energy, the Piscean energy is the underlying tone, the silent director that has this wonderful role of reconnecting us with the Higher Self, love, truth, the Divine…
You may take some moments to set this intention ( or similar).
I am opening myself up to the Hight Frequencies of Love and Truth and I allow them to wash through me all the old wounds, limitations, fears, stories and recalibrate my cells, my DNA in Alignment with my Inner Divine Plan.
Feel what is going on within. Pay attention to the dreams and to all that surfaces around you, in you. Ground in nature.
The Universe is always expanding and moving….the invitation is open for you to recalibrate, transform, move, get to the next level in your life and put in the work, the presence, the commitment to yourself in a grounded, practical manner, with patience and resilience.
I am here for this Journey of self awareness, presence, identity discovery, power claiming, illusion dissolving, Heart Centering.
If you are ready lets ride this wave together.