Tag: new moon

New Moon in Cancer- home, mother and soft power

Lets talk emotions, sensitivity and feelings.
The new moon in Cancer brings up and stirs the emotional depths inviting us to slow down and reconnect with what our Soul and emotions  tell us.


The peak is happening on the 5th to the 6 th of July with influences days prior and after.


When you think Cancer you immediately go to sensitive, mother, past, roots, home. 


Depending on each individual’s context any of these themes can now be activated and I would point to the “where do I feel at home”?
What is HOME to me?


How did I grow up- what environment – and how this became my normal, my idea and association of home- safety.

ANd if you grew up in a tensed, full of fights environment (for example) then this kind of energy will feel home/ normal for you and you will unconsciously search for it in your life.


Besides the outer home and environment- do you feel at home, safe INSIDE of yourself?

Is your inner space- be it body, soul, heart – your Home? Are you your first home?


Do you allow your emotions and sensitive side to be a part of your life and who you are? Or do you reject them, fear them, consider the “sensitive one” inside stupid, weak, to be burried away for noone to see?


I am here to tell you that your Emotions and your Sensitivity is STRENGTH and a gift, that this Part of you is eager to be seen, acknoledged and accepted.


But then we reach the MOTHER theme. 


How is your Inner Mother? * hint- she is the internalised  biological mother. 

Do you criticise yourself all the time, do you abandon yourself, are harsh and demanding towards yourself? 

Or are you good, gentle, present, caring, loving with yourself? 


And when I say this I mean with all parts of yourself. Even the ones that are extra sensitive, maybe sad or still in victimhood mode, the ones that emotionally manipulate to get what they want etc.


See, no inner part is wrong.

They are YOU. And are there for a reason and with a gift.


The Mother Archetype is one of the most provocative to Activate in this sense of really becoming a good, warm, loving inner mother for your inner child and parts.


Saturn is also making an aspect to this new moon and it is also retrograde in Pisces for a few months bringing forth what is practical, what sticks for the long run from all the Spirituality and God talk, from all the dreaming and the wishing.

He is supporting us to build new structures based on and connected to our TRUE FAITH, connected to a Higher Vision and ideals.

There is a lot of emotion surfacing and also it is a time of Maturing, of reconnecting even deeper to our truest needs and Soul.


Neptune is also retrograde in Pisces making his time retrograding confusing and slowing us down on one hand and also working for us behind the scenes, in the energetic, subtle realm. Downloads and messages that come intuitively, dreams and insights, rememberance of a different world and a different future that comes from our Higher Selves – are all part of these months.

It is a time when we will discern, see the truth especially when it comes to the spiritual field but also when it comes to all that is our connection with the universe, with our Soul, with that which is beyond the mind a physical. Great art, music, films, inspiration is coming through in the world.

The false light is already being revealed and ‘Walk the talk” is the invitation we are receiving.


Another special event is Lilith moving into Libra after nine months in Virgo. She is travelling throgh the sign where the south node is also travelling to activate the truth, empower us when it comes to relationships.

Relationships are further  tested and there are a lot of break ups possible as well as deep transformation when it comes to who you are in relation with the other. What are your boundaries, preferences, emotional needs, opinions and which are the relationships that are really there FOR you, nourishing you and which are the ones where you maintain from compromising yourself, fear of being alone, co dependency.

She is also testing taking ownership of our inner truth and what is right for each of us, standing up for our on truth and having our own backs instead of compromising, keeping the peace just out of avoidance and fear, dimming ourselves.

With Lilith here we have a chance to meet the “dark” part of us in relationships and also- see the truth of who we are (and others) dead in the face with nowwhere to run. This is just an opportunity to TRULY find out who we are and stop pretending, avoiding, living lies that we tell ourselves.


Venus in Cancer in a tensed aspect with Kiron in Aries continues to “push” us for more self love, more healing towards what we really want, like, more healing with the Feminine side of us and with women. Take leadesrship of your own life and Dare to allow, make peace with and integrate the SOFT feminine power. 


New intentions regarding all these themes are supported now and new seeds of self love can be planted.




If you feel stuck and confused or are in a search of more clarity, guidance and answers I invite you to book an intuitive soulful astrology session. More than astrology- it is your story, deep truth being revealed, practical instruments offered and all applied to your life. 

> scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro  or send a message on my socials.





New Moon in Aries- Power reset

Lets talk about Aries and all the transformation taking place now in this sign.

On April 8th the New moon and Solar Eclipse are at they’re peak. OF course, in Aries. And conjunct (perfect degree) with Kiron. And with the North Node here. There’s more : mercury is retrograde in Aries until April 25th.


Who is Aries? The energy of beginnings, courage, leadership. The beginning of Spring – power and zest of life, affirmation of Self. I AM. and that is enough.

Aries is also the child – in this case- the inner child, childhood. It s the ancestral, primal force of life.

Let’s do it! Jump the occasion, think after. 🙂


Who is Kiron?

The Wounded healer. Part human part animal he was injured and couldn;t heal himself so he dedicated his life t o heal others. Otherwise said- the WOUND IS the MEDICINE. Also represents alternatives ways of healing, karmic wounding, core wounds and fears and also the remedy itsself. Why? Because THRU the wound enters the light. It is not just a saying- it is real. Once you actually allow yourself to FEEL the fear, sandness, pain – you move it, you create space for it to flow and be alchemised, unstuck from your body.

When you put pills, affirmations, positive thinking, distractions on top- it just accumulates and gets nastier until it hits you in the face when you least expect it (For example- in a panic attack).


So what is this about?

New beginnings but not just like that! Wait, there s depth here.

We are going thru the Eclipse coridor- transformational, provocative, deep on a ancestral, core level on the relationship axis: relationship with self (Aries) and others ( Libra).


If I want to have great relationships, meaningful, lasting, honest, I have to create that relationship with myself and be able to hold that frequency of honesty, emotional maturity,self value, self trust, honesty with self.



With Kiron so activated now on the self side of the axis you are “pushed” to really look deep inside and process old wounds. Childhood wounds, ancestral wounds. Fear of not being enough, fear of being rejected, compromise, treason, not having boundaries, co dependency…not knowing who you are unless someone else validates you, tells you.

IDENTITY SHIFTS are in place. You cannot become the “better” you if you don’t first address what is limiting you. All the distorsion, shame, fear, anxiety, pain, all the programs keeping you small and feeling unimportant, not worthy, scared.


Inner CHILD is now big. (I have a short video about it in my free facebook group, Whole Woman).


During childhood you felt all those uncomfortable feelings that are incapsulated in you and now are popping up, bursting. Contexts, emotional out of the sudden, panick, anxiety, chaos….out of nowhere or just intensified.


Clean the house if you want to feel good in it.


The deeper layer is the POWERLESNESS cultivated since forever. The systems were created to disempower you, to disconnect you from who you are. They told you to not be soft, not to feel, not the be a nuisance, not to disturb others, not to talk too loud….to sit quietly, to listen to others opinions, to shut up….They told you the power is at the top…and you just need to get by and keep your head down

Not dare to speak up or to be different than others. Don;t bother, keep the peace, FIT IT, be nice.


The power went to the ones having the money and status and God is the allpowerful one, you being just a mere mortal, here to struggle and LISTEN to the ones in charge.

So you were taught that power is outside of you – your parents, bosses, government, presidents, god, the elder, the rich, money. So you can’t do much.


You were punished for being you. Disapproved. Yelled at, beaten, negated, laughed at.



So we now live in a society of disempowered children (emotionally we are children) , victims that wait for someone else to tell them what is real, true, what to do and how, and when. Wait for the rules to be made and blindly follow them. OUT OF FEAR. 



You are invited now to take your power back. To discover that it is INSIDE of you. To reclaim your Authority and Sovereignty. To take ownership of your life, decision and LEAD yourself, Create what you want together with GOD.


I know, it is hard to take ownership and reponsability when it is soooo easy to be comfortable on the couch, in your 9 to 5, being told and being delivered what you need to survive.


