Tag: soulful astrology

Full Moon in Capricorn (II)- you are the leader of tomorrow

Powerful chart and powerful MOMENT! The Second Full moon in Capricorn this month shines the maximum light on the 21st of July.

Not only this is the second full moon in Capricorn, it is at29 degrees ( the first was at 0 degrees) AND it is the degree that Pluto retrograde will visit again this fall.


There is a big moment of “hard” truth being surfaced and dismantling of OLD structures built on greed, power struggles, manipulation, death with NO regards and care for the good of all, the planet, the future.


In a personal way this goes back to a lot of letting go of control ( aspect with Neptune in Pisces at 29 too), ending a big cycle, learning to TRUST in a bigger PLAN, in a Bigger Vision and in GOD/ Goddess.

We cannot continue to develop and build corporations and businesses lead by the 1% and also lead by dark forces that manipulate everything. We cannot continue having only money and power obtained with all costs as the only “dream/ goal”.


There is a lot of revealing going on about the leaders of the world and the way it is run. About who is actually doing what and a lot of secrets about rulers and big companies surface more and more *pluto.


Taking ownership of your OWN life, accessing your INNER LEADER, authority and Sovereignty is a theme in the works now and for all of this year. 


As all of the above can stop and the world you want and dream of can be manifested ONLY by EACH of us taking charge. 
Healing the past old wounds that say ” I am small, I don;t matter, I believe the official version, I give my power and authority away to whoever has money and perceived success, I do NOT trust myself or God or a bigger plan” etc…


The leaders of tomorrow are YOU, ME, each of us that takes responsability, processes the inner victimhood state and mentality and RISES to CREATE their own better reality that is based on truth, cooperation, heart lead decisions, divinity integrated in the day to day.



We can Feel a cycle closing or like something ending even if we don’t know what it is. Situations that come forth to serve you lessons like self empowerment, self trust, letting go of control, seeing the bigger picture, LEADING YOURSELF COURAGEOUSLY! 


We have been disconnected from our hearts, inner power, divinity, sense of purpose, sovereignty. 

AND NOW is TIME to REMEMBER all of that. 




What are you willing to let go of now?

What are you noticing is not working anymore the old way and needs closure, letting go?


We can see that the OLD ways are starting to not work anymore. A lot of us feel the calling for something different.

This can be different marketing, different ideas to implement, different business, leadership, different ways to collaborate, different values that we truly need to remember.


It takes courage and a lot of inner work to empower yourself and RISE, stop believing, listening to, adoring and valuing NON values, illusory fame and power. 


It takes courage to say things differently and to do everything differently when the old is still present and has a deep grip on you and your mental.



Surprise keeps being something we get used to already (Uranus in Taurus). News that are surprising, situations that are shocking or sudden and moreover _ revealing truth that is surprising AND PEOPLE starting to have a VOICE again, to not stand with the imposed models anymore. The imposed and manipulated reality anymore. 



Even though we might experience a few days, even weeks with hightened irritation, rushing into things and judgement *mars in gemini* , not focusing, heart, passion and DARING COMMUNICATION that MOVES is also a facet of it ( Mercury in Leo).


Speak up.
SPeak your truth.

Don’t put up with the Pretending and the Fakeness. Call people out if needed and of use.

Return into the soft, gentle, loving Cancer heart and the generous, creative, powerful Leo Heart.


When you truly descend into your heart and learn to sit still more, listen in more there is a new REALITY unveiling for you. 
When you “SEE” with the heart, you start seeing the truth and nothing can trick you anymore. 



When you remember and reconnect to the Higher Mind and Higher Love ( Neptune, Uranus), to the Wisdom of your SOUL – you will see the through all the bullshit that is pushed before your eyes, through your OWN bullshit and illusions too. 


YES, it is not easy or pleasant.

The taking ownership, the leading yourself, the Truth, the integrity, the Devotion path is not an easy one. When everywhere distortion is what is sold as real and true. 

AND So- only having the courage to SEE your OWN bullshit– old stories, limitation, control, rigidness, need for attention, need for “being important”, powerlessness, selling your energy and time to perceived authority, lack of self trust, of Bigger Vision for yourself, lack mentality you keep living in, desperation and even apathy…avoidance, blaming, waiting for others to save you…- then you are REALLY on the path of EMPOWERMENT and truly able to EMBODY THE inner DEVOTIONAL, heart based, MATURE LEADER. 



I don’t say all of this to shame you or to make you feel bad. I say this as it is reality. And not many are willing to FACE REALITY. Especially the inner one, the personal one. As the collective one will be revealed as a consequence.


We are all “pushed” or served opportunities to grow. From within. As leaders and Multi dimensional, Sacred and Powerful beings that come together to manifest a new world, a new way.


This is inevitable. It takes patience, time, acceptance, letting go, trusting, trusting, trusting….and continuing to Descend into YOU , continuing to OWN, EMBODY your truth, your Soul, your real frequency, your gifts, your Divinity.

The time of Gurus, Empty words and promisses, illusory enlightenment is over.


The ones that descend into their heart and find god within will be able to SEE through everything and choose wisely.


It is all about Embodiment now. YOU BEING the FREQUENCY and not jus talking about it. 

IT is time for COURAGEOUS LEADERS that OWN up who they are even if there is still fear in the background and unsolved wounds. Even if half of the world don’t get them.


When you learn to Lead with GOD, from your Hear, to live a sacred, present, devotional Life, in truth and impecability – integrity – you CHANGE the Frequency of the ENTIRE EARTH and HUMANITY. YOU CREATE transformation. You give permission. You are a real MODEL for the young. 


You become- remembering- who you were created to be lifetimes ago.



It is a powerful full moon, year, times.

And no, it is not ending. It has just begun.

Learn to lean in and trust the journey, trust your Soul and the bigger plan, CUltivate FAITH, embodied, true faith. Take action, courageous action and BE 100 % you, not what others want, expect, tell you to be.

Continue doing the work, staying on this path.

Do not SELL your Soul, you Energy.


Be very honest with yourself and act with integrity.


How you LEAD yourself when it is chaos, when nothing works as you want IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.



of course, if you feel there is a ritual, a ceremony for you to do to let go, close off things, chapters and make bold new decisions- listen to your inner calling and guidance!



In Truth, heart, devotion,

Anca Lavinia and the Divine




PS : I have a great invitation for you- speaking about empowerment and leadership: the MAgdalene Rising SUMMIT taking place on 22-24 th of July, online!

I will be one of the guest speakers and I can’t wait for three days of celebration truth revealed and seeds planted!

