Tag: new article

Full Moon in Virgo -Practical God

I was contemplating the signs and it popped up for me that the axis Pisces- Virgo and Scorpio- Taurus seem the most challenging or interesting ones.

As we have the Full Moon in Virgo happening on the 24th of February ( maximum around 2 pm gmt+2) I will give you more details about the Virgo- Pisces axis.
At the full moon Sun is in Pisces and Moon in Virgo.



One is total dissolution, energy, the entire universe, the subconscious and even representative for God, Faith, ancestrality ( Pisces) and the other one is so here and now, earthy, grounded, practical and useful, all about details, solving, daily life. One of the most “concrete- solid” there is.

One is about mental, psychologycal and invisible health ( besides mental, viruses, bacteria for example) – Pisces- and the other is bout bodily health like your habits, day to day routine, wellness- Virgo.


The thing they have in common is HEALING one is the divine – energy healer and the other is the body- wellness- ayurvedic (example) healer. The Divine -energy- frequencies come through your body- hands, voice- into the practicality of healing. ( plants, massage, words, sound etc).


The connection to the Pisces energy where the Sun is illuminates FAITH and our relationship with the Source, Divinity, Spirituality and that deep sense of “I am more than my body”. With Saturn conjunct the Sun and the Moon in Virgo this Faith- Spiritualty, spiritual practices are tested – invited to come here and now- grounded, in the present, in the body, in the daily life, in a practical and useful manner.


We talk a lot about faith and god. People often confuse religion with faith. A lot say ” I have faith, I believe in God”.

When it comes to practical, day to day contexts, issues, situations – this faith evaporates into the thin air most often than not.


Whenever you see that you have no money and risk not paying rent for example, or when you or someone else dear gets sick, has an accident ….or when nothing goes according to (your) plan- how do you react?

Do you go into anxiety, fear, blaming, anger, even more control, even more pushing, doing, desperation?

….or do you trust that all that is happening is FOR you even though you do not know the reason now?

…do you still keep the inner peace and relaxation knowing and feeling that God is always taking care of you, that you are protected and supported no matter what?

…do you accept with ease what is going on and take it as a lesson, as something that is part of life and move through it with grace and faith?


These are examples of moments in life where FAITH is tested and most ….realise they do not actually have it integrated, it is not a part of their being, of their day to day.



Even when you are the most spiritual person, you do mantras, yoga, you write and share quotes, you believe in the ONEness (pisces as well), you have all kinds of spiritual experiences ( For example retreats, plant medicine etc) – when LIFE happens- what do you do?

Is your faith strong? Are you still relaxed, at peace, centered and talking to the divine in an organic way?


DO you do all these things because they are a trend, because someone said so, because you want to put up a front and be the same as others…? And when the class, retreat, prayer, mantra ends you come back to your “normal” life?


How do YOU LIVE GOD? How do you infuse Sacredness into all you are and do, all the time…not just in a spiritual workshop or not just superficially reciting, doing things? 


How do you wake up every day? What is your routine that includes god– your heart- connection? How do you eat ? How do you talk to people? How do you work? How do you step into a room or a forest or anywhere? WHERE IS GOD- SOURCE – and how are all the spiritual concepts applied as something organic?



You are invited to reflect on how everything spiritual is actually useful, practical and grounded.


There are so many that just “levitate” and know everything, they seem to be illuminated and sooo spiritual…,(what does that actually mean?) and when LIFE happens, here, now, on earth, in the body – the contrast between who they seemed to be and who they really are, how they really live- is shocking! ( first hand experience here).

I was also one of the “Levitating- know it all- teach everybody about spirituality” and my actual life was going sideways. I was disembodied, running from my own emotions and fears, always anxious and so on….


How is all that you know – all the knowledge, quotes, concepts, ideas – useful to you in your day to day? How is it all changing you from within? 



In all of us there is a HEALER. We are all vessels of the DIvine and part of the Divine. The way back into remembering that is through the HEART- through your HUMANITY.

Simple daily things are what will bring you closer to god, to your heart, to feeling that which you search everywhere around.


Invitation is to connect with the earth and your body. Truly. With presence,in silence.

To  get friends with your body and check your routine, your daily habits and see what you can change to nourish you.


and….to awaken the INNER HEALER and the INNER DIVINITY.


God flows through your hands when you cook, touch someone, give a massage, create a painting or plant a flower. 

Mother flows through you when you speak, humm, sing, chant, when you move your body, your hips, when you walk and do any daily chore.

Mother/Father flows through you always when you make love, when you laugh and contemplate soemthing beautiful, when you rock your kids or play….

Every breath is the breath of life….


Disconnection from your body- your senses- mother Gaia – from your soul and  disconnection from Divinity through invented systems brought here and now – alone, fearful, anxious, ill, tensed, sad, angry, irritated, frustrated all the time…. 