You don;t even dream anymore. Don’t know what Thriving means. Just drag your feet and hope for the economy to change,for the saviours to come, for the weather to be better, for LUCK. 


The other day a client told me ” I thought you would tell me exactly what I need to do”. I smiled and replied: that is your job as you have the POWER over your life and decisions. I know it is easier to not be in that discomfort to choose, take risks- but I am here to give you the Power back.”


To be a leader in your life, to take ownership and grow up, to open your eyes to the TRUTH that has been hidden to you, to be open to discomfort and actually CHOOSE smething different takes COURAGE and that is why so few DARE to ‘wake up”, to do the work as to Empower , Lead themselves.


Mercury Retrograde does not give us a break as it stays here and goes back some degrees, in Aries, and supports the healing, the reevaluation, seeing what we missed, dealing with the fine print, slowing down and diving in.

And no- Mercury or the Eclipse or any planet is not to BLAME- this is how you give your Power away again! They just are. Energy just is. Asccension just happens. It is up to you if you want to take the opportunity and make something out of it or prefer waiting it out and remaining in the victim state. 

Whenever you think, say or act as if you can’t, something needs to happen, change from outside- you give your power away.


Even to god when you re like “ i wait for god to put everything in place, to bring me that job, to work FOR me” This is not how it works. GOD IS YOU- in you. He /She “sends” messages thru people, contexts, situations, triggers….


Where is your POWER?

Who leads your life?


Mars, the rules of Aris is in Pisces with Saturn making a conjunction as well. Patience. Slow down. Discern. What is REAL, what is illusion. What is the truth behind the smokescreen?

Surrender your little mind and will to Divinity- God and allow the dissolution of the old to take place.


Yes, sometimes ‘bad’ things happen so you pay attention and lean something. It is up to you if you choose to blame, get angry with everyone, wait it out…or you get involved, present, aware and dive into seeing what is your take from this.

It is always about you and for you.


Anther big conjunction is Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus on April 20th. THE Conjunction of the YEAR.


It is up to you what stories you feed. IF this is apocalyptic and you buy into the fear even more or if this is just what is….and you continue being present, discern, do your part, practice faith and remaining centered.


Yes, it is possible for the financial market to crash or to be in a crisis, it is possible that food chains are interrupted or earthquaqes happening. ALL is Possible at ANY time.


What it you choose to see all of this -even id it happens- as beneficial? As what is needed for the REBIRTH of this society? And trust God, the Higher Plan?

What if you start really becoming present and asking yourself what really matters, returning to simplicity and values, taking care of your energy and health, taking back your power from money, institutions, news, what others say….and start CREATING the LIFE you feel right for you?

What if this conjunction, moment in time is about healing, expansion, deeper exploration of possibilities, more abundance and well being, more ease and health from a Mature, Centred, Heart based space? 


FEAR is the agenda that keeps you subjugated and disempowered. What if you would stop and look FEAR in the eyes, come close to her and talk to her, feel her really, deeply, receive her message?


With 6 planets and points in ARIES – Leadership, Empowerement, Courage to be who you are is the theme. TOgether with rewriting the past, healing the wounds, alchemising the fear, opening the eyes to the REALITY and remembering WHO your REALLY ARE, why you are here.


And as soon as you accept the Journey and the CALL to take responsability….the less the resistance, the less the suffering.



TRUTH is and will be revealed. BIG TIME. And it is not easy to take it in – for the trained, tamed, controlled mind that lives in an artificial manipulated reality.

Many will prefer to hide their head in the sand, to remain in the comfort of “conspiracy”, “fake”, “this is crazy”….when the harsh reality is going to hit on a large scale. Only who doesn not want doesn’t see all the messages, the signs, the whisleblowers, the truth being exposed all the time.


This is not to scare anyone but to GET REAL and PRESENT. To recalibrate all you thought and start taking back your power and ACTIVATING it from INSIDE.



So what is your intention for this new moon ? 🙂





As always I am here leading you back towards your inner truth, power, sovereignty and freedom.

We can do this in multiple ways. Send a message and lets chat.


Oh- and part of this all transformation is, as I said, the ancestral wounds. The persecution and the fear instilled by the church, the inquisition that still lies inside of you as women (and men). 

So…on April 24th I am facillitating this amasing online workshop for the 3rd time: Healing the Witch Wound. Alchemise the fear, take back your power, activate those ancestral gifts. 





New moon in Pisces- what about your Soul?

March 10 th is when the Sun meets the Moon in the sign of Pisces and form the New Moon aspect. This is the dark moon, the time when we are invited to turn into the inner fertile soil and plant new seeds to blossom.


It is not only the Sun and Moon in Pisces at this time but also Saturn and Neptune making this a stellium- a very strongly piscean energy activated.


So, what is the Pisces energy about?

First thing that comes to mind is Spirituality and God, the Divine, the Universe. The dissolution of the ego, of control, of the mind and the realm of energy, sensing and feeling, the HIGHER Cosmic Field of ONE, unification.

It can also be about illusion, confusion, mental illness, sacrifice, escapism and avoidance, closures and big karmic endings, addictions and disconnection from reality.


With such a strong activation in this sector we are invited

  1. to close, end old karmic cycles of suffering, sacrifice, martyrdom. These are usually inherited patterns and stories and involve transgenerational family secrets as well.

Where did you sacrifice your well being, your freedom, your health? Where in your life to you still live in the Victimhood mode feeling powerless, at the mercy of everything. 
Where do you want to SAVE everybody even if they do not ask you to?

What is ready to be alchemised, let go of, ended at this time? 


2. to redefine our relationship with spirituality, god, our SOUL.

We have been living a life where MIND was and still is considered the ruler, the one that gives you the sense of reality, direction, choice…

What about your Soul? What about those deep longings and dreams that you have forsaken, abandoned and with them, abandoned yourself so that you could live the conform life, the logical life, what was expected of you? 

What about God? And your relationship with the Higher Self, the Creator, Source? What is your definition of that? What is your relationship with that?


And because we have SATURN here it is time to incorporate all spiritual things into day to day life for a long term vision. 


What are the practical steps, choices, instruments that you know you need to integrate more into your life so that “god, soul, divinity” is not just words and concepts? 


You are reminded of a higher reality, an ampler one. You are invited to remember that you are not just flesh and mind, not just material. You are a SPIRITUAL- ENERGETIC- SOUL – being that descended in a Human Body to have this human experience. 

Yes, you have been disconnected from this TRUTH along the centuries and especially while rational, scientific, logic mind took control over spirit and the unseen world.



See, that is why you feel mostly alone, disconnected and lost. Like no one is there for you, like you have to struggle all alone in this world. The disconnection from Spirit and from that part of you that is not flesh or even seen, is what made you so Separate and so afraid and lost.

Religion is another important factor that separated you from WHO YOU REALLY ARE. 


With the middlemen, the fear, the sin, the punishment, the image of an angry god sitting on a throne watching your every move, the image of you as a mere mortal, unworthy to be forgiven or even HAPPY- cut you off from YOUR ESSENCE.


Meditate a bit on this. Reflect. See how it makes you feel, what is stirred up inside of you. And go to the bottom of it.


You are allowed to feel angry with god. To feel like you want to shout and yell at him. Let that be the beginning of your new relationship with the DIVINE.


ONce you are disconnected from Source you are actually feeling disconnected from your SOUL, your Inner Divinity. It is so hard to believe that you are a multi dimensional, free, powerful and sacred being that it is ridiculed and rejected instantly by the programmed mind….you have been so well “educated” to believe this story of who you are that the TRUTH seems an aberration or something only crazy people think …or just something so far away from your reality.


See, this is the illusion. That you are only material, flesh, mind, that you are mortal and so sinful and unworthy as truth. Instead of who you really are- as truth that is hidden away from you – to disempower you.



Imagine how would you feel, walk, live, be as a human if you would be aware that you are this Greatness, Sacred Being, always connected and part of Source, walking on this Earth in a suit having an experience, immortal and free. Imagine. And let that sink in.

What is stirred up inside of you? 