JOIN  for free HERE




PPS: I have a couple of spots open for the Intuitive Transformational Astrology Session. More than astrology, more than just talk. All tailored and connected to your energy, story and life. Send an email to book: scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro



New moon in Aquarius- free yourself


On February 10th around 1 am (GMT +2) the New Moon in Aquarius is at her peak inviting us to new intentions, beginnings, seeds to be planted.


It is a sign that represents community-networking, the rebel, originality and uniqueness. It is about destructuring the systems based on hierarchy and bringing back the power to the people, to all of us. This sign teaches us that we need to come together, put at work our own gifts in the most authentic way and create a different outcome, future.


I like to say :let your inner freak fly high when it comes to aquarius. 


We all have this energy somewhere in the natal chart and  I invite you to see in which house this energy is for you( you can find info about astrological houses on the internet and put your data in on astro. com for example).



What is your “weird” you like? Who are those You that you kept hidden as you wanted to fit in and be like everyone else? 

See, even though aquarius is about equality it is also about being different, authentic, yourself. Some would say- be proud you are the black sheep. The ones with predominant aquarius in their chart might have felt as one their entire life.


Dare to be different. 

What makes you, you? 

How are you unique? I know it might take a while to find this out, to have an answer. It is worth reflecting on this and having the patience for it.


Somebody once told me that a good practice is to go ahead and be the weirdest, out there ME as I can possibly be (In public of course) and this way I will have nothing to be afraid of anymore, I will see exactly who really loves me, is drawn to me and I will be so much more in my Power.

As well as – those inner parts, those opinions, that quirkyness that are so YOU but you are afraid to show them – are exactly the ones that will make you feel at ease, will attract the people that really love you, appreciate you , will LIBERATE YOU. 

FREEDOM is another word and frequency associated with aquarius.


And what we are living for centuries now…is exactly the opposite.


We were systematically trained- manipulated- educated ( call it how you want) to FIT IN, to be the same as all the other, to correspond and be appropriate. Remember school? Learning stuff by heart and writing things out of memory ? Not being allowed to have your own opinion? 


All the FREE and UNIQUE spirit was crushed by a Society that CAGED us all. 


So you became this person that some call a people pleaser that does everything to just be liked and fit in the norm- the group, society for fear of being rejected.



All that we see in the media, shows, movies, press – the way we HAVE to look, to eat, what we have to buy, what we have to believe – all standards and rules were made up as one big fat ILLUSION that IMPRISONS the SPIRIT, rewards conformity, the bend knee, the quiet one , the one that “doesn’t make problems” and punishes the ones that dare to not adhere to the norm, to have different opinions, to look diffferent, to choose different for their lives.


SO you judge and reject the ones that do not tick the boxes dictated by some men at some point and do not even realise how much you would want to be FREE, to DARE to be you, to live the life YOU WANT and dream, to speak what you think and to just create your own rules and reality.


This was the Journey of my life as a little confession. The black sheep, the rebel. The one that never conformed and always asked “WHY” – why does it have to be like this? Who said? I still do that. 

I did try to fit in. I still have remains of that little girl that wants to please and demonstrate and be the same as the others so she gets validation, appreciation. AND I do my work to constantly embrace and OWN the inner rebel, the “what makes me me” no matter how judged I might be, mocked or rejected.

I am learning to allow more and more of me to be seen and expressed as I did understand that this will set me free AND bring forth exactly those people that were waiting for someone like me to DARE, to lead, to offer a permission slip through example.

This can be you.


I have worked with hundreds of women if not thousands already. I have seen the pain and the frustration, the anger, the illness, the constant fear and anxiety, the shame and guilt they live with and driven by…just because they cannot be themselves. They are simply so afraid to show up as themselves and dare.

It is easier to shut up, to sacrifice, compromise, to let it slip, to bend your head, to not be the trouble maker as in this way no eyes are on you. You do not draw attention and this is exactly what you ve been taught. Sit still, smile, play nice. It is what we have been doing for centuries. The rejection wound, the taming of our souls is to deep in our cells. 



This new moon with Uranus in conjunction AWAKENS something new. The “why does it have to be like this? I am tired of just conforming. playing nice. I can’t shut up and pretend I am happy anymore. I want something new, I want to be able to BE ME.


You might feel your nervous system a bit overwhelmed and also have all kinds of physical symptoms like electricity surges, tingling, some issues with sleep, new and surprising downloads, messages and even contexts. A disruption of your reality.

Take care of your body and ground yourself. Breathe deeply. Often. Take walks in nature. Pay attention to your senses and to the messages around you and even thouse moments when you have a crazy idea, a A-ha moment. Put it on paper.


This is an invitation to DARE to be FREE. To dare to own who you truly are and express yourself. Not how you are expected to, not to be liked, not how you were taught.…but how it is natural to you. And yes, it is a journey of self discovery as for so much time you thought you are these roles, what they said you need to be…this person that just checks the boxes to do the correct thing and please all other.


You have the opportunity to actually see the TRUTH about who you really are and even start a inner revolution of Reclaiming your Unique Soul blueprint. No matter how different it might be or look for the world we live in.

I ll tell you this : the old world is crumbling. Different and authentic is needed and where we are headed. Breaking free of old patterns and stories you were made to believe true is what is happening.


Change something. Start something new, do something differently. Take a risk. Take the chances to just be yourself. Post that thing, say that truth, wear that thing, leave that place….follow your SOUL.



With kiron conjunct the north node in Aries the healing of your past wounds and fears continues. The reclaiming of the courage, leader inside of you, the zest of live and self trust are themes that we all are tested on.

You might feel a bit emotional and even old memories or wounds might appear. Take note. Dont avoid that. Go deeper. Process and let go, alchemise and step even more into your Power.

Deal with your fears. Go there instead of just ignoring or pretending they are not there.



Also the technology side of things has some surprises for us. Use the social media and the online space to create, to express yourself uniquely, to bring value and keep going in your own way. Find that specific way, rythm that is good good for you. No recipe applies.



It does take courage to be different. It does take courage to take a leap of faith. TO break patterns and just blow your life. I know that.


It is also the only way ahead. Either you take your power back, heal your old wounds, fears, patterns and awaken to the truth or it will just be harder and harder to live on this planet.

The manipulation, illusion, the tight rope, the rules, what is presented as truth is going to be so obvious and will imprison even further if you don;t know who you are and keep giving your power away living by rules made to break spirits.



It is a great time to sit with you and reflect on all of the above. Allow one powerful intention from your heart to come up and maybe light a candle for that or plant a seed, a plant in a symbolic act of rebirth.

