Tag: virgo new moon

New Moon in Virgo- practical love and light

After the enthusiastic, fiery, passionate and flirty Leo season we are invited to GROUND and find practical solutions for our day to day life.

We dream, we have passion, we are enthusiastic and impulsive AND how do we implement all of that in a practical, supportive way?


The New Moon in Virgo shines the maximum on September 15th in the morning at 4.40.(RO).

New Moons are about beginnings, new intentions, start new ideas and plant seeds. Virgo, an earth sign is all about details, plans, work, organising and health. She is the one that is serious and dedicated, that finds practical solutions and solves what is in front of us here, now.

Let’s put this into context.

There is a big activation on the Earth signs which invites us to take care of the practical aspects of life : basic needs, money, health, work and body. Also, all big planets are RETROGRADE: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto- a slow down to look again at what we missed, what went on maybe too fast, a chance to rethink, reorganise, reconsider the important aspects of our lives – body/materia- health/work- mission/structure- spirituality/faith.  Not to talk about continuos dance between Pluto, Uranus and Neptune for a fairly long time ( giving birth to a new society).

If we look at the chart of the moment we see a Kite aspect being depicted on the sky between Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus.

The opposition between Neptune and the Sun and Moon (the new moon aspect) points to this : what of your spiritual practices, the big concepts you know, faith, Divinity are you NOW bringing down here, day to day, consistently.

And HOW are these spiritual things, matters of  faith and other dimensions, evolution are practical and of use for you? 

It is not enough to dream and envision, to hope and repeat affirmations of love and light. It is necessary we do not forget we live in a BODY and have a material- physical life as well.
When we negate and dismiss money, body needs and health, a home, practicality we actually hurt ourselves CUTTING OFF HALF OF DIVINITY- the MATERIAL part. We are so used in this new age culture to dismiss the material, the simple, the day to day and levitate on a cloud all day with lit incence, mantras, reciting love and light and thinking this IS IT, we are illuminated, we are fixed and healed, we are so divine.


I was talking to someone recently about devotion and sacrality. 

How is this translated into your work? Into your day to day tasks? Into how you do things, look at things, approach contexts and actually live your life? 

How is GOD, Divinity PRESENT in your body, heart and work, details, plans? 

or your just think that god has nothing to do with material? If yes- you are still in separation mode denying the very thing you came here to experiment and explore and actually integrate : BEING HUMAN. 


The other side of it is purely material, logical and NO spiritual connection, no heart and soul, sacrality anywhere. Just doing all you can in a sacrifice, ambitious, will mode thinking money, career, position, house and achieving stuff is all.

What about your SOULs guidance?

What about your Ideals and Dreams? What about bringing God/Goddess into your life constantly?

What about doing it all present and devotional like a ritual- even work, planning, cleaning etc?

WITH SOURCE in YOUR HEART. Making this human experience actually full of meaning, depth, rich and fullfiling.


Finding the middle path is the path. Including it all together and living the human life in a sacred, devotional, present and aware mode is what we have to learn.

This means total REBIRTH for most of people on earth.


Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus also contribute to all the story above. They will amplify what is NOT working and not supporting us when we think about our RELATIONSHIP with money, what we have, talents, resources, the earth, our food and our body. They slow us down a bit and bring surprises, all kinds of collapses, NEW situations and contexts, new information and truth so that we can get a fuller picture and actually question ourselves and where we are : what do I believe in? What are my talentes? HOw to I view money? What are my life principles/values?

Lightning strikes can show us angles we have not thought about before. And put us in discomfort as all that is old, fake, superficial, from a trauma place is brought to surface, seen and dealt with. So we can reallt RESTART our life on solid Ground.

Pluto in Capricorn brings forth more truth and shows the path to NEW structures, new way of doing things. Shows what DOES not work, the lies, the manipulation, the chase after illusions including what we do not want to see.

Saturn in Pisces -same story- what do we want to build for the future? In a HEART Rooted way, with SPIRITUAL practices that are actually integrated in our lives and support us day to day. What lessons we still have to work through and what loops we still need to close? Who is GOD for us? What is our BIGGER vision for our LIFE? 


All these planets and aspects between them will work to take and dissolve all that is no longer matching the new frequencies of this planet. Relationships (nodal axis) implode and all that was under the rug is revealed.

Jobs are also no longer done or viewed the same. Money and financial systems change and even transform/collapse. Food is also going through big transformation and we also neeed to look at this relationship and what we are doing to the earth, the soil. How we do agriculture, how we actually grow our food and what we really put in our bodies.

Mission- careers are also being dismanteled and restructured as we go MORE towards TALENTS, GIFTS, HEART centered life and creating and less based on the mind, pure logical information, titles. This also implies bringing to light corruption, ulterior motives and manipulation across systems.

Take ALL of this and apply it personally- in your life.


SLOW down and go in. Take a look at where you are now.

What plans do you make for your future? 
What is not working anymore? 


Reevaluate everything and take new decisions, ones that are more rooted into YOUR INNER POWER, your heart and real dreams, wants and needs.

What is now practical for you to change, do, organise? What helps you for the long term? How is your health and what is it that you still maintain as HABITS that no longer support you? 

How can you include more SACRALITY, presence, connection, awareness in your routines, work, positioning, in your relationship with your body, your food, your work, into problem solving even? 

Also I will mention that the shadow side of Virgo is criticism, perfectionism and sacrifice. (SAcrifice and putting yourself last is also a pisces shadow and they are now opposing).

So have you been living a life of sacrifice and SAVIOUR MODE/martyrdom with noone asking that? Have you gone above and beyond to accomodate others? To be the good girl that works a lot, takes more than she can chew on, solves all the crisis and covers for all the colleagues, friends on her own HEALTH, EMOTIONAL EXPENSE?

Have you always been harsh and so perfectionistic with yourself having that Critical Voice inside dominate you? Where is this voice coming from? Who’s is ? 

It is so beautiful to help, be in service and be dilligent, loyal AND also know your BOUNDRIES, step back when it is not your responsabiliy, taking care of your body and YOUR needs first.


It is hard- you might say- to change this when all your life was lived like this. When sacrifice, self loathing and self criticism where instilled from very young ages and this became your truth.

I would say : ISN”T IT HARDER to CONTINUE living a life where you are always last? Always harsh with yourself (internal emotional environment determines your health too you know), always doing for other, always tired and striving for perfection with no gentleness, rest, nourishment, self love?

Reflect. Journal. Cry if needed. Hold yourself. Take back your power. Make new decisions. Step by step. Start with what is in front of you.




…and if you decide it is time for support, change and new decisions that need implemented, reconnection with yourself I am here. If you feel you know a lot and do not put it in practice, still feel the same, I am here. We can embark on the most precious, meaningful and empowering journey of your life! 

And we can start with an Intuitive Soulful Astrology session if you want to take one step for now. 

Take a look here for more details. Feel free to ask, share- write to me.