Tag: pisces full moon
Full Moon in Pisces- endings and reality checks
The full Moon in Pisces glows the brightest on August 31st around 4.30 am (Europe). It is the second full moon we are having in August- another portal to shed, clear, close big circles in our lives.
Every time there is a full moon she is illuminating aspects, contexts and information we didn’t see before and also it is a great moment for release and clearing rituals.
The energy of Pisces invites us to Dissolve into the Universe and fully open our hearts to merge with Oneness. She invites us to let go of the control and mind’s stories and remember we are all brothers and sisters, we are all the same in the end. Compassion, empathy, creation, connection to Source, Spirituality, Crown chakra, visual arts, artistry and also Waters (oceans, seas, marine creatures) are tied to Pisces energy. Also illusion, hidden things, transgenerational and ancestral, mental illness and alienation, sacrifice and martyrdom are activated.
This time we have Saturn hand in hand with the Moon. He is representing the limits, rules, the teacher, masculine and authority energy, patience and the old paradigm, the material world. So part us is in a dream state, connected to Spirit, feeling deeper emotions and maybe a need for rest, meditation, Divinity and then Saturn says : :this and this goes away, ends. This is not good for you anymore. This is not sustainable long term. What are you bringing into matter in a practical, sustainable way from all of your Dreamy -Feely state? “
He is here to help us CLOSE, release, end. Also it might feel as coming back down to earth and getting real.
In the world we might see other rules, restrictions, regulations that imply water supplies, also viruses, bacteria- unseen illness, religion and new age.
Opposing, there is Virgo and the Sun and this axis, Pisces- Virgo is also about HEALTH, wellbeing. One is the body, what you eat, habits, what you can see and the other is more on the mental-emotional health and all that is unseen.
It is a good moment to go to that check up you are avoiding or postponing and maybe take a closer look at your health habits including emotional, energetic, mental hygene.
A common thing with Pisces and Virgo as well is the sacrifice energy.
So, notice where you are giving more than you actually can. Where do you give your time, energy, even unsolicited help, advice and how that impacts your health, your life.
What are you now ready to let go of and clear for a healthier relationship with yourself?
What dreams and deep inner revelations are not surfacing and how can you take a step into bringing them here and now into manifestation?
More so, with Mercury retrograde until mid September, still in Virgo, we are invited to RE- asses, thing, schedule, re-do. Also, clean and organize physical spaces but also mental, emotional spaces, from your computer and closets to your thoughts, habits, patterns.
You might feel a bit down and even a bit confused, like you don’t see clearly ahead and in the same time a lot is going on especiallt internally.
With so many retrogrades now going inside, paying more attention to our inner world is a BIG INVITATION.
Uranus did go retrograde as well and will stay like this until next year (normal retrograde period for him). In Taurus he covers all that is about the EARTH, resources, agriculture, food, mines but also digital currencies, financial changes, values, possestions. Uranus is the maverick, the lightning that produces shocks, inner and outer earthquakes giving us a faster way to where we need to be. He also takes away what no longer serves and stirs the pot so we can let go of old patterns and comfort zone and allow the inner Rebel, uniqueness and gifts to Shine. As Taurus is a fixed sign and he likes comfort, ease, pleasure, steadiness and safety Uranus is the HIGHER mind, the Universal Wisdom that pushes a bit even if uncomfortable as …the change is here and cannot be delayed.
With Pluto still in tension aspect with the Nodes of Fate we continue to be stirred by the Universe towards a more TRUTHFUL, ALIGNED with our Soul way of living.
We are undergoing an enormous change as humanity and as individuals.
DAre to be different. Dare to speak up. Dare to do things your way, as you feel they are correct and ligned for you and work through all those patterns, limiting beliefs, trauma that says ” You need to be like everyone else, what will they think, stay in your lane”.
Big karmic loops are now prone to end and be alchemised. Emotions might be hightened and a sense of constriction or limitation might appear for some of us. Especially for the ones with planets in pisces, virgo, taurus.
The Ruler of the Full moon in Neptune- also in Pisces, also retrograde.
What are your actual beliefs when it comes to Spirit, God, Goddess, Source? What is your relationship with Divinity?
What do you DREAM for your future? What;s your IDEALS?
What are your values and what is TRUTHful for you?
DO you run your life according to all of the above, acoording to your Hear, Soul, deeper Wisdom or are you tied to control, comfort, old paradigm, sacrifice and fight mode?
Do you live a life that has no spirituality, heart and soul in it, the only values and ideals being money, houses and vacations?
Are you living the life that YOU WANT and desire or the one that was IMPOSED on you by your family, culture, society?
Write down the answers in your journal, on a piece of paper and take a truthfull look at your life, where you are and what you are ready to end and clear. Look at the patterns and stories of your mom and dad that you are carrying still…and you let define you. Look from a HIGHER angle at all the cultural, ancestral expectations, limitations, lack, fight, fear, supression,abuse stories that still control you.
Whenever you are ready you can light a candle or more actually or even a fire and throw one by one, all of these in the fire with the pure and powerful intention to be alchemised and cleared from your field.
Lilith is still in conversation with Uranus and is activating the Fearless, Empowered Woman in you. Invites you to look at and process wounds from the past and RECLAIM your Sovereignity, Self TRUST, your Voice and Value.
A full moon and a period of time where a lot is stirred up. Things might not go to plan. People might disappear or just have a fall out with someone. Difficult talks can arise. Surprises and unseen information until now might throw you off for a bit.
CUltivate presence with yourself. Breathe deeply. Take your power back. Take time to redesign your life even if it is just dreaming or writing on paper for now. Connect with your heart. Put yourself first and learn how to save yourself and not others.
For an in depth, powerful look into how you function, your gifts, your patterns and Path, instruments and guidance towards healing and change, you can have the Magical Intuitive Soulful Astrology Session with me. Read more HERE.