Tag: wild woman

Who is Lilith and Why are we afraid of her?

Hey dear one!

Lilith has been and still is the scapegoat for all “bad” feminine traits. At the beginning, when I searched some pics with her on the internet I only found demons. Only if you dig a little deeper you can find something else.

And so I did.


My journey with her began when I did not understand who she is and what she wants from me in my natal chart. So…I directly asked her to show me, teach me, reveal to me her gifts and inititations.

I am still integrating and working through the BIGNESS and POWER house she is and represents inside of me….and each of us.


In Astrology and not only- she is exiled, banished as this dark, bad feminine. But how did we get here?


First, the story told about the woman is the one of Lilith that did not want and accept to be dominated by the man * Adam* so she rebelled and was exiled as this bad thing that you do Not want to be or have anything to do with.
Then Eve appeared, the one that was made to fit into the societal norms and become what we now call the good girl.

Nontheless, she is also considered the temptress – the bringer of sin and corruption for the man.From the get go we have the woman as sinful thus bad. The Woman was cursed to live a life in pain, shutting up and obeying, good for only bearing children and serving the man.

This story took roots and can see it unfolding greatly in our recent history.


The woman was seen as weak, hysterical for her emotions. Praised for being a mother and for “good” manners, being the good wife. Secretly she was desired and expected to also perform in bed but wait….not too much as she would become a whore. ( did you know that the word whore has the roots into the word “hor” which means womb ?)

So…a separation was made between the mistress ( temptress and sinful yet yearned for) and the good, silenced, serving wife/friend/mother.

THis continued with how the woman should behave and what she is supposed to think, do, look like according to a society created by men for men, with trends dictated by men, usually for men.

The woman that dared and continued to remain connected to the moon, the earth, the herbs, her womb, her wisdom was out of the sudden considered DANGEROUS (sinful) thus persecuted, burnt , tortured, killed by white men- inquisition ( when the Catholic church started their Conquering and stealing the riches across nations and continents in the name of the  lord).


A POWERFUL WOMAN – aware of her sexuality, wisdom, gifts, magic – is a DANGEROUS WOMAN.


This is what has been imprinted, programmed, deeply inserted in our cells, brains, body. This is what still rules us.


This is Lilith. All that has been repressed, boxed, punished, judged, shamed, killed, disapproved in a woman. 


How dare she? 

Is what most women think when they are in the presence or see a woman that is embodying her magnetism, power, sexual energy, magic, truth, wisdom. 


Who does she think she is? 

She is DARK, she is Bad, she is weird! 


This hides ” I am afraid of her” , take her away, i don’t want to feel this anymore, I will leave her presence, judge, reject, mock, speak against her.


They did such a great job instigating women against women didn’t they?


The Woman is accepted and valued as a good person if she CONFORMS. If she is how you expect her to be ( by this I mean how societal rules and boxes said she should be).


When she dares to be something else, to not fit in, to challenge all that is considered normal and keeps people in their cozy, comfort zone- she is DARK, EVIL even.


This is Lilith. 


She was associated with demons and sin ( by the way did you know that Sin comes from the goddess of the MOON called Sin?) thus associated with DARKness hence this nowadays instant association people make when encountering, being in the presence of a DEEP embodied FEMININE.


We have been made to believe that to be feminine means to be the good, pleasant Barbie girl.To be quiet, have manners, speak faintly, smile a lot, have no opinions, wear dresses and red lipstick, be always on a diet, go to a facial each week and do your nails.


There is NO ROOM for the WILD FEMININE- for the DISRUPTIVE feminine in our minds and world- yet. 


So when you see the wild feminine that DARES to walk straight believing in herself, knowing she is a Priestess walking on earth, connected to this ancient and deep wisdom in her body and womb you immediately go to “she is dark”, ” she is arrogant”, ” she is scary”, ” she is too much”….etc.


It is a great act of courage to walk this path. THe SACRED Feminine Path, the Path of the LIBERATED feminine. That means ALL aspects of the feminine. (and yes, that is also Lilith, Kali and so many more).



Lilith in Libra is and will, together with the South Node- stirring the TRUTH. The deep truth that we do not want to see about us in our relationships.

The relationship with myself- my power, my repressed parts and truth. 

The relationship with the wild daring feminine.

The relationship with all others outside of me.


Will I take my power back and descend into this part that I consider dark and I fear? Will I make space for some other feminine expression other than good, smiling, having it all together, sacrificing a lot parts?

Will I dare to meet her, Lilith- the Liberated feminine essence in myself and break the chains of programming, boxing, the rules that imprisoned me so deeply and disconnected me so much so from myself that I keep rejecting and fearing my OWN POWER?



Time for breaking the ancestral programming and dare to set yourself free. Dare to be You.
Dare to meet, look in the eyes, integrate all the rejected parts of yourself.

Time to Rise as a Wisdom Keeper of this Earth beyond anything your mind can image or understand.

Are you feeling this?