ALL that is happening now for Humanity , for all of us, the ascension, the evolution – is pointing back to your humanity- to the practical and useful, to your HEART and presence within. TO taking your power back from middle men and building a strong, full of love, support, nourishment relationship with the DIVINE – who is in YOU as well.

We are invited to REMEMBER that we are divinity in human form. Not just mere mortals crawling in a life of lack, struggle and fear.





Venus and Mars together in Aquarius are redefining the inner relationship between feminine and masculine. and this redefines the outer relationship with the feminine and masculine at a collective and personal level.

Freeing yourself from old stories and boxes..allowing yourself to be uniquely you, redefining who you are and connecting with your BIGGER Goals, dreams, VISION is part of the energetics now.

The war between feminine and masculine comes to an end with every person that heals their own inner wounds and war between the two.


Kiron and North Node conjunct in Aries works at the core of who you are. YOUR IDENTITY is shifting into more authenticity, more honesty, more truth of who you really are.

Not who you think you should be or have been manipulated and programmed into believing you are.

Who am I really? What is the actual DREAM and my path? Where am I going towards and HOW?


Who am I allowing myself to become- uncover, remember and how do I redefine my life, my job, my habits, my work, my everything….briging in DIVINITY, faith, anchoring myself deeep in my heart, growing deep roots in the Earth and making my life a DEVOTIONAL ceremony? In the littlest of things



Bless your food.

Thank the groud that offers it to you

Thank the earth that gives you air. Love the earth.

Bless the conmort, the water, the heat, the home, the people in your life.

Thank and trust your body.

Drink your water honouring and thanking it.

Receive the wind on your skin with gratitude and presence.

Step into Nature with reverence. Treat yourself with gentleness and honorring all of you- God lives in there!



Now is a good time to release all that is distorsion, a lie, manipulation ( you do that with you as well), all that is limiting you, beliefs, habits..health habits included.




And as always I am here to go deeper with you whenever you are ready.

My Intuitive Soulful astrology session, my Clarity and Direction Session, my mentorship, my online courses are all meant to EMPOWER you, help you REMEMBER who you are, RISE from your own limitation, lack, fear, ancestral programming and SHINE your Ancestral Wisdom, truth, feel FREE and ROOTED in yourself ! 

New Moon in Scorpio- ready to be reborn?

REGENERATION- transformation- rebirth- Phoenix- depth and truth- taboo >> all SCORPIO themes that we are deeply feeling these days ( and for a lot of us, the entire year)


On November 13th at 11:27 am the New Moon will shine in her darkest moment amplifying the Scorpionic energy and themes. 

Not a coincidence that the number 13th is a Sacred Lunar and Venusian – feminine- number as there are 13th cycles (and menstruations) in a year. Cycles of death and rebirth, regeneration.

Being a Scorpio new moon it also is infused with a full moon like energy as before said, Scorpio invites us to clear, let die, to transform the old, the shadows into a new beginning, a new path, a new way.


With Mars conjunct the Moon and the Sun and Uranus opposing them this could be an explosive new moon! And when I say explosive it can be internal (emotional for example) and external- on the world scene.


We are presented with those uncomfortable truths about who we are and what attachements to suffering, to pain, struggle, to drama we are still carrying and empowering. Subjects and themes like sexuality, porn, human trafficking, money, power struggles and power hunger, manipulation, all occult things and hidden truths are now what gets our attention. THe taboo, the unspoken, what we keep under the lid, the shadows.

What is it that motivates you?

What is your relationship to POWER? and how do you use it?  Do you manipulate through victimisation and how much you struggle and sacrifice for everyone, through sex, money, knowledge (forms of power) ? Or are you aware of your shadows and use your Power to create good in the world, around you, in your relationships and life?


What are your values that guide you in life?

What are you clinging to out of FEAR? 

What is it that you really need to let die and be reborn in a different form?


Pay attention to all shadows that are now in front of you catching your attention – calling you to your DEPTHS and to your inner TRUTH.

Pay attention to all the control and the “i am a victim, I am powerless, life is pain” dynamic – words- thoughts.

Pay attention to the FEARS invading your mind and life. Who’s are they? Where do they come from?


It is a good time to stop and see what you avoided until now. It is a good time to get into a THERAPEUTICAL process. ONe that addresses your emotions, your energy and energetics, your depths and supports you to RISE from all you though is impossible or too hard.

Triggers and surprises might be all over these days. 

Find support. Get into your body. Use what you already know to process your emotions and sensations in a mature manner. 


TAKE your POWER BACK. and LET OTHERS be FREE and live their life.

Is life really hard and full of bad things? Is it really just hardship and fighting? Or is this something you learnt from your parents, grandparents, ancestry, culture?