What are you ready to OWN more from who you are? 

What are you ready to “risk” to set yourself free?

Are you ready for the NEW? For something you never seen before? Its coming. And it is your choice to accept, embrace, ride this wave or stay stuck in the old.






As always, I am here to support you to see the REAL you, the TRUTH of who you are, to break patterns and alchemise heavy emotions and stories. To embrace the inner rebel, the witch, the wild one, your inner TRUTH and GUIDANCE.

If you are ready send a message on my socials or write to scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro. We can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session.

Ready to take that leap?

New Moon in Capricorn – stepping into Maturity

At this beautiful synchronic date, 11.1 the New moon in Capricorn is forming in the sky. This means Sun and Moon coming together and an opportunity to take a look inside and decide what you want to do, implement, take care of  for the next months.


Capricorn is the sign of responsability, steady work to go to the top, long term achievements, big structures and systems, inner authority.

It is the mountain goat, half under water and half climbing the mountain. It keeps the emotional world for himself/herself and puts a lot of energy into work, into making it in a very resilient, step by step way. 

It can go deep and isolate himself, only talk and express the essentials but having a complex inner world.

This energy is the CEO, the one that manages teams and creates structures but with long term planning. Not in a haste, not on a whim, not without planning ahead and then working their ass off. Sometimes so much that workaholism is their best friend.


IT has amazing organisational and leadership skills and for them it is important to be respected, to work within the rules, to respect the structures. Sometimes they can live a very simple, minimalist life, not needing to many objects or clothes but investing in quality.


This New MOON in aspect with Mars, the Luna Nodes and Uranus, together with other aspects between Mars and Saturn (Capricorn’s ruler) ,Jupiter is about TAKING responsability for your long term vision – business, mission, work, plans.


Are you ready to actually commit to what you want? 

Are you ready to actually look at the bigger plan, where this leads you and draw (some) steps?

Are you ready to stop playing and step into maturity about your own life and work, mission ?


It is time to reevaluate what you really want and take into consideration a way of doing it all having FAITH, Connection with DIVINITY, your hear’s true desires in the middle of it.

The era of doing things, becoming someone, having a business just to look good, to get fame and attention, out of greed or fear is ending.


You are invited to see the illusions you kept yourself in (Saturn in pisces), take your power back and find out who you really are and want to be and activate your Inner Authority, your Inner ADULT, creating your Life in a different manner than until now.


Capricorn is also old structures and systems in place, it also about power in this top down – boss- employee way and stiffness- wanting to keep it this way, these rules.


So what structures and systems are you ready to seed and create for the future in a Consciouss, aware, heart and soul aligned way? In a way that is Centred and Emotionally mature, Inspired by the Divine and rooted deep in the Earth? 

In a way where you are in integrity and alignment with yourself, respecting yourself and deciding not from fear or lack but from Faith, Trust, Inner Power, from a Sovereign inner place.

Are you ready to build and access wealth and comfort, health and give birth to bussineses that are congruent with all of the above ?

Are you ready to also involve Sacredness, God, spiritual practices in your work, mission, business and operate from a NEW level of consciousness?



These are all questions to reflect on, to take pen and paper and give yourself the answers, allow your new intentions to come up and new decisions to come from this empowered inner place.



We were trained to do almost everything for recognition, for approval, to fit in, to demonstrate how good, perfect, smart etc we are. All from a place of constantly giving away our power to money, to roles and images, to systems , to the exterior. All from an energy of lack, fear and just chasing illusions that we think will make us happy.



It is the beginning of a new way. New way of doing business, making money, creating structures. A new way to live, choose, act, collaborate and grow.
This time- in alignment with the Divine and Universal laws, from within, from a space of peace, compassion, abundance, worth, self value, inner power.

We are creating this new paradigm and new world. You, me, all of us – and we can choose to do it consciously and to really take ownership of our life.


We have an important moment ahead besides this New Moon which is the beginning of the astrological year.

On 20-21st of January : Pluto will be conjunct the SUN at 29 degrees CApricorn and then both enter Aquarius in this conjunction (hand in hand).  It is a big turn of energy. A moment of revelations and light illuminating the darkness. Some things you didn’t see until now that were lurking in the shadows might become very visible and trigger you.

We are ending this cycle of Pluto in Capricorn that started the dissolution of the old world, old rules, old structures. It has started the revealing of what was hidden, all manipulation, lies, power struggles, all that was kept secret for years and years.


What- in your inner world- you kept secret from yourself? What shadows and fears did you allow to rule your world, to take charge? Where did you give your power away?


This is the time for empowerment. As until now we as humanity and individuals lived from a completely disempowered space, completely manipulated, controlled and with the illusion of power (fake power through having some money, some titles, some fame, some nice things).


True power is activated when you have a strong center to return to, an Open Heart that is your Anchor and your guide, strong unwavering faith in the Divinity in you and in YOURself, your decisions, your truth, your needs, your body, your intuition, your emotions. When you stop putting yourself last, doubting your every thought, sensation, emotion and start accepting all your inner parts, step into feeling whole, enough, worthy, valuable and not needing to demonstrate anything.

True power is activated when you discern for yourself and follow your inner guidance and stop believing everything the exterior sells and shows you. When you stop living as a REACTION to the external and start CHOOSING and leading from the INTERNAL space.



You get to this place by looking inside into your shadows first, into your limitations and fears, into your hidden aspects and into all those spaces that you rejected, shamed, avoided, ran from. This is the path towards a MATURE, AWARE, Self LEAD ADULT. 


Who is this person you want to become- activate from within- that leads such a life?

What steps do you need to choose and take for that?




As always, I am here to support this journey.

I am here to  guide you to that empowered inner place and alchemise the fears into trust and faith so that you lead yourself feeling worthy, enough, valuable and connected to your Feminine blueprint, your body and intuition, your inner divinity.

Dare to commit to YOURSELF.



New Moon in Sagittarius- are your truths supporting you?

On the 12th of December the Moon and the Sun meet in the skyes and create the new moon aspect în the sign of Sagittarius.

This is also the opening door for a beautiful portal, until the Solstice, December 21st.


Sagittarius energy is one of the most expansive and joyous one in the zodiac. All about exploration and curiosity, connecting adn reveealing higher Universal truths and laws. The big optimist that likes a good time , travelling and connecting with different cultures, ideas, systems to experiement more and more, live life at the fullest.

It is also connected to religion and belief systems and in the shadow aspect it can be all about „I am right, I want to prove I am right” , rigid, dogmatic and know-it-all.


It does have a special kind of wisdom and can be a very good mentor, teacher connecting others to a bigger, higher vision.


We already know that the time of the new moon is one of new intentions and beginnings. It is also a time when we take a deep look inwards, at our life and decide what we want to connect with going forward, how we want to live, what needs to change, what we call in.



In this case, what are your HIGHER dreams?
Do you dare to expand and explore life beyond all you have been taught until know?

Do you want to start adding more FAITH and more Optimisim into your view about life and invite CURIOSITY in, instead of anxiousness and worry?

What do YOU believe in?
What are those truths that are no longer quite as nourishing, helpful as before?



One such truth might be „ life is hard and you have to reallt struggle and fight” This is a very common example of a strong belief that is NOT helping you at all.

It is something you have inherited, learnt from your parents, from society and that keeps you stuck in fighting mode, in negativity and hardship.


So this can be a good moment to take a look at such beliefs that keep you stuck, limited, in fear and survival. Look at where you got them from and thank them for serving you untul now and then release through intention, a ritual, any way you consider.


Invite new beliefs, new thoughts, new truths into your life. Such an example can be „ life is supporting me at every step. I am open to explore more and curious about who I can become”


Make your own statements that are supportive and spend a few minutes feeling them into your body. Close your eyes, say them and then let them sink in.

Notice what appears. What emotion, what thought, what objection from the old mind. Make this your little ritual so you can step into a different version of you. One that is more relaxed, trustful, at ease, open.



Mars is giving us some fuel and motivation to go forward, to begin new things, to restore our faith in ourselves, in our dreams and projects as it travels behind the sun for a bit. You might feel that all the ideas, inspiration come all at once now. IN the same time.

You might feel a surge of inspiration and maybe even wanting to look at, connect, explore a NEW IDEAL for your life. A new vision. A new way to be, live, create.


What is also beautiful in supportive is the connection to the North Node in Aries that says „now a window of opportunity to see in the future is open for you. What do you choose?”  You get the idea if you read again what I have written so far.



Where do you go? Wha tis that DREAM that  sparks you, that warms your heart? What ist hat something that you SOUL desires, wants, whisper to you and you kept denying it, rejecting it, passing by from fear and limitation?

To call in something new and to make space for that it is necessary to also let go, cleanse and clear stuff from your life. At a mental level, emotional, physical level.

Clear your mind of limiting beliefs, your life of relationships and contexts that drain your energy , clear your drawers of junk and process then let go of emotions that keep you stuck in the victimhood mentality.


Just saying „ i dream this, I envision this, I make this vision board” or reciting some inspirational sentences is not going to manifest the new into your life. You also need to do the nitty gritty work. Take responsability for all the actions and all the thoughts you entretain. Do the shadow work and release a lot of the past. And so on.



Neptune is also in aspect with this New Moon and infuses more FAITH, Ideals and softens our hearts activating even more compassion and desire to be together with others, to spend some beautiful nourishing time with people like us.

It also can take away illusions and false beliefs , dismantle some of the old ideals and what you thought you want. So that you get closer to your SOUL and listen to it.

So that you rethink and recalibrate your relationship with the DIVINE- a very important aspect here.


Pay attention to all that is an illusion. A lot of your thoughts and beliefs are illusion. Many of the ones you believe are soooo good and wise are a smokescreen. A lot of the rules, dogma, „reality” you lived in is illusion. See what illusions are now revelead and where you are caught in them.



If you only operate by yourself, on your own, thinking you can do it all you get burnt. You get sick, confused, you feel alone and overwhelmed, always in fear and controlling everything.


When you start inviting GOD/ the DIVINE into your life, work, thoughts, actions, day to day then it all becomes easier. You feel the support. You know you are not alone. You can let go and trust in those moments when it seems that nothing works.

Because it is not about you struggling and doing it all alone. But about co creating. And remembering that god is within, that you are also such a wise, magical being that surpasses all you have been told and believed until now.



How can YOU MAKE your LIFE easier?

What needs to go, change, shift, transform for that?


Who do you need to BECOME so that you live THAT DREAM?


We are going through transformational times that invite us to seee the truth, see the shadows and remember our LIGHT, our POWER as Divine Beings on earth, in the body.




Another important aspect is MERCURY going RETROGRADE – I hear the sighs and eyerolls – on 12.12 It is not tragic, not a drama, not anything bad 🙂  Mercury retrograde is here to support you reorganize, rethink, recalibrate, reprioritize, redo…rewrite, all re- things.

It slows you down a bit so you can actually take a beat and look at what things in your life need a RE- Assess.

It goes retrograde in Capricorn – earth sign and helps you rethink and recalibrate your goals for next year. It brings you back to your INNER AUTHORITY and to the PLAN you had and now you can change it, now you can revisit it. When it goes back into Sagittarius on Dec 22nd

you are invited to ask yourself : what do I really want? Am I doing this for others? Only for the pay? Because x, y…or am I doing this, planning this, wanting this because is connected to my PASSION? 

How can I explore this more? In a different way? What are different posibilites here that feel easier, more in flow, more connected to my body and heart? That I choose not because I HAVE TO but because I want to and I really feel it?



We are healing as individuals and as huminaty from so much distortion, manipulation, fear based living. We are invited to reconnect to our own COURAGE, to our INNER AUTHORITY, TO OUR HEARTS and choose from the HEART space going forward. Together with the Divine. Each day. IN each choice or project or endeavour.


We are healing from years and centuries of „ you are not good enough, you need to shut up and listen, you need to keep quiet and be afraid, work your ass off for others, you need to listen and execute, you have no worth ...” and so on.


NOW is the TIME for EMPOWERED SOVEREIGN HUMANS. The ones that rememebr and reconnect to their Higher Selves and start living a LIFE IN TRUTH, FAITH, LOVE, CONNECTION.


Are you one of these people? Are you ready to step into a new reality and do the work to create it? Let go of the old and be reborn? Are you ready for your life to be easier, your heart softer, for feeling supported and connected?

It is up to you and you DO HAVE THE POWER to choose something new.






To support you I was given this beautiful mission: 10 days of online support, in a group setting. Anchor the Light Inside is a program that start on this NEW MOON, on the 12th and ends on the 21st. 

It is both spiritual, meditation and recalibration, light codes and connecting to the higher selves, to the Heart Dreams and it is also practical offering you day to day practices to implement. So you can access your centre easier. Be more relaxed, connected with yourself in these times. 
All can be done in your own pace! 


It is calibrated to this portal and supports you to step into a different, new version of you. 

(it will be held in romanian)




Lets create a beautiful supportive reality together! I guarantee it can be done!



Full Moon in Gemini- is it all about knowing?

November 27th- the Moon shines bright in the sign of Gemini opposing the Sun in Sagittarius and forming the Full Moon aspect. 


Every full moon is a time of release and clearings. The moon also illuminates things, thoughts, patterns we haven’t seen before and we can choose what to let go of, what no longer nourishes and serves us.

What is now coming to fruition- to completion from the New Moon in Gemini – June 2023? What were the intentions then? And how have you grown, what changed between that new moon and this full moon?


With this very intense and accelerated year you may notice that you are a different person than you were 6 months ago or you might notice how many contexts, relationships, situations have changed, transformed.


When we say Gemini we say COMMUNICATION, expression, connexion, knowledge, information. We also corelate this energy with the childhood, siblings, uncles and aunts, neighbours.

What did you learn in you youngest years about who you are? About life? 

What memories and contexts shaped you back then? 

How are you influenced now by all that?


What kind of beliefs are you ready to let go of -that served you until now but no longer propels you forward? 


Is there a lot of ” I KNOW” all of this and so little implementation, integration in your life?

Are you always in your head reading more, wanting to know more, accumulating more?

Which of all this can be of actual use? What of all you know is time to put in practice? To implement and integrate?


Too much information can bring you to a very confusing place, a lot of “I understand, I know, I see” and that is a problem when it is not translated into your Body, your day to day practices to create that change, that “better” that you want.


It can be a need of searching the next thing to learn, meeting new people, making new friends, connections, a need to take it easier and to make thing simpler now. Listen in and follow the guidance.


With the Sun close to Mars in Sagittarius your energy levels might finally go up and you might feel a new flush of adrenaline, hope, inspiration and wanting to do, to explore something else, to travel even.

The heavy and sluggish energy of Scorpio is dissipating and a new passion, a new drive and clarification might now present themselves to you. You can now see some truth you haven’t seen before. You might now get what you have been experiencing in the Scorpio season.

Having a bit more hope, trust and want to go forward and create something  for an ideal, for a higher cause is a spark that can be lit in many people now.


Contribution, connection with others, meeting with others, getting out more, collaborating more, exchange of information, common passions in the name a better life, a higher truth – are themes that appear in many of our lives.


With Saturn in Pisces making a tensed aspect with the Sun and Moon we are invited to look at what we are taking responsability for further. What are we building for the future from a mature, responsable and grounded manner.

It is great to dream and be passionate, to know and to learn a lot and it is great to have hope and be positive. In the same time without putting things into practice, looking at how they contribute to our lives, without taking responsability  and integrating we remain at the mind- dream – knowledge level.


You can be a great prophet or a wonderful gifted channel, tarot reader, energy worker  AND if you do not take responsability for your Human self, shadow self, your inner child work, your emotions that need attentions, trauma that is swept under the rug- its all distorted, ungrounded, unstable and helps noone.

Coming into here and now, into the body, dealing with your human self is necessary. AS well as creating a personal relationship with Divinity, one that is felt through your entire being and it is grounded in your heart, body, day to day practices.


What is too much, illusory, fake, not true is being exposed, taken away. Faith is tested. Integrity is tested. A healthy moral compass is tested.


Are you who you say you are or are just projecting an image? Are you creating an illusory self through your communication, through the titles and diplomas you have, through how you look and sit and pose? 
Are you truly Aligned with your Soul, Heart, Higher Self and God or are you serving other purposes just for your own benefit? 

Its where Saturn and Lilith in Virgo is almost slapping a lot of people with hard truths and crumbling of facades, illusory images and pedestals.

DO you LIVE what you say, talk about, teach others or are you just pretending through a role of   know it all and when you open the back door into your life you only see illness, loneliness, darkness, repression, fear, anxiety, anger, lack of faith, of self trust and self value etc?

Even though it seems like its all joy, party, gratitude, laughs and drinks – and this is also real and needed and part of life (important it is genuine) – there is also a lot of PRETENDING, hiding, lying. A lot of disconnection and loneliness. And it will get tighter and tighter until you stop and look under the rug.


Most people are not actually happy at all. They just pretend to be. They lie to themselves, to their family, to the world. They struggle and die inside and in the same time they post cute pics and magical vacations, zen quotes and spiritual retreats they go to.  Check inside if you are one.


You cannot LIE to your SOUL, to your BODY, to GOD/ the Source/ Universe. You are just making it very hard for yourself. And this is where it is time to stop- take a hard look in and take responsability of your own truth, reality and choices. This is where it is time to tell yourself the trut because if you don’t- an accident, an illness, a divorce, a separation, someone dying, money loss, job loss, constant anxiousness, panic attacks, insomnia, infertility, toxic relationships and contexts – will tell it for YOU. 


Venus is hand in hand with the South node which is more releasing, more closure, karmic closures, karmic cycles coming to an end. RELATIONSHIPS recalibrated, ending, transforming.

Your relationship with who you are as a woman- transformed, recalibrated. And here – transgenerational patterns might reveal themselves, lots of co dependency, toxic fusion, lack of boundries and self trust can be seen, processed, alchemised. 

More PEACE activated within once we deal with all the shadows and internal war. More soothing beauty to surface once we accept and deal with the inner ugly we kept rejecting.


I am a SAG rising, all faith, trust, bubbles, idealistic and expansion, curious like noone else, extremely positive. And also extremely REAL. Thats why my clients love me :))

I have deep faith in HUMANKIND, in the Wisdom awakening in your Soul right now, in the Divine plan for each of us. I KNOW all is going on exaclty how it is supposed to FOR us. And this is not pretty at all for the moment. As we need to actually get real and honest. It is all magical and wonderful when you live a life of genuine gratitude, faith, joy, contribution, truth , integrity.

Until that there is so much wound and shadow to be acknowledged, processed, alchemised and soooo much REBIRTH and REcalibration to be accessed, accepted, lived.


In the spirit of Practical change, integration, recalibration and a new beginning I am inviting you to a 10 day group Journey right for the NEW MOON in SAG_ to SOLSTICE PORTAL.  Details : https://ancalavinia.ro/en/courses/


Until then, stay present, breathe deeply, release and let go old limitations, patterns and attachments, come into your body and let the Full Moon infuse you with her codes, magic, messages!



and if you want to explore more of your story exactly how it was “given” at birth book a Soulful Intuitive Astrology session. It is not just an astrology session but a transformational deep experience on all levels. 

See more about it here.



Always here. Always a truthteller, a sacred disruptor, a Wise Woman.

Anca Lavinia


Full Moon in Aries- from codependency to inner sovereignty

Lady Summer is now shedding her beautiful Green Robes, leaving space for the Magical colourful and rich Autumn. It is a time of slowing down and allowing the inner and outer death to take place, to close whatever we feel we need to and allow old, rigid, fearful parts of us to go…embracing and receiving the gifts.

We are deeply tuned in with nature and the seasons. Even if the city people we have become forgot that. And as soon as we reconnect with the natural cycles -especially as women- the sooner we will feel richer inside, more peaceful, attuned and with so much less resistance, rush, “have to”s”


The Full MOON in Aries shining her brightest on September 29th (around noon) invites us to be reborn while letting go. Being on the Nodal Axis (north node in Aries , south node in Libra) we have a potent energetical moment with the emphasis on emotion- relationship to others and to self, empowerment through endings, closing, letting go. 


The full moon is the time when the Moon is in the opposite sign from the Sun and creates tension, friction, hightened emotional states while, in the same time illuminates aspects we need to see, hidden aspects of our inner and outer world. This time is both about our inner child and healing, unresolved emotions and contexts correlated with how we are, behave, think, act in relationships.


The Moon in Aries and Mars conjunct the South Node in Libra might stir up irritation, anger, frustration felt like boiling inside of us, apparently for no reason. IN other cases, small things happening in your relationship might make you lash out leaving you surprised and even shocked. For some other people this Full Moon stirs up and brings forth former contexts and relationships, with men and not only. Old unresolved anger, abuser-victim dynamics left unadressed, contexts in in the past ( even childhood or possible past lifetimes/ ancestors) where you felt powerless, abused, forced with no one to stand up for you.  Or contexts where you shut up instead of speaking, you had loose boundries, you sacrificed yourself for others without speaking up, asking what you need, defending yourself, being EMPOWERED. 

In current relationships there is a big possibility you see, realise how you are not being fully yourself, how you are still in a co-depended, fearful space, with no clear boundries, always putting the other one first, feeling like your partner (even friends, child)  matter the most. You know that saying : without you I will die or You are my life? – total example of codependency and disempowerment.


There is an open door to embrace the past, look at what you supressed, how you were taught to behave and how that comes out in your relationships. With kiron still in Aries the healing continues! And with the North Node here the invitation is to BREAK old patterns, stop putting yourelf last, stop the sacrificing, heal the inner child wounding and trauma and taking your power back. It invites us to STAND up for ourselves, to know clearly what goes and nourish us and what not and communicate that.


THe South Node in LIBRA is inviting us to take a deep look at all of the patterns in our relationships. Even transgenerational patterns that might open our eyes on how we behave now, on our wounds and inherited stories that we keep believing in and living.

It is a good time to let go of those people that are not supportive and present with you. Those people and patterns of abuse took your power away, dominate you and kept you in subtle manipulation. This happens because YOU ALLOW it through your own wounding. You FEAR being abandoned and alone, you fear to speak up your truth and ofend or upset the other – so they will leave, reject you, abandon you. This is a wound coming from childhood and the dynamics with your parents where you first learnt how relationships are and what you need to do. Mostly you live in coping mechanisms that served you until now. Your inner child is still afraid, frozen, powerless and sad…AND AT THE WHEEL of your behaviours and relationship dynamics.


It is a good time to TRUTHFULLY look at you and even start a therapeutical process to take your powet back, heal the co-dependency, the fears, let go of the patterns that keep you in a victim mode, alchemising all those moments and emotions that still are boiling inside of you.

Supresed anger for example will find its way out somehow….on your children, husband, friends and also towards yourself. That  is why becoming friends with it, learning how to process it, allowing it to flow through you and find its gifts is the best approach so that you are not consumed by it anymore *other emotions included here too.


The Nodal Axis and the Full Moon are an opportunity to heal and break free from the past. It depends on each of us if we take it or leave it for now.


When did you feel abused and powerless, forced in your past and could not speak up, were not witnessed and acknowledged, held and validated? This is a point of pain where anger, sadness and other repressed emotions are to be addressed and where your inner child awaits you.

Do you know your boundaries and communicate them in your relationships? Are you fearful of being left, being alone and so ….you just shut up and take it, not confront, not speak up, not ask for what you need? 

Did you close your heart and only dedicate yourself to your career, never expressing emotion, vulnerability, dominating men, rejecting men, playing and manipulating them? 

What relationship patterns did you see growing up and how did you internalise that, repeat that?

How were and are your friendships? Your closest persons? Do they trust you, believe in you, support you and lift you up, listen to you and you feel comfortable, open hearted, loved orr…?


If you would let your ANGRY self express herself what would she say, how would she behave, speak? *try it in a safe space, at home by yourself or in a therapeutical space.

Also, if you find yourself always thinking or saying ” I don’t want to upset them, I can’t be angry at them, I want to keep the peace (at my expense) – then I invite you to deeply look and reflect on why you do that and where /when you learnt such a behaviour.

If you always fear authority and make yourself small, shut up, get emotional or anxious, never stand up for your rights, your truth, not taking the space….also – take a deep look at that and reflect- why and where you learnt this.

Uranus and Mercury are also in conversation, both in earth signs and both about the MIND- the lower, human mind *Mercury* and the Higher, Divine mind (Uranus). Sudden revelations, sudden reactions and bodily sensations that come as messengers might occur. Pay attention to the repeating thoughts, nagging thoughts and also bodily sensations in different contexts or even correlated with different thoughts. Bring yourself more in the body, in the present and process, make space inside of you to “digest”, let flow everything that is present. Your body IS your GREATEST compass and ally. So are your emotions.

Do not fear when a strong emotion appears, when a strong sensation appears. Make space for it. Breathe with it, embrace it. Learn how to be with it in your body. Let it be expressed and see what brings forth once you do not avoid- repress- deny it anymore.

Take extra care of your health and pay attention to your needs as your body might communicate you need a bit of more rest, warmth, slow down.


I know it might feel overwhelming and a lot. we are going through big changes. The best approach is the HONESTY with self approach, the really taking time for deep inner reflections and ask important questions. We are led more and more into our Sovereignty as Divine beings in Human bodies, our Freedom and Authentic Expression.

Looking at those patterns, heavy emotions that keep repeating is a way to start and a way into more peace with self, more integration of all the inner parts that you disowned and rejected.


All that is going on is at the right time for you. It is exactly how much you need and can handle. It has a purpose even if you don’t see it now.




And if all you are going through is too much….if the above messages resonated deeply and brought forth deep emotions, sensations it is a sign to ask for support.


I am here to do just that for you. Inner child work, emotional alchemy, astrological support, safe and sacred space to fully express yourself -all my natural gifts and my mission. 

You can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session or even with the 1 month intensive “your TRUE story REVEALED”.  And if ready for a deep, constant, tailored 1;1 process my Whole Woman- 6 months alchemical Journey is what you need (https://ancalavinia.ro/en/ )

Feel free to send a message on my Social Media or an email to scrie-mi@ancalavinia.ro.



New Moon in Virgo- practical love and light

After the enthusiastic, fiery, passionate and flirty Leo season we are invited to GROUND and find practical solutions for our day to day life.

We dream, we have passion, we are enthusiastic and impulsive AND how do we implement all of that in a practical, supportive way?


The New Moon in Virgo shines the maximum on September 15th in the morning at 4.40.(RO).

New Moons are about beginnings, new intentions, start new ideas and plant seeds. Virgo, an earth sign is all about details, plans, work, organising and health. She is the one that is serious and dedicated, that finds practical solutions and solves what is in front of us here, now.

Let’s put this into context.

There is a big activation on the Earth signs which invites us to take care of the practical aspects of life : basic needs, money, health, work and body. Also, all big planets are RETROGRADE: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto- a slow down to look again at what we missed, what went on maybe too fast, a chance to rethink, reorganise, reconsider the important aspects of our lives – body/materia- health/work- mission/structure- spirituality/faith.  Not to talk about continuos dance between Pluto, Uranus and Neptune for a fairly long time ( giving birth to a new society).

If we look at the chart of the moment we see a Kite aspect being depicted on the sky between Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus.

The opposition between Neptune and the Sun and Moon (the new moon aspect) points to this : what of your spiritual practices, the big concepts you know, faith, Divinity are you NOW bringing down here, day to day, consistently.

And HOW are these spiritual things, matters of  faith and other dimensions, evolution are practical and of use for you? 

It is not enough to dream and envision, to hope and repeat affirmations of love and light. It is necessary we do not forget we live in a BODY and have a material- physical life as well.
When we negate and dismiss money, body needs and health, a home, practicality we actually hurt ourselves CUTTING OFF HALF OF DIVINITY- the MATERIAL part. We are so used in this new age culture to dismiss the material, the simple, the day to day and levitate on a cloud all day with lit incence, mantras, reciting love and light and thinking this IS IT, we are illuminated, we are fixed and healed, we are so divine.


I was talking to someone recently about devotion and sacrality. 

How is this translated into your work? Into your day to day tasks? Into how you do things, look at things, approach contexts and actually live your life? 

How is GOD, Divinity PRESENT in your body, heart and work, details, plans? 

or your just think that god has nothing to do with material? If yes- you are still in separation mode denying the very thing you came here to experiment and explore and actually integrate : BEING HUMAN. 


The other side of it is purely material, logical and NO spiritual connection, no heart and soul, sacrality anywhere. Just doing all you can in a sacrifice, ambitious, will mode thinking money, career, position, house and achieving stuff is all.

What about your SOULs guidance?

What about your Ideals and Dreams? What about bringing God/Goddess into your life constantly?

What about doing it all present and devotional like a ritual- even work, planning, cleaning etc?

WITH SOURCE in YOUR HEART. Making this human experience actually full of meaning, depth, rich and fullfiling.


Finding the middle path is the path. Including it all together and living the human life in a sacred, devotional, present and aware mode is what we have to learn.

This means total REBIRTH for most of people on earth.


Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus also contribute to all the story above. They will amplify what is NOT working and not supporting us when we think about our RELATIONSHIP with money, what we have, talents, resources, the earth, our food and our body. They slow us down a bit and bring surprises, all kinds of collapses, NEW situations and contexts, new information and truth so that we can get a fuller picture and actually question ourselves and where we are : what do I believe in? What are my talentes? HOw to I view money? What are my life principles/values?

Lightning strikes can show us angles we have not thought about before. And put us in discomfort as all that is old, fake, superficial, from a trauma place is brought to surface, seen and dealt with. So we can reallt RESTART our life on solid Ground.

Pluto in Capricorn brings forth more truth and shows the path to NEW structures, new way of doing things. Shows what DOES not work, the lies, the manipulation, the chase after illusions including what we do not want to see.

Saturn in Pisces -same story- what do we want to build for the future? In a HEART Rooted way, with SPIRITUAL practices that are actually integrated in our lives and support us day to day. What lessons we still have to work through and what loops we still need to close? Who is GOD for us? What is our BIGGER vision for our LIFE? 


All these planets and aspects between them will work to take and dissolve all that is no longer matching the new frequencies of this planet. Relationships (nodal axis) implode and all that was under the rug is revealed.

Jobs are also no longer done or viewed the same. Money and financial systems change and even transform/collapse. Food is also going through big transformation and we also neeed to look at this relationship and what we are doing to the earth, the soil. How we do agriculture, how we actually grow our food and what we really put in our bodies.

Mission- careers are also being dismanteled and restructured as we go MORE towards TALENTS, GIFTS, HEART centered life and creating and less based on the mind, pure logical information, titles. This also implies bringing to light corruption, ulterior motives and manipulation across systems.

Take ALL of this and apply it personally- in your life.


SLOW down and go in. Take a look at where you are now.

What plans do you make for your future? 
What is not working anymore? 


Reevaluate everything and take new decisions, ones that are more rooted into YOUR INNER POWER, your heart and real dreams, wants and needs.

What is now practical for you to change, do, organise? What helps you for the long term? How is your health and what is it that you still maintain as HABITS that no longer support you? 

How can you include more SACRALITY, presence, connection, awareness in your routines, work, positioning, in your relationship with your body, your food, your work, into problem solving even? 

Also I will mention that the shadow side of Virgo is criticism, perfectionism and sacrifice. (SAcrifice and putting yourself last is also a pisces shadow and they are now opposing).

So have you been living a life of sacrifice and SAVIOUR MODE/martyrdom with noone asking that? Have you gone above and beyond to accomodate others? To be the good girl that works a lot, takes more than she can chew on, solves all the crisis and covers for all the colleagues, friends on her own HEALTH, EMOTIONAL EXPENSE?

Have you always been harsh and so perfectionistic with yourself having that Critical Voice inside dominate you? Where is this voice coming from? Who’s is ? 

It is so beautiful to help, be in service and be dilligent, loyal AND also know your BOUNDRIES, step back when it is not your responsabiliy, taking care of your body and YOUR needs first.


It is hard- you might say- to change this when all your life was lived like this. When sacrifice, self loathing and self criticism where instilled from very young ages and this became your truth.

I would say : ISN”T IT HARDER to CONTINUE living a life where you are always last? Always harsh with yourself (internal emotional environment determines your health too you know), always doing for other, always tired and striving for perfection with no gentleness, rest, nourishment, self love?

Reflect. Journal. Cry if needed. Hold yourself. Take back your power. Make new decisions. Step by step. Start with what is in front of you.




…and if you decide it is time for support, change and new decisions that need implemented, reconnection with yourself I am here. If you feel you know a lot and do not put it in practice, still feel the same, I am here. We can embark on the most precious, meaningful and empowering journey of your life! 

And we can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session if you want to take one step for now. 

Take a look here for more details. Feel free to ask, share- write to me.





Full Moon in Pisces- endings and reality checks

The full Moon in Pisces glows the brightest on August 31st  around 4.30 am (Europe). It is the second full moon we are having in August- another portal to shed, clear, close big circles in our lives.

Every time there is a full moon she is illuminating aspects, contexts and information we didn’t see before and also it is a great moment for release and clearing rituals.

The energy of Pisces invites us to Dissolve into the Universe and fully open our hearts to merge with Oneness. She invites us to let go of the control and mind’s stories and remember we are all brothers and sisters, we are all the same in the end. Compassion, empathy, creation, connection to Source, Spirituality, Crown chakra, visual arts, artistry  and also Waters (oceans, seas, marine creatures) are tied to Pisces energy. Also illusion, hidden things, transgenerational and ancestral, mental illness and alienation, sacrifice and martyrdom are activated.


This time we have Saturn hand in hand with the Moon. He is representing the limits, rules, the teacher, masculine and authority energy, patience and the old paradigm, the material world. So part us is in a dream state, connected to Spirit, feeling deeper emotions and maybe a need for rest, meditation, Divinity and then Saturn says : :this and this goes away, ends. This is not good for you anymore. This is not sustainable long term. What are you bringing into matter in a practical, sustainable way from all of your Dreamy -Feely state? “


He is here to help us CLOSE, release, end. Also it might feel as coming back down to earth and getting real.

In the world we might see other rules, restrictions, regulations that imply water supplies, also viruses, bacteria- unseen illness, religion and new age.

Opposing, there is Virgo and the Sun and this axis, Pisces- Virgo is also about HEALTH, wellbeing. One is the body, what you eat, habits, what you can see and the other is more on the mental-emotional health and all that is unseen.

It is a good moment to go to that check up you are avoiding or postponing and maybe take a closer look at your health habits including emotional, energetic, mental hygene.


A common thing with Pisces and Virgo as well is the sacrifice energy. 


So, notice where you are giving more than you actually can. Where do you give your time, energy, even unsolicited help, advice and how that impacts your health, your life. 

What are you now ready to let go of and clear for a healthier relationship with yourself? 

What dreams and deep inner revelations are not surfacing and how can you take a step into bringing them here and now into manifestation?


More so, with Mercury retrograde until mid September, still in Virgo, we are invited to RE- asses, thing, schedule, re-do. Also, clean and organize physical spaces but also mental, emotional spaces, from your computer and closets to your thoughts, habits, patterns.


You might feel a bit down and even a bit confused, like you don’t see clearly ahead and in the same time a lot is going on especiallt internally.
With so many retrogrades now going inside, paying more attention to our inner world is a BIG INVITATION.


Uranus did go retrograde as well and will stay like this until next year (normal retrograde period for him). In Taurus he covers all that is about the EARTH, resources, agriculture, food, mines but also digital currencies, financial changes, values, possestions. Uranus is the maverick, the lightning that produces shocks, inner and outer earthquakes giving us a faster way to where we need to be. He also takes away what no longer serves and stirs the pot so we can let go of old patterns and comfort zone and allow the inner Rebel, uniqueness and gifts to Shine. As Taurus is a fixed sign and he likes comfort, ease, pleasure, steadiness and safety Uranus is the HIGHER mind, the Universal Wisdom that pushes a bit even if uncomfortable as …the change is here and cannot be delayed.

With Pluto still in tension aspect with the Nodes of Fate we continue to be stirred by the Universe towards a more TRUTHFUL, ALIGNED with our Soul way of living. 

We are undergoing an enormous change as humanity and as individuals.


DAre to be different. Dare to speak up. Dare to do things your way, as you feel they are correct and ligned for you and work through all those patterns, limiting beliefs, trauma that says ” You need to be like everyone else, what will they think, stay in your lane”.



Big karmic loops are now prone to end and be alchemised. Emotions might be hightened and a sense of constriction or limitation might appear for some of us. Especially for the ones with planets in pisces, virgo, taurus.


The Ruler of the Full moon in Neptune- also in Pisces, also retrograde.

What are your actual beliefs when it comes to Spirit, God, Goddess, Source? What is your relationship with Divinity?

What do you DREAM for your future? What;s your IDEALS? 

What are your values and what is TRUTHful for you?


DO you run your life according to all of the above, acoording to your Hear, Soul, deeper Wisdom or are you tied to control, comfort, old paradigm, sacrifice and fight mode?

Do you live a life that has no spirituality, heart and soul in it, the only values and ideals being money, houses and vacations? 

Are you living the life that YOU WANT and desire or the one that was IMPOSED on you by your family, culture, society? 


Write down the answers in your journal, on a piece of paper and take a truthfull look at your life, where you are and what you are ready to end and clear. Look at the patterns and stories of your mom and dad that you are carrying still…and you let define you. Look from a HIGHER angle at all the cultural, ancestral expectations, limitations, lack, fight, fear, supression,abuse stories  that still control you. 

Whenever you are ready you can light a candle or more actually or even a fire and throw one by one, all of these in the fire with the pure and powerful intention to be alchemised and cleared from your field.


Lilith is still in conversation with Uranus and is activating the Fearless, Empowered Woman in you. Invites you to look at and process wounds from the past and RECLAIM your Sovereignity, Self TRUST, your Voice and Value. 


A full moon and a period of time where a lot is stirred up. Things might not go to plan. People might disappear or just have a fall out with someone. Difficult talks can arise. Surprises and unseen information until now might throw you off for a bit. 

CUltivate presence with yourself. Breathe deeply. Take your power back. Take time to redesign your life even if it is just dreaming or writing on paper for now. Connect with your heart. Put yourself first and learn how to save yourself and not others.




For an in depth, powerful look into how you function, your gifts, your patterns and Path, instruments and guidance towards healing and change,  you can have the Magical Intuitive Soulful Astrology Session with me. Read more HERE.