Tag: taurus full moon
Full Moon in Taurus- truth revealed
The Full Moon in Taurus shines at her peak on October 28th and is that time of the month when the Sun opposites the Moon. In this case, sun in Scorpio, moon in Taurus.
The thing that comes up when I look at this chart is : no planets in air and fire signs and a lot of water- earth. The mind is silenced, the ideas are kinda stopped and the inspiration comes from elsewhere. There isn’t the agitation and the fiery energy that fuels the mind into action, creation but instead all is directed IN THE BODY and in the EMOTIONAL- underground space.
Just yesterday I started feeling foggy and unable to think, articulate anything. My head was heavy and I felt the need to get out urgently, to be on the ground, between the trees and feel the WIND – a representant of the mind aspect. I was organically called to this practice and I went let myself be “blown” and cleared by the wind. All my emotional tension and the discomfort I felt went away in an hour just by sitting on the earth, feeling the trees, no thinking and allowing the WIND to pass with all its force through my hair, clothes, on my skin. Loved it! and it WAS MEDICINE.
Pay attention to your body and to what you feel internally, to those nagging feelings and emotions and use the earth, the mud, the plants, trees, the wind and even the water to process, to discharge, let go, transmute that which is heavy- tensioned, confused.
And if you feel confused do not act. Wait. Bring your attention to small , simple tasks, habits and again, nature. Move your body, take a walk in the park, forest, listen to music.
LEARN to SURRENDER to what IS and to let it move you, guide you and offer you the Medicine you need. And that is often at a deeper level inside you. If you ask your body and listen to your intuition, sensation, emotions you will feel-“know” what you need. Like the urge I felt to go out in the wind as a cure.
Jupiter in Taurus next to the moon amplifies the energy of the body, sensations, looking at your values and your resources, maybe seeing what is actually important and necessary for you and what is no longer serving you. Being in opposition with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio (powerful scorpionic energy) it also creates tension that is FELT at deeper levels. Emotional tension, anxiety, fear, something nagging, being uncomfortable and not quite putting the finger on it.
Mars and Mercury here might amplify negative thoughts and obsessions, even anger and war- inner war- outer war. They might push you in a way that is not comfortable to SEE something well hidden. Jupiter and the Bright moon helps with that, brings a magnifing glass and light in those spaces of shadow that we kinda suppressed, avoided, on those TRUTHs we do not want to hear, know.
The powerful Scorpio energy shows us the truth and the shadows that sting us and make us want to look away because if we want prosperity, peace, healthy values, stability (taurus) we need to see what is causing the opposite first, what are the energies and factors that maintain the lack of the above.
We cannot evolve into human beings that live peacefully and wealthy, healthy if we keep sweeping stuff under the rug and we just want to control everything, have “power” and never learn how to sit with the discomfort, with the inner Death process so necessary sometimes.
What are those truths that you don’t want to hear?
What are those emotions you keep suppressing and what are the fears that dominate you?
Bring the beautiful light of your awareness and of the moon into those corners and then sit in the places of raw truth and feeling and move with that, walk with that, cry, hug a tree, hold yourself but do not run away.
The TRUTH we don;t want to acknowledge might be surprising and also exactly what we need to move forward. We cannot expect honest relationships and honest rules- governments etc when we are lying to ourselves. All changes come from within.
The taurus- scorpio is also a financial axis – one that illuminates our relationship with money and value, resources. Look at this relationship and I would invite your to also look and contemplate what kind of emotions you have around money. Do they control you throgh fear and thoughts of lack? Is your power totally given away them? Is money power for you? Are you considering yourself valuable enough by how much is in your account? This is an excellent homework so you can actually recalibrate this relationship and the relationship with yourself, simplify and work on your sense of safety.
Lilith opposes Saturn and the invitation is to look at those details and practical things in relationship with GOD, with spirituality. Do we just talk about faith or do we cultivate it and grow it practically every day? How do we actually bring the sacred into form, into our bodies, into our work, into every day things?
How do we build a future and what is our Dream for the future that includes collaborating with divinity and being in our own Soverignty? Do we still wait for others to do something about it? Do we still remain victims and only hate ourselves each day limiting ourselves to pieces of flesh?
How do you take back your power and through practices AWAKE GOD in you on THIS EARTH for the FUTURE world?
All of what we see in the world is what exists inside of each of us and we do not want to acknowledge or look in the eye. All the war, the aggresivness, the control, the hate, the separation is our OWN INNER shadows. And until we learn and accept this to be the solution- looking inwards- nothing is going to really change.
Work with your inner demons. Access more peace, light, acceptance, stability inside yourself if you want to see this in the world.
THere is no way but the one THROUGH all you deny and avoid. And this is an uncomfortable truth that you can choose to sit with and also take action on it or contemplate for a longer time, be where you are for a longer time until you are ready.
The beautiful world that is being born now from fire and war, from all the chaos is also about you and it is calling you to let die all you believed was true, to let die all the limitations and fears, all the chains you kept yourself in and RISE into your POWER- the power of the activated and opened HEART combined with an aware, mature emotional and spiritual being that knows clearly she/he is here to Embody DIVINITY and CREATE a new paradigm. A human and divine being that is FREE and not living enslaved, manipulated, infused with fear all day long.
This is you. It is a matter of choice.
Have a blessed full moon!