We are continuosly invited BACK IN. The entire universe is supporting us to remember who we are, to recreate the Sacred connection with ourselves, our hearts, souls and through that, with the Divine Mother we all come from. TO empower ourselves and Free ourselves from ILLUSION and Manipulation


We are so attached to suffering, unworthiness, hardship, fighting mode, fear….that we think this is how we are supposed to live. That happiness, ease, joy is something out there for some people but not for me.

You keep telling yourself this story as this is the only reality you were taught and programmed into. And sacrifice, hustle, hardships, victimhood, unworthiness is how you think you need to be to be loved, seen, valued, accepted….Stop and reflect on this for a moment as it is BIG.


What if Source, God is in you and with you at every step? in all you are and do? what if your NATURE is Health, Joy, Ease, Pleasure, wealth? What if this is not something to gain or demonstrate anything for but just who you are?



What if?

Can. you allow this possibility into your world? And do all that inner work to process, alchemise, let go of the programming, the manipulations, the wounds, the hurt, the struggle? 


As you are here to REMEMBER and CLAIM your true nature. 
And no, this is not just a beautiful story for some people…or far there somewhere. It is my inner reality, my firm belief AND the DIVINE TRUH beyond all filters , attachements, fear and separation.


Lilith in opposition with this New moon, Sun and Moon, in Virgo, is showing us where we need to empower ourselves, where we need to rerewrite the ancestral story of worth and being loved only if you do, demonstrate, sacrifice. It brings us here and now into our body and together with Saturn invites us to WALK with the human flesh and human experience aware of our Powerful essence, always connected to our Soul and Grounded.

You are a healer and you are gifted. You are here to bring God on earth, To bring true FAITH and nourishing habits, practices here, now, taking care of your body, health and needs.


You are allowed to dream and to believe that all is so much more…that you are so much more



Uranus and Mars are still in conversation and can feel a bit explosive, airy or even, here and there, shocking. New ways of doing things, new ideas and new revelations for the FUTURE can disrupt your inner world.


You might also feel a bit more tired or the need to rest, a bit airy or confused, a bit more emotional than usual. Take it as it is. Receive, accept, feel it all .


Start living from INSIDE out- start going deeper and rediscovering yourself.


What are you ready to close? What are you ready to start from this new, deeper, connected inner space?




As always I am here to support you on this journey of remembering who you really are, empowering yourself and living connected to your Soul, truth, inside out. 

If you are ready for a different, in depth, spiritual and also practical astrology session, I have the intuitive soulful Astrology session for you. Contact me at scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro

Or subscribe below and just reply to the emails received. 


New moon in Aquarius- free yourself


On February 10th around 1 am (GMT +2) the New Moon in Aquarius is at her peak inviting us to new intentions, beginnings, seeds to be planted.


It is a sign that represents community-networking, the rebel, originality and uniqueness. It is about destructuring the systems based on hierarchy and bringing back the power to the people, to all of us. This sign teaches us that we need to come together, put at work our own gifts in the most authentic way and create a different outcome, future.


I like to say :let your inner freak fly high when it comes to aquarius. 


We all have this energy somewhere in the natal chart and  I invite you to see in which house this energy is for you( you can find info about astrological houses on the internet and put your data in on astro. com for example).



What is your “weird” you like? Who are those You that you kept hidden as you wanted to fit in and be like everyone else? 

See, even though aquarius is about equality it is also about being different, authentic, yourself. Some would say- be proud you are the black sheep. The ones with predominant aquarius in their chart might have felt as one their entire life.


Dare to be different. 

What makes you, you? 

How are you unique? I know it might take a while to find this out, to have an answer. It is worth reflecting on this and having the patience for it.


Somebody once told me that a good practice is to go ahead and be the weirdest, out there ME as I can possibly be (In public of course) and this way I will have nothing to be afraid of anymore, I will see exactly who really loves me, is drawn to me and I will be so much more in my Power.

As well as – those inner parts, those opinions, that quirkyness that are so YOU but you are afraid to show them – are exactly the ones that will make you feel at ease, will attract the people that really love you, appreciate you , will LIBERATE YOU. 

FREEDOM is another word and frequency associated with aquarius.


And what we are living for centuries now…is exactly the opposite.


We were systematically trained- manipulated- educated ( call it how you want) to FIT IN, to be the same as all the other, to correspond and be appropriate. Remember school? Learning stuff by heart and writing things out of memory ? Not being allowed to have your own opinion? 


All the FREE and UNIQUE spirit was crushed by a Society that CAGED us all. 


So you became this person that some call a people pleaser that does everything to just be liked and fit in the norm- the group, society for fear of being rejected.



All that we see in the media, shows, movies, press – the way we HAVE to look, to eat, what we have to buy, what we have to believe – all standards and rules were made up as one big fat ILLUSION that IMPRISONS the SPIRIT, rewards conformity, the bend knee, the quiet one , the one that “doesn’t make problems” and punishes the ones that dare to not adhere to the norm, to have different opinions, to look diffferent, to choose different for their lives.


SO you judge and reject the ones that do not tick the boxes dictated by some men at some point and do not even realise how much you would want to be FREE, to DARE to be you, to live the life YOU WANT and dream, to speak what you think and to just create your own rules and reality.


This was the Journey of my life as a little confession. The black sheep, the rebel. The one that never conformed and always asked “WHY” – why does it have to be like this? Who said? I still do that. 

I did try to fit in. I still have remains of that little girl that wants to please and demonstrate and be the same as the others so she gets validation, appreciation. AND I do my work to constantly embrace and OWN the inner rebel, the “what makes me me” no matter how judged I might be, mocked or rejected.

I am learning to allow more and more of me to be seen and expressed as I did understand that this will set me free AND bring forth exactly those people that were waiting for someone like me to DARE, to lead, to offer a permission slip through example.

This can be you.


I have worked with hundreds of women if not thousands already. I have seen the pain and the frustration, the anger, the illness, the constant fear and anxiety, the shame and guilt they live with and driven by…just because they cannot be themselves. They are simply so afraid to show up as themselves and dare.

It is easier to shut up, to sacrifice, compromise, to let it slip, to bend your head, to not be the trouble maker as in this way no eyes are on you. You do not draw attention and this is exactly what you ve been taught. Sit still, smile, play nice. It is what we have been doing for centuries. The rejection wound, the taming of our souls is to deep in our cells. 



This new moon with Uranus in conjunction AWAKENS something new. The “why does it have to be like this? I am tired of just conforming. playing nice. I can’t shut up and pretend I am happy anymore. I want something new, I want to be able to BE ME.


You might feel your nervous system a bit overwhelmed and also have all kinds of physical symptoms like electricity surges, tingling, some issues with sleep, new and surprising downloads, messages and even contexts. A disruption of your reality.

Take care of your body and ground yourself. Breathe deeply. Often. Take walks in nature. Pay attention to your senses and to the messages around you and even thouse moments when you have a crazy idea, a A-ha moment. Put it on paper.


This is an invitation to DARE to be FREE. To dare to own who you truly are and express yourself. Not how you are expected to, not to be liked, not how you were taught.…but how it is natural to you. And yes, it is a journey of self discovery as for so much time you thought you are these roles, what they said you need to be…this person that just checks the boxes to do the correct thing and please all other.


You have the opportunity to actually see the TRUTH about who you really are and even start a inner revolution of Reclaiming your Unique Soul blueprint. No matter how different it might be or look for the world we live in.

I ll tell you this : the old world is crumbling. Different and authentic is needed and where we are headed. Breaking free of old patterns and stories you were made to believe true is what is happening.


Change something. Start something new, do something differently. Take a risk. Take the chances to just be yourself. Post that thing, say that truth, wear that thing, leave that place….follow your SOUL.



With kiron conjunct the north node in Aries the healing of your past wounds and fears continues. The reclaiming of the courage, leader inside of you, the zest of live and self trust are themes that we all are tested on.

You might feel a bit emotional and even old memories or wounds might appear. Take note. Dont avoid that. Go deeper. Process and let go, alchemise and step even more into your Power.

Deal with your fears. Go there instead of just ignoring or pretending they are not there.