Are you able to allow yourself to admit or even be curious about the possibility that LIFE can BE EASY, peacefull, with no drama? That it doesn’t need to be hard? That you are the one keeping the beliefs, the choices, the thoughts that make it hard. From that deep sense of loyalty towards your family, your mom, your ancestors – how can I live an easy, abundant, happy life when they suffered so much?

Someone told me ” but I can’t let go of those chords of hardship and pain of my ancestors because I feel I would betray them”- this is the transgenerational LOYALTY that keeps you stuck in a life and patterns that are not yours to carry, to live. It is your decision if you want to see it, admit it, change it. And now is a good time for this.


With Lilith aspecting Mercury the thoughts might not be very nice ones: fears and anxiety can come up more than before. Those things you don;t want to think about or talk about might now be so overwhelming you cannot escape or deny them anymore. in the same time- there can be a lot of POWER in your words, in the way you express yourself and the truths that you are now seeing and letting out through your voice.


For the ones that are aware and conscious this is a very EMPOWERING TIME! A RISING and rebirth time into a new stage, a new version of you! 


You see what is hidden and what needs to be spoken about, what needs to be brought to light – both in you and in the world. You process deep ancestral fears and let go of that old story of being small and insignificant. You sense the big shift and you slowly learn to let go of control more and more, to speak up, to end all that is toxic and no longer supportive.

It is not easy. It is deep, it is overwhelming, it can be surprising and chaotic.

It can bring up a lot of ancestral pain, grief, anger. (see the wars, the conflicts). This is to be felt, received and let go in the earth. Especially women are called now to feel the grief, to feel the anestral pain and to cry it, yell it…let it wash through and EMPOWER you much more, be alchemised through you, through your heart, voice, womb, blood. 


Saturn is now stationed direct at 0 degrees in Pisces after a long retrograde and it is opposing Lilith and squaring Mercury creating a tension (If we needed more of it :). ) to really take a deep look at your FAITH and INTEGRATION of SPIRITUAL concepts. Take a deep look at your relationship with GOD- source- religion and begin a deep process of healing, looking at the truth, releasing, clearing and taking back your power.
Come into an internal STABILITY and PRACTICE what you read about, know and talk about. FAith is not tested when times are good and it is not about going to church or saying “i am a believer”.


How is your faith standing when it all gets hard? Do you still believe in Divine support? Do you still remain at PEACE and totally anchored in your Heart? Do you still stand tall and with deep roots? Or do you doubt, fall, curse, blame, enter victimhood, stay in control and fear and anxiety. 

No matter what is going on around you- do you FEEL supported, have a strong relationship with your SOUL and Higher Self, God, Source? Or at the first bad news you go into the darkness and forget all the big shiny concepts you know?


Do you still have patience and remain calm doing your work and your practices even when all seems to go crumbling down? 


What is fake, based on lies, manipulation, fear, what is not built on integrity and true inner ground, in the HEART will be taken away, crumble, dissolve. 


You are brought closer and closer to YOUrself and sometimes, when the stuborness and control are so big, when the separation is strong – you are brought to your knees.

This might be one of these times.

And it is not because the universe is bad, god punishes you, life is a bitch or  someone has something against you. It is just because there is NO MORE TIME to sit around and blame others, whine and wait for saviours.


It is time to look deep into your SOUL and get aligned with the new frequencies. To stop living a life LYING to yourself and following EXTERNAL rules, staying in boxes and with your head down.

For those who hear the calling and start the real change the NEW earth is here and the TRANSITION is much more easier.


FOr those who keep denying, staying in old habits, in victimhood, chasing superficial power like money and status, keeping it small and fitting in, resisting change and life….it will be harder and harder. The BIG CRUMBLE is here.


And what we need to learn is to let go, embrace and cultivate FAITH. TRUE, real, deep FAITH. Come back into our bodyies and hearts. Listenting to our Soul and inner nudges. Doing the inner work so we keep rising in frequency and access new levels of peace, joy, wealth, health. This is what earth needs. Not more anger, more fight, more separation, judgement….Sure, it is necessary to go through the shadows so we can grow true inner light and stability. This is the journey.


And you are supported if you want to be. If you choose LIBERATION, FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY. 


We are at a tipping point.


Are you ready for the biggest death and rebirth ever? 





Monday the 13th- new moon : Healing the WITCH WOUND online workshop is an invitation for you to take a step closer to freedom and empowerment. To Rising from the numbness and sepparation and alchemising the fears.


Invitation to an intuitive soulful ASTROLOGY session based on your natal chart is open so you access and discover your TRUE story and take a step further in knowing who you really are, what are your gifts, lessons, direction in life. It is not just an astrology session but a transformative experience!


If you are ready for a deeper dive and a powerful ALCHEMICAL LIFE CHANGING process send a message and let’s talk on how we can take the journey together. ( scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro)