Tag: sagittarius full moon

Full Moon in Sagittarius- dream bigger and speak bolder

May 23rd around 5 pm *gmt+3, the FUll Moon in Sagittarius will shine the brightest in the sky.

Full moons bring to surface or illuminate things we did not see before, either from life or inner world. IN this case, the Sun shines in Gemini which is about multiple things at once, information, connections, simple, here and now facts, gossip, mental scatternes, as well as short trips, documents, basic education, childhood, playfulness, easy, everyday talks.

The Moon shines in the Sagittarius sector which is about higher truths, justice, in depth information, Divine Truth, expansion, long distance travelling, multi cultural, relationship and communication with foreign lands and people. Can also involve dogma, religion as well as wisdom, the teacher energy, higher degrees of learning/education.


With just a few days before Jupiter enters Gemini it can be a time of a LOT of information and in fact, a lot of Everything.

Expansion, new oportunities, new possibilites, new angles, more of this, more of than. 


In a way what I sense is : pay attention to the multitude of informations, angles, news coming your way and use discernment. Which are in alignment with the Higher Truth, with what you sense it is true? Which is just manipulation, fake news, induced angles for a specific wanted outcome?


We will have a few months with excess information and thinking anyways with Jupiter in Gemini. We might need to multitask, to take it easier, to meet people, to even have more fun.

And pay attention to when it is too much, when we disconnect from Our needs, Soul, body.


With PLuto involved we will see truth revealed even further and deeper. And being retrograde as well, we are undergoing a RESET of our Mental field and the way we think, perceive the world, work, what is true and what not, where is our power and how we really want our FUTURE to look like.

Do we step into our unique energy and gifts and do we take our Power back from the external ? 

Do we allow ourselves to dream big, to expand, to explore something new, to grow? Do we dare?

Do we remain connected to our inner Truth and guidance and follow it no matter what the exterior might tell us? 


What dreams, plans, visions, perspectives are u ready to shed, let go of now? To make room for more, for bigger?


It can be a stepping up into a next level- if you allow it and done your inner work– more abundant, prosperous, uplifting, joyous. 


With Venus and Jupiter in exact conjunction on the last degree of Taurus it is possible to RECEIVE more than you have thought of.

Did you learn how to Receive? How to allow yourself to feel diserving…at ease? Did you cultivate pleasure and presence?

Can you shift into feeling rich, into doing what you love and easily receiving money, resoursces, support or do you stay stuck in hardship, fight, drama, lack consciousness?


Do you allow yourself to speak the Truth or you still choose fear and shame? It is an opportunity of empowerment and change like never before. 

It is an opportunity to exit a lot of old programming and reframe what you beleive, think, where we stand, what you want.


Saturn in Pisces is still helping us look at what to implement, what is also practical. As a lot of ideas might surge it is also needed to feel through what is to be brought into physicality for long term visions.

Saturn and Pluto cut through what is too much (Jupiter) and what is illusion, lies, outdated and support us be in contact with what is real and supports us long term.


You can dream a lot and party a lot for example and never actually implement a supportive life style, a long term plan, never bring into fruition what u dream, want.


It is also an invitation to more playfulness and connections, and ease. Even a holiday, the “dolce far niente” integrated as a way to nourish yourself and cultivate pleasure, ease in your body and life.


Grounding and body is important. Settling your nervous system is important. Finding moments to walk barefoot, breathe deeply, take a long shower, caress your skin, receive a massage or a long hug…sit in nature listening, smelling, feeling….are all recommendations to be able to remain centred and cope with possible mental overwhelm.


With Mars in Aries You might feel impulsive and want to do more NOW, act but …take it easy. Breathe and sit with it. See if it is really what you want and need.


For centuries we have been shutting up, refraining from speaking up, from expressing who we are. We vowed silence and we kept to ourselves externalizing our power, authority and allowing all and everybody to be the smart/er ones…minus ourselves.


It is time to reconnect to your Voice, to your truth that is connected to your Heart. It is time to OWN it and Speak it. To teach by example.And also to create the reality and the future you want not based on fear, shame but based on Trust, Courage, Integrity, Heart.


You are deserving of bigger, better, larger….in all ways. You are here to Enjoy life and to live following your heart, your passions and not to struggle and live in fear.



On May 23rd, for the FULL MOON,  in Brasov- we meet to clear the ancient vows of silence, to reconnect to ur Voice and Heart, to dare to Speak up again and empower ourselves.

If u feel called, here are the details: https://forms.gle/WQXSgqgu8oLm4SBS9