Also the technology side of things has some surprises for us. Use the social media and the online space to create, to express yourself uniquely, to bring value and keep going in your own way. Find that specific way, rythm that is good good for you. No recipe applies.



It does take courage to be different. It does take courage to take a leap of faith. TO break patterns and just blow your life. I know that.


It is also the only way ahead. Either you take your power back, heal your old wounds, fears, patterns and awaken to the truth or it will just be harder and harder to live on this planet.

The manipulation, illusion, the tight rope, the rules, what is presented as truth is going to be so obvious and will imprison even further if you don;t know who you are and keep giving your power away living by rules made to break spirits.



It is a great time to sit with you and reflect on all of the above. Allow one powerful intention from your heart to come up and maybe light a candle for that or plant a seed, a plant in a symbolic act of rebirth.

What are you ready to OWN more from who you are? 

What are you ready to “risk” to set yourself free?

Are you ready for the NEW? For something you never seen before? Its coming. And it is your choice to accept, embrace, ride this wave or stay stuck in the old.






As always, I am here to support you to see the REAL you, the TRUTH of who you are, to break patterns and alchemise heavy emotions and stories. To embrace the inner rebel, the witch, the wild one, your inner TRUTH and GUIDANCE.

If you are ready send a message on my socials or write to scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro. We can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session.

Ready to take that leap?

New Moon in Capricorn – stepping into Maturity

At this beautiful synchronic date, 11.1 the New moon in Capricorn is forming in the sky. This means Sun and Moon coming together and an opportunity to take a look inside and decide what you want to do, implement, take care of  for the next months.


Capricorn is the sign of responsability, steady work to go to the top, long term achievements, big structures and systems, inner authority.

It is the mountain goat, half under water and half climbing the mountain. It keeps the emotional world for himself/herself and puts a lot of energy into work, into making it in a very resilient, step by step way. 

It can go deep and isolate himself, only talk and express the essentials but having a complex inner world.

This energy is the CEO, the one that manages teams and creates structures but with long term planning. Not in a haste, not on a whim, not without planning ahead and then working their ass off. Sometimes so much that workaholism is their best friend.


IT has amazing organisational and leadership skills and for them it is important to be respected, to work within the rules, to respect the structures. Sometimes they can live a very simple, minimalist life, not needing to many objects or clothes but investing in quality.


This New MOON in aspect with Mars, the Luna Nodes and Uranus, together with other aspects between Mars and Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) ,Jupiter is about TAKING responsability for your long term vision – business, mission, work, plans.


Are you ready to actually commit to what you want? 

Are you ready to actually look at the bigger plan, where this leads you and draw (some) steps?

Are you ready to stop playing and step into maturity about your own life and work, mission ?


It is time to reevaluate what you really want and take into consideration a way of doing it all having FAITH, Connection with DIVINITY, your hear’s true desires in the middle of it.

The era of doing things, becoming someone, having a business just to look good, to get fame and attention, out of greed or fear is ending.


You are invited to see the illusions you kept yourself in (Saturn in pisces), take your power back and find out who you really are and want to be and activate your Inner Authority, your Inner ADULT, creating your Life in a different manner than until now.


Capricorn is also old structures and systems in place, it also about power in this top down – boss- employee way and stiffness- wanting to keep it this way, these rules.


So what structures and systems are you ready to seed and create for the future in a Consciouss, aware, heart and soul aligned way? In a way that is Centred and Emotionally mature, Inspired by the Divine and rooted deep in the Earth? 

In a way where you are in integrity and alignment with yourself, respecting yourself and deciding not from fear or lack but from Faith, Trust, Inner Power, from a Sovereign inner place.

Are you ready to build and access wealth and comfort, health and give birth to bussineses that are congruent with all of the above ?

Are you ready to also involve Sacredness, God, spiritual practices in your work, mission, business and operate from a NEW level of consciousness?



These are all questions to reflect on, to take pen and paper and give yourself the answers, allow your new intentions to come up and new decisions to come from this empowered inner place.



We were trained to do almost everything for recognition, for approval, to fit in, to demonstrate how good, perfect, smart etc we are. All from a place of constantly giving away our power to money, to roles and images, to systems , to the exterior. All from an energy of lack, fear and just chasing illusions that we think will make us happy.



It is the beginning of a new way. New way of doing business, making money, creating structures. A new way to live, choose, act, collaborate and grow.
This time- in alignment with the Divine and Universal laws, from within, from a space of peace, compassion, abundance, worth, self value, inner power.

We are creating this new paradigm and new world. You, me, all of us – and we can choose to do it consciously and to really take ownership of our life.


We have an important moment ahead besides this New Moon which is the beginning of the astrological year.

On 20-21st of January : Pluto will be conjunct the SUN at 29 degrees CApricorn and then both enter Aquarius in this conjunction (hand in hand).  It is a big turn of energy. A moment of revelations and light illuminating the darkness. Some things you didn’t see until now that were lurking in the shadows might become very visible and trigger you.

We are ending this cycle of Pluto in Capricorn that started the dissolution of the old world, old rules, old structures. It has started the revealing of what was hidden, all manipulation, lies, power struggles, all that was kept secret for years and years.


What- in your inner world- you kept secret from yourself? What shadows and fears did you allow to rule your world, to take charge? Where did you give your power away?


This is the time for empowerment. As until now we as humanity and individuals lived from a completely disempowered space, completely manipulated, controlled and with the illusion of power (fake power through having some money, some titles, some fame, some nice things).


True power is activated when you have a strong center to return to, an Open Heart that is your Anchor and your guide, strong unwavering faith in the Divinity in you and in YOURself, your decisions, your truth, your needs, your body, your intuition, your emotions. When you stop putting yourself last, doubting your every thought, sensation, emotion and start accepting all your inner parts, step into feeling whole, enough, worthy, valuable and not needing to demonstrate anything.

True power is activated when you discern for yourself and follow your inner guidance and stop believing everything the exterior sells and shows you. When you stop living as a REACTION to the external and start CHOOSING and leading from the INTERNAL space.



You get to this place by looking inside into your shadows first, into your limitations and fears, into your hidden aspects and into all those spaces that you rejected, shamed, avoided, ran from. This is the path towards a MATURE, AWARE, Self LEAD ADULT. 


Who is this person you want to become- activate from within- that leads such a life?

What steps do you need to choose and take for that?




As always, I am here to support this journey.

I am here to  guide you to that empowered inner place and alchemise the fears into trust and faith so that you lead yourself feeling worthy, enough, valuable and connected to your Feminine blueprint, your body and intuition, your inner divinity.

Dare to commit to YOURSELF.



New Moon in Sagittarius- are your truths supporting you?

On the 12th of December the Moon and the Sun meet in the skyes and create the new moon aspect în the sign of Sagittarius.

This is also the opening door for a beautiful portal, until the Solstice, December 21st.


Sagittarius energy is one of the most expansive and joyous one in the zodiac. All about exploration and curiosity, connecting adn reveealing higher Universal truths and laws. The big optimist that likes a good time , travelling and connecting with different cultures, ideas, systems to experiement more and more, live life at the fullest.

It is also connected to religion and belief systems and in the shadow aspect it can be all about „I am right, I want to prove I am right” , rigid, dogmatic and know-it-all.


It does have a special kind of wisdom and can be a very good mentor, teacher connecting others to a bigger, higher vision.


We already know that the time of the new moon is one of new intentions and beginnings. It is also a time when we take a deep look inwards, at our life and decide what we want to connect with going forward, how we want to live, what needs to change, what we call in.



In this case, what are your HIGHER dreams?
Do you dare to expand and explore life beyond all you have been taught until know?

Do you want to start adding more FAITH and more Optimisim into your view about life and invite CURIOSITY in, instead of anxiousness and worry?

What do YOU believe in?
What are those truths that are no longer quite as nourishing, helpful as before?



One such truth might be „ life is hard and you have to reallt struggle and fight” This is a very common example of a strong belief that is NOT helping you at all.

It is something you have inherited, learnt from your parents, from society and that keeps you stuck in fighting mode, in negativity and hardship.


So this can be a good moment to take a look at such beliefs that keep you stuck, limited, in fear and survival. Look at where you got them from and thank them for serving you untul now and then release through intention, a ritual, any way you consider.


Invite new beliefs, new thoughts, new truths into your life. Such an example can be „ life is supporting me at every step. I am open to explore more and curious about who I can become”


Make your own statements that are supportive and spend a few minutes feeling them into your body. Close your eyes, say them and then let them sink in.

Notice what appears. What emotion, what thought, what objection from the old mind. Make this your little ritual so you can step into a different version of you. One that is more relaxed, trustful, at ease, open.



Mars is giving us some fuel and motivation to go forward, to begin new things, to restore our faith in ourselves, in our dreams and projects as it travels behind the sun for a bit. You might feel that all the ideas, inspiration come all at once now. IN the same time.

You might feel a surge of inspiration and maybe even wanting to look at, connect, explore a NEW IDEAL for your life. A new vision. A new way to be, live, create.


What is also beautiful in supportive is the connection to the North Node in Aries that says „now a window of opportunity to see in the future is open for you. What do you choose?”  You get the idea if you read again what I have written so far.



Where do you go? Wha tis that DREAM that  sparks you, that warms your heart? What ist hat something that you SOUL desires, wants, whisper to you and you kept denying it, rejecting it, passing by from fear and limitation?

To call in something new and to make space for that it is necessary to also let go, cleanse and clear stuff from your life. At a mental level, emotional, physical level.

Clear your mind of limiting beliefs, your life of relationships and contexts that drain your energy , clear your drawers of junk and process then let go of emotions that keep you stuck in the victimhood mentality.


Just saying „ i dream this, I envision this, I make this vision board” or reciting some inspirational sentences is not going to manifest the new into your life. You also need to do the nitty gritty work. Take responsability for all the actions and all the thoughts you entretain. Do the shadow work and release a lot of the past. And so on.



Neptune is also in aspect with this New Moon and infuses more FAITH, Ideals and softens our hearts activating even more compassion and desire to be together with others, to spend some beautiful nourishing time with people like us.

It also can take away illusions and false beliefs , dismantle some of the old ideals and what you thought you want. So that you get closer to your SOUL and listen to it.

So that you rethink and recalibrate your relationship with the DIVINE- a very important aspect here.


Pay attention to all that is an illusion. A lot of your thoughts and beliefs are illusion. Many of the ones you believe are soooo good and wise are a smokescreen. A lot of the rules, dogma, „reality” you lived in is illusion. See what illusions are now revelead and where you are caught in them.



If you only operate by yourself, on your own, thinking you can do it all you get burnt. You get sick, confused, you feel alone and overwhelmed, always in fear and controlling everything.


When you start inviting GOD/ the DIVINE into your life, work, thoughts, actions, day to day then it all becomes easier. You feel the support. You know you are not alone. You can let go and trust in those moments when it seems that nothing works.

Because it is not about you struggling and doing it all alone. But about co creating. And remembering that god is within, that you are also such a wise, magical being that surpasses all you have been told and believed until now.



How can YOU MAKE your LIFE easier?

What needs to go, change, shift, transform for that?


Who do you need to BECOME so that you live THAT DREAM?


We are going through transformational times that invite us to seee the truth, see the shadows and remember our LIGHT, our POWER as Divine Beings on earth, in the body.




Another important aspect is MERCURY going RETROGRADE – I hear the sighs and eyerolls – on 12.12 It is not tragic, not a drama, not anything bad 🙂  Mercury retrograde is here to support you reorganize, rethink, recalibrate, reprioritize, redo…rewrite, all re- things.

It slows you down a bit so you can actually take a beat and look at what things in your life need a RE- Assess.

It goes retrograde in Capricorn – earth sign and helps you rethink and recalibrate your goals for next year. It brings you back to your INNER AUTHORITY and to the PLAN you had and now you can change it, now you can revisit it. When it goes back into Sagittarius on Dec 22nd

you are invited to ask yourself : what do I really want? Am I doing this for others? Only for the pay? Because x, y…or am I doing this, planning this, wanting this because is connected to my PASSION? 

How can I explore this more? In a different way? What are different posibilites here that feel easier, more in flow, more connected to my body and heart? That I choose not because I HAVE TO but because I want to and I really feel it?



We are healing as individuals and as huminaty from so much distortion, manipulation, fear based living. We are invited to reconnect to our own COURAGE, to our INNER AUTHORITY, TO OUR HEARTS and choose from the HEART space going forward. Together with the Divine. Each day. IN each choice or project or endeavour.


We are healing from years and centuries of „ you are not good enough, you need to shut up and listen, you need to keep quiet and be afraid, work your ass off for others, you need to listen and execute, you have no worth ...” and so on.


NOW is the TIME for EMPOWERED SOVEREIGN HUMANS. The ones that rememebr and reconnect to their Higher Selves and start living a LIFE IN TRUTH, FAITH, LOVE, CONNECTION.


Are you one of these people? Are you ready to step into a new reality and do the work to create it? Let go of the old and be reborn? Are you ready for your life to be easier, your heart softer, for feeling supported and connected?

It is up to you and you DO HAVE THE POWER to choose something new.






To support you I was given this beautiful mission: 10 days of online support, in a group setting. Anchor the Light Inside is a program that start on this NEW MOON, on the 12th and ends on the 21st. 

It is both spiritual, meditation and recalibration, light codes and connecting to the higher selves, to the Heart Dreams and it is also practical offering you day to day practices to implement. So you can access your centre easier. Be more relaxed, connected with yourself in these times. 
All can be done in your own pace! 


It is calibrated to this portal and supports you to step into a different, new version of you. 

(it will be held in romanian)




Lets create a beautiful supportive reality together! I guarantee it can be done!



New Moon in Scorpio- ready to be reborn?

REGENERATION- transformation- rebirth- Phoenix- depth and truth- taboo >> all SCORPIO themes that we are deeply feeling these days ( and for a lot of us, the entire year)


On November 13th at 11:27 am the New Moon will shine in her darkest moment amplifying the Scorpionic energy and themes. 

Not a coincidence that the number 13th is a Sacred Lunar and Venusian – feminine- number as there are 13th cycles (and menstruations) in a year. Cycles of death and rebirth, regeneration.

Being a Scorpio new moon it also is infused with a full moon like energy as before said, Scorpio invites us to clear, let die, to transform the old, the shadows into a new beginning, a new path, a new way.


With Mars conjunct the Moon and the Sun and Uranus opposing them this could be an explosive new moon! And when I say explosive it can be internal (emotional for example) and external- on the world scene.


We are presented with those uncomfortable truths about who we are and what attachements to suffering, to pain, struggle, to drama we are still carrying and empowering. Subjects and themes like sexuality, porn, human trafficking, money, power struggles and power hunger, manipulation, all occult things and hidden truths are now what gets our attention. THe taboo, the unspoken, what we keep under the lid, the shadows.

What is it that motivates you?

What is your relationship to POWER? and how do you use it?  Do you manipulate through victimisation and how much you struggle and sacrifice for everyone, through sex, money, knowledge (forms of power) ? Or are you aware of your shadows and use your Power to create good in the world, around you, in your relationships and life?


What are your values that guide you in life?

What are you clinging to out of FEAR? 

What is it that you really need to let die and be reborn in a different form?


Pay attention to all shadows that are now in front of you catching your attention – calling you to your DEPTHS and to your inner TRUTH.

Pay attention to all the control and the “i am a victim, I am powerless, life is pain” dynamic – words- thoughts.

Pay attention to the FEARS invading your mind and life. Who’s are they? Where do they come from?


It is a good time to stop and see what you avoided until now. It is a good time to get into a THERAPEUTICAL process. ONe that addresses your emotions, your energy and energetics, your depths and supports you to RISE from all you though is impossible or too hard.

Triggers and surprises might be all over these days. 

Find support. Get into your body. Use what you already know to process your emotions and sensations in a mature manner. 


TAKE your POWER BACK. and LET OTHERS be FREE and live their life.

Is life really hard and full of bad things? Is it really just hardship and fighting? Or is this something you learnt from your parents, grandparents, ancestry, culture?


Are you able to allow yourself to admit or even be curious about the possibility that LIFE can BE EASY, peacefull, with no drama? That it doesn’t need to be hard? That you are the one keeping the beliefs, the choices, the thoughts that make it hard. From that deep sense of loyalty towards your family, your mom, your ancestors – how can I live an easy, abundant, happy life when they suffered so much?

Someone told me ” but I can’t let go of those chords of hardship and pain of my ancestors because I feel I would betray them”- this is the transgenerational LOYALTY that keeps you stuck in a life and patterns that are not yours to carry, to live. It is your decision if you want to see it, admit it, change it. And now is a good time for this.


With Lilith aspecting Mercury the thoughts might not be very nice ones: fears and anxiety can come up more than before. Those things you don;t want to think about or talk about might now be so overwhelming you cannot escape or deny them anymore. in the same time- there can be a lot of POWER in your words, in the way you express yourself and the truths that you are now seeing and letting out through your voice.


For the ones that are aware and conscious this is a very EMPOWERING TIME! A RISING and rebirth time into a new stage, a new version of you! 


You see what is hidden and what needs to be spoken about, what needs to be brought to light – both in you and in the world. You process deep ancestral fears and let go of that old story of being small and insignificant. You sense the big shift and you slowly learn to let go of control more and more, to speak up, to end all that is toxic and no longer supportive.

It is not easy. It is deep, it is overwhelming, it can be surprising and chaotic.

It can bring up a lot of ancestral pain, grief, anger. (see the wars, the conflicts). This is to be felt, received and let go in the earth. Especially women are called now to feel the grief, to feel the anestral pain and to cry it, yell it…let it wash through and EMPOWER you much more, be alchemised through you, through your heart, voice, womb, blood. 


Saturn is now stationed direct at 0 degrees in Pisces after a long retrograde and it is opposing Lilith and squaring Mercury creating a tension (If we needed more of it :). ) to really take a deep look at your FAITH and INTEGRATION of SPIRITUAL concepts. Take a deep look at your relationship with GOD- source- religion and begin a deep process of healing, looking at the truth, releasing, clearing and taking back your power.
Come into an internal STABILITY and PRACTICE what you read about, know and talk about. FAith is not tested when times are good and it is not about going to church or saying “i am a believer”.


How is your faith standing when it all gets hard? Do you still believe in Divine support? Do you still remain at PEACE and totally anchored in your Heart? Do you still stand tall and with deep roots? Or do you doubt, fall, curse, blame, enter victimhood, stay in control and fear and anxiety. 

No matter what is going on around you- do you FEEL supported, have a strong relationship with your SOUL and Higher Self, God, Source? Or at the first bad news you go into the darkness and forget all the big shiny concepts you know?


Do you still have patience and remain calm doing your work and your practices even when all seems to go crumbling down? 


What is fake, based on lies, manipulation, fear, what is not built on integrity and true inner ground, in the HEART will be taken away, crumble, dissolve. 


You are brought closer and closer to YOUrself and sometimes, when the stuborness and control are so big, when the separation is strong – you are brought to your knees.

This might be one of these times.

And it is not because the universe is bad, god punishes you, life is a bitch or  someone has something against you. It is just because there is NO MORE TIME to sit around and blame others, whine and wait for saviours.


It is time to look deep into your SOUL and get aligned with the new frequencies. To stop living a life LYING to yourself and following EXTERNAL rules, staying in boxes and with your head down.

For those who hear the calling and start the real change the NEW earth is here and the TRANSITION is much more easier.


FOr those who keep denying, staying in old habits, in victimhood, chasing superficial power like money and status, keeping it small and fitting in, resisting change and life….it will be harder and harder. The BIG CRUMBLE is here.


And what we need to learn is to let go, embrace and cultivate FAITH. TRUE, real, deep FAITH. Come back into our bodyies and hearts. Listenting to our Soul and inner nudges. Doing the inner work so we keep rising in frequency and access new levels of peace, joy, wealth, health. This is what earth needs. Not more anger, more fight, more separation, judgement….Sure, it is necessary to go through the shadows so we can grow true inner light and stability. This is the journey.


And you are supported if you want to be. If you choose LIBERATION, FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY. 


We are at a tipping point.


Are you ready for the biggest death and rebirth ever? 





Monday the 13th- new moon : Healing the WITCH WOUND online workshop is an invitation for you to take a step closer to freedom and empowerment. To Rising from the numbness and sepparation and alchemising the fears.


Invitation to an intuitive soulful ASTROLOGY session based on your natal chart is open so you access and discover your TRUE story and take a step further in knowing who you really are, what are your gifts, lessons, direction in life. It is not just an astrology session but a transformative experience!


If you are ready for a deeper dive and a powerful ALCHEMICAL LIFE CHANGING process send a message and let’s talk on how we can take the journey together. ( scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro)




New Moon in Libra- make peace within yourself

On October 14, at 9 pm (RO) the Sun and the Moon meet up in Libra creating the new moon (dark moon) aspect. This New Moon is powerful as it is aligned with the Nodes of Fate (lunar nodes) and it is also an Eclipse. Usually the efects of such moments are prolongued in time so pay attention to what is going on in your life now, set new intentions and follow through to see what is unravelling for the next 3 to 6 months.


Now, lets go more into details.


Libra is about sharing your energy with another, relationships, partnerships, connection and also known as the peacemaker, the good negociator, the scales of Justice. Having the South Node here and a dark moon justice is going to be served on a relationship level.

A truthful look inside of yourself and your relationships will help you see what no longer works for you, where you have been lying to yourself, where things are not as you wanted them to be telling yourself a story. Patterns from the past are to be seen and healed as well not only in romantic relationships but also in partnerships, friendships.

Did I compromise myself until now? 

Am I feeling nourished and appreciated in my relationship with others?

How much do I give and how much do I receive? 

Might be a revealing point and an emotional point as well as you come to see things in a different light now. The truth is not always easy to digest but it is what leads us to more alignement with our Soul and Self.

Depending on the house this new moon takes place – a specific area of your life is activated. For example Libra might be in your 4th house which activates the relationship with your family, where you grew up and you inner home, soul. It might be in the 10th house and it activates the mission, career, status area of your life so relationship with your career, with people at your job, leaders, managers including being fired, changing positions, changing careers, making a different move in this area  and also marital status might change. So take a look in your natal chart and see where libra is as house position and then look up what the house is about.


Mercury close to the Sun and Moon opposite Kiron in Aries continues the Healing of the relationship aspect and specifically, on a level of beliefs, old stories, coping mechanisms you keep using to keep yourself safe- as to not be hurt again. Memories and contexts from your childhood might come to mind as to be addressed and healed. The inner child is where we start this process of empowerment and where we deal with all those contexts, emotions and traumas that made us who we are now in relationships.

Most  wounds started during childhood as there was the place you have seen how relationships are, how they function through your mom’s and dad’s, through them and yourself. There is where you formed your beliefs, you got the stories you keep telling yourself, is where all the patterns in your relationships come from. ALSO, a big contribution is the transgenerational part- people in the extended tribe, family, ancestors that lived a lot of untold and unprocessed secrets, traumas that you now bring forth and live in your life.


Kiron is the Healer, the Alchemist, the one that activates your pain and fears inviting you to look at them, process them and not sweep them under the rug anymore.

Some tough conversations might take place or you feel drawn to ignite them so that you clarify the air between you and another, draw the line, expose your side of the story as never before, ask the questions you need.

You cannot integrate and see the invitations of the NORTH NODE in Aries to Empowerment, Leadership, Sovereignty, Courage if you do not go through the healing of the south node, the healing of the co dependency, fears, rejection and so many more inner wounds.


I heard this question today _ what makes you accept to be treated the way you are over and over? What makes you go towards emotionally unavailable people all the time? Where did you learn that?


The ones with Sun, Moon, Lunar Nodes, Ascendant in Libra and Aries are the most triggred at this time. It can be a life changing moment for you, not just these few days but the entire year , going into the next as well- as long as the nodes are in Libra- Aries.  Of course, we all have libra somewhere in the chart and have to deal with the South Node calling to releasing, letting go, alchemising very old patterns and ancestral hurt.


It does not end here as the ruler of Libra, Venus is conjunct Lilith in Virgo and trines Mars in Scorpio. Translation- Lilith the Ancestral feminine lineage wound (and gift) is bringing to the surface DEEP TRUTHs about who you are as a woman, about how you act in relationships, about the relationship you have with YOURSELF as a woman. Might be about self criticism, perfectionism, constant pushing yourself to be always perfect and handle it all. Might be about you sacrificing yourself for others, constantly giving your energy away and helping others, compromising, shuting up….and draining yourself, putting yourself last.

The Fear of Lilith in Virgo is to not be useful anymore and the gift comes through working the boundries, the gentlness with self part, organizing your time, yourself as to GIVE yourself MORE first. A beautiful and powerful healer is one of the gifts here but not one that gives and giver to others out of fear. Look at how you are treated and how you ALLOW others to treat you.

You diserve to be loved, admired, nourished, Healthy, Wealthy, at peace.

Opposing Saturn in Pisces there is a REALITY check, an awakening in relation to all of the above. AM I the martyr that gets frustrated that others don’t see and appreciate me when they DID NOT ask for help?

And also the suggestion here is to bring more GOD/ Divinity as practices that nourish you in your daily life.

The WOUNDING with the MASCULINE energy is also a part of this oppostion and it might hit you hard and from where you don’t expect it. When I say the masculine I say father, God, inner masculine- all masculine energy. Possible anger, irritation, bothering truth comes to surface and patterns you might observe in your feminine-masculine dynamics.


Mars is helping Venus as they are in a trine – to bring some awarness, healing, action to the feminine-masculine dynamic mentioned above. What painful secrets are u avoiding or now seeing for the first time? What actions are now required of you so you  go deeper and give your attention to healing the masculine wounds/ the patriarchal wounds you inherited and got so used to?


I will mention Pluto as well as he is going direct on October 11th and brings some releasing of the tight, tensed energy we were under for the past months. Still pushing the truth out, still cleaning the house and showing us where our shadows are but it might feel as a little breather once going direct. Especially if he made tensed aspects with your natal planets.


TO wrap this up – a new moon is when we set new intentions, when we look deep and sit in the dark to see what is new and wants to arise from within. The relationship sector – to self, to another is activated so take time and sit still for a moment, pull your journal out and write all about these themes, answer the questions, see what arises and where you are pulled from within.


Putting our energies together is one solution for the world we want to live in/

Until now we have created wars, hate, envy, separation and closed our hearts. We talk about peace for centuries and yet, all we see is war and division.


The peace, beauty, harmony Libra is about can happen once we make those arise within us, once we stop the inner war and separation and remember we are one (in all the inner parts and with our brothers and sisters).


The peace and harmony Libra is about can be lived and activated by seeing the TRUTH behind the wars, the illusions, the manipulation, the “peace treaties” that are currently served to us, seeing the truth about what is really going on, taking responsability of all the shadow within and dealing with that.

The “bad” in the world is necessary for us to wake up and remember our HEARTS, our compassionate nature, our love for self and one another. It is a step so we can no longer give our power away, swallow what is injected every day and keep se fear and separation going on. The maturing process of Humanity is full blown and it is not easy.
The solution is always going back in and doing your work.


We are going through a big rebirthing process, journey that is not ending soon.

It is a time of awakening and of rising up and for that to happen we are shown what is not working, the trauma, the abuse, the power plays, the manipulation – all being the collective and individual shadow. This is to be looked at, processed by each of us individually. Surrendering to the process and building a strong relationship with God/ the Divine is a big help, support and even a must.

All we see in the world is a mirror for what it is inside us. Make peace with yourself first and then peace will show itself in the world. Be honest with yourself and follow your Heart and honesty, love, heart is what you will see in the world.




Want individual support? I am here to guide and hold the space for you to actually see yourself, discover who you are, let go of fears and old patterns and empower yourself  as a Divine multidimensional being in human form.


New Moon in Virgo- practical love and light

After the enthusiastic, fiery, passionate and flirty Leo season we are invited to GROUND and find practical solutions for our day to day life.

We dream, we have passion, we are enthusiastic and impulsive AND how do we implement all of that in a practical, supportive way?


The New Moon in Virgo shines the maximum on September 15th in the morning at 4.40.(RO).

New Moons are about beginnings, new intentions, start new ideas and plant seeds. Virgo, an earth sign is all about details, plans, work, organising and health. She is the one that is serious and dedicated, that finds practical solutions and solves what is in front of us here, now.

Let’s put this into context.

There is a big activation on the Earth signs which invites us to take care of the practical aspects of life : basic needs, money, health, work and body. Also, all big planets are RETROGRADE: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto- a slow down to look again at what we missed, what went on maybe too fast, a chance to rethink, reorganise, reconsider the important aspects of our lives – body/materia- health/work- mission/structure- spirituality/faith.  Not to talk about continuos dance between Pluto, Uranus and Neptune for a fairly long time ( giving birth to a new society).

If we look at the chart of the moment we see a Kite aspect being depicted on the sky between Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus.

The opposition between Neptune and the Sun and Moon (the new moon aspect) points to this : what of your spiritual practices, the big concepts you know, faith, Divinity are you NOW bringing down here, day to day, consistently.

And HOW are these spiritual things, matters of  faith and other dimensions, evolution are practical and of use for you? 

It is not enough to dream and envision, to hope and repeat affirmations of love and light. It is necessary we do not forget we live in a BODY and have a material- physical life as well.
When we negate and dismiss money, body needs and health, a home, practicality we actually hurt ourselves CUTTING OFF HALF OF DIVINITY- the MATERIAL part. We are so used in this new age culture to dismiss the material, the simple, the day to day and levitate on a cloud all day with lit incence, mantras, reciting love and light and thinking this IS IT, we are illuminated, we are fixed and healed, we are so divine.


I was talking to someone recently about devotion and sacrality. 

How is this translated into your work? Into your day to day tasks? Into how you do things, look at things, approach contexts and actually live your life? 

How is GOD, Divinity PRESENT in your body, heart and work, details, plans? 

or your just think that god has nothing to do with material? If yes- you are still in separation mode denying the very thing you came here to experiment and explore and actually integrate : BEING HUMAN. 


The other side of it is purely material, logical and NO spiritual connection, no heart and soul, sacrality anywhere. Just doing all you can in a sacrifice, ambitious, will mode thinking money, career, position, house and achieving stuff is all.

What about your SOULs guidance?

What about your Ideals and Dreams? What about bringing God/Goddess into your life constantly?

What about doing it all present and devotional like a ritual- even work, planning, cleaning etc?

WITH SOURCE in YOUR HEART. Making this human experience actually full of meaning, depth, rich and fullfiling.


Finding the middle path is the path. Including it all together and living the human life in a sacred, devotional, present and aware mode is what we have to learn.

This means total REBIRTH for most of people on earth.


Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus also contribute to all the story above. They will amplify what is NOT working and not supporting us when we think about our RELATIONSHIP with money, what we have, talents, resources, the earth, our food and our body. They slow us down a bit and bring surprises, all kinds of collapses, NEW situations and contexts, new information and truth so that we can get a fuller picture and actually question ourselves and where we are : what do I believe in? What are my talentes? HOw to I view money? What are my life principles/values?

Lightning strikes can show us angles we have not thought about before. And put us in discomfort as all that is old, fake, superficial, from a trauma place is brought to surface, seen and dealt with. So we can reallt RESTART our life on solid Ground.

Pluto in Capricorn brings forth more truth and shows the path to NEW structures, new way of doing things. Shows what DOES not work, the lies, the manipulation, the chase after illusions including what we do not want to see.

Saturn in Pisces -same story- what do we want to build for the future? In a HEART Rooted way, with SPIRITUAL practices that are actually integrated in our lives and support us day to day. What lessons we still have to work through and what loops we still need to close? Who is GOD for us? What is our BIGGER vision for our LIFE? 


All these planets and aspects between them will work to take and dissolve all that is no longer matching the new frequencies of this planet. Relationships (nodal axis) implode and all that was under the rug is revealed.

Jobs are also no longer done or viewed the same. Money and financial systems change and even transform/collapse. Food is also going through big transformation and we also neeed to look at this relationship and what we are doing to the earth, the soil. How we do agriculture, how we actually grow our food and what we really put in our bodies.

Mission- careers are also being dismanteled and restructured as we go MORE towards TALENTS, GIFTS, HEART centered life and creating and less based on the mind, pure logical information, titles. This also implies bringing to light corruption, ulterior motives and manipulation across systems.

Take ALL of this and apply it personally- in your life.


SLOW down and go in. Take a look at where you are now.

What plans do you make for your future? 
What is not working anymore? 


Reevaluate everything and take new decisions, ones that are more rooted into YOUR INNER POWER, your heart and real dreams, wants and needs.

What is now practical for you to change, do, organise? What helps you for the long term? How is your health and what is it that you still maintain as HABITS that no longer support you? 

How can you include more SACRALITY, presence, connection, awareness in your routines, work, positioning, in your relationship with your body, your food, your work, into problem solving even? 

Also I will mention that the shadow side of Virgo is criticism, perfectionism and sacrifice. (SAcrifice and putting yourself last is also a pisces shadow and they are now opposing).

So have you been living a life of sacrifice and SAVIOUR MODE/martyrdom with noone asking that? Have you gone above and beyond to accomodate others? To be the good girl that works a lot, takes more than she can chew on, solves all the crisis and covers for all the colleagues, friends on her own HEALTH, EMOTIONAL EXPENSE?

Have you always been harsh and so perfectionistic with yourself having that Critical Voice inside dominate you? Where is this voice coming from? Who’s is ? 

It is so beautiful to help, be in service and be dilligent, loyal AND also know your BOUNDRIES, step back when it is not your responsabiliy, taking care of your body and YOUR needs first.


It is hard- you might say- to change this when all your life was lived like this. When sacrifice, self loathing and self criticism where instilled from very young ages and this became your truth.

I would say : ISN”T IT HARDER to CONTINUE living a life where you are always last? Always harsh with yourself (internal emotional environment determines your health too you know), always doing for other, always tired and striving for perfection with no gentleness, rest, nourishment, self love?

Reflect. Journal. Cry if needed. Hold yourself. Take back your power. Make new decisions. Step by step. Start with what is in front of you.




…and if you decide it is time for support, change and new decisions that need implemented, reconnection with yourself I am here. If you feel you know a lot and do not put it in practice, still feel the same, I am here. We can embark on the most precious, meaningful and empowering journey of your life! 

And we can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session if you want to take one step for now. 

Take a look here for more details. Feel free to ask, share- write to me.





New Moon in Leo- Dare to ROAR

How DARE you SHINE? How DARE you be so Confident? – this is the underlying message of our society. In other words : Stay small, keep quiet, don’t disturb others, blend in. Be a victim and shut up about it!

What is the LION saying? ” DARE to SHINE, ROAR, Use and show your passion, your big energy, Stand tall and trust who you are”

Imagine a lion/lioness roar, walk, be. What is that oozing out? Feel it. 



This New Moon in Leo on August 16th is not just any new moon as it is tightly conjunct VENUS retrograde AND LILITH- the powerhouse Feminine Energy.


Both Feminine energies, Venus- the beauty, the pleasure, the sparkles, the Shine and lushfull, opulent part in us AND Lilith- the dark aspect, the Power, the Sexual energy and Sensuality with no SHAME, the Roaring, the TRUTH, the mystery and the Expression of the repressed- rebelled Feminine.


All attention is on the Leo energy now with the (almost) radical invitation to REBIRTHING yourself.

Who is the WOMAN in you? What is she really like? Beyond the opression, the shame, the guilt, the “fit in, play small” taught part? What would she actually SAY and how would she walk in the world if she would know and embody her worth, magic, power?


What is your relationship with the FEMININE LINEAGE? What have you taken on from your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and all female ancestors before you? What stories of staying small, limiting yourself, being the good girl, sacrificing yourself, crticizing yourself constantly, shaming yourself every day do you still live in and carry on?

If you would radically give yourself permission to BE what would you be like, do, choose, feel? What and how would you EXPRESS yourself in the WORLD? What would you CREATE? 


Where is your creative energy buried? Your pleasure, your confidence in your beauty and voice?

Where is your inner POWER tied? And do you shame that part of you that is powerfull, angry, fierce, daring, bold? 
Maybe it is time to know her. TO look at her and to untie yourself from the chains of past stories, patriarchal gaze, feminine transgenerational wounds.


OLD patterns, contexts and wounds are now to surface with females in your life; from mom to family, friends and ancestral, inner girl and childhood.

Because LEO is the HEART and POWER, the Creative, resourcefull, joyfull and playfull DIVINE inner child. SHe doesn’t give a shit on what other think, say or how she sould behave. She is connected with her Divine, creative, pure life energy (sexual energy). She shines just because. She plays just because it feels good. She creates just because that is the normal…


And with Uranus in Taurus adding surprises, shock, unexpected energy to this new moon all is a perfect chaos recipe for REBIRTHING, Change, Switching on the INNER rebel, the parts of you that were silenced and shamed.

Its almost like a vortex stirring up your inner most deeper parts that are sooo potent, beautiful and full of messages and healing for you to see and integrate so that you STEP INTO the next Chapter of who you really are and what you really want.


Venus invites you to really look into your heart and feel what you WANT, DESIRE, what makes you spark and work through all that supreses, shames, limits that. Free yourself. URanus helps big time with the freeing part and the pinch of salt to make it more interesting.


What you though should be YOU might now reveal it is not true to yourself. What you were taught and raised into might now be revealed to you as abusive, limiting and really diconnecting you from your POWER , wisdom truth.


We , as women, were taught to live small, stay small, crawl and fight for every inch of freedom and expression- and not in the feminine way! but in the masculine way, ripping away our feminine potency and medicine away! 

We were shamed, guilted into thinking that our sexual expression is bad and vulgar, that our rage is bad and also, that our bodies are disgusting if they don’t fit in the male distorted patriarchal rules. We were taught that we do not diserve wealth and pleasure and have our voices heard, that we are crazy and emotional, and just a nuisance as long as we don’t conform. 


This is a beautiful new moon, a beautiful and intense invitation to reclaim the LIONESS WITHIN, the Lilith Within, the Venus Within, the entirety of the WOMAN you are, become WHOLE.


In between the lines mars and mercury in Virgo want to give you a new plan, a new way and actionable steps to build your PATH according to what you now discover, embrace in yourself.


With just a couple of planets in water signs and none in air signs its like the FIRE within, the Passion within are still contained and finding their way out but in a structured, planned, beautiful and stable way (earth signs activation) and aligned with your INNER TRUTH and SOUL path (Pluto with the nodes), 



There is a very interesting discussion between Pluto, Neptune and Uranus that will go on for some time now giving birth to the new era, to the new earth.


You are not here to struggle, fit in, play small, stay in your lane.

You are not here to live from the traumatised little girl fearfull of what others might do to her, thing of her, fearfull of punishment and abuse.

You ARE HERE to live your WHOLE beautiful SELF, dare, express yourself, play, access wealth, love, heaven on Earth, YOu are Allowed to be BIg and BOLD and to be heard. You have the birthright to be AWSOME and believe in yourself.


Look at all the messages that arise during these days, this month. Go deep inside and do the shadow work required (by Lilith) to take your power back.


Look at the future through the lens of “I trust myself, I believe in my magic, my voice, my truth, I am lead by my Hearts wisdom and supported by all Universe”. What is the future that arises?





For discovering more about Venus, Lilith, the Sun and Moon and who you really are we can do a SOUL Astrology session. 

For more in depth work my 1;1 programs are open. Send a message. 


Find on Social media